Jack Abramoff was sentenced Wednesday to shy of six years in some form of prison for committing fraud in the purchase of a fleet of gambling boats. The whole enchilada revolves around Jack and his cohort making a deal and copping a plea arrangement for "concocting a fake $23 million wire transfer to make it appear they were contributing their own money toward the purchase of the $147.5 million SunCruz Casinos gambling fleet. Based on that fraudulent transfer, lenders provided the pair with $60 million in financing". Nice work if you can get it. Or get away with it. And given that it's unlikely that this was Jack's first foray into this sort of affair, at least in this instance, he didn't. Well at least he scraped past the punishment fitting the crime possibilities, completely.
A car thief averages a five year term, just one year less for stealing a Crown Vic or a BMW than this white collar guy got for pilfering tens of millions, but when you got the connections Jack has these days, he can count on the kind of breaks even an honest to God Tony Soprano can only fantasize on.
You see, Jack has also been a busy boy in purchasing various congress-people from both sides of the aisle for some time now. A much more insidious activity and an easily interpreted act of subversion and perhaps treasonous behavior which in effect holds conspiratorial overtones involving manipulating and impeding the very functioning of our government…but as yet, little has come in the way of jurist prudence, even in this post 9/11 world of homeland security and tribunals for others for far, far lesser transgressions.
Back to the trial that was the diversion from those facts that it was. Jack will remain free while helping prosecutors with a vast bribery investigation involving members of Congress. This is truly more irony at it's best considering this is definitely a matter of the fox snitching out the chickens in the very coop in which the fox was performing his B&E. Smell like entrapment? After all, what's Jack possibly going to contribute to the investigations but the names of the very people he himself led down the garden path with plump and greedy promises. For this some of those he tempted with the apple will be publicly humiliated and if the voters even care months from now they may be cast from the Eden known as Washington.
For his cooperation, Jack will get an even further reduced sentence than his pending minimum plea-bargained one.
Lady Justice surely is blind. And more than likely tone deaf to boot!
In a country which hinges it's pride on equitable justice for all, there are people doing seven years for tampering with their electricity meters and under the laws of fifteen states you can get a life sentence for a nonviolent marijuana offense. To put as fine a point on this as necessary, there has been many more than one case documented in America of people getting life without parole for a joint or less.
In Montana you can get a life sentence for a first offense for simply growing one (that's o-n-e!) marijuana plant.
But relax, if you're charged under federal law, you might get off with a ten-year sentence.
Not Jack, however.
Sixty million plus in swindle, with who knows how much was then filtered into whose re-election campaigns and Voila…less than six years and diminishing based on whatever satisfaction pending Prosecutors may attest to at some undisclosed moment in the future.
Listen. The point I'm making is not a call to arms to legalize a natural substance which has been proven scientifically harmless, especially when compared to others that are truly destructive yet widely and legally available to the public.
My point is that there is a gross imbalance in our laws and justice system when Blue Collar Johnnies can face a decade of incarceration for a benign personal practice which harms no one and Jack Abramoff and the likes of Ken Lay and his posse can swindle, cheat and lie to the detriment of hundreds of thousands on a national level and have it pretty much swept under a rug because those high ranking people entertaining associations with these felons don't wish to be further implicated or exposed for putting their own interests ahead of those of the people, our government and our constitution.
These are the laws which we are told we must all live by. These are the laws that are manipulated through misdirection and contrivence by the very people we depend on to uphold them in perpetuity to the end of equal distribution for all.
Today's news about Abramoff just confirms what we've all seen repeatedly before.
And I don't know. I don't get it.
Justice like this doesn't mean Jack to most Americans, I figure.