I'm suffering from "electile" dysfunction and there's not a blue pill in the world that can possibly make me excited over running to the polls to throw my support behind what my 30 plus years of voting have proved to me to be every American's right to wallow in futility and the further entropy of our system of government.
To quote Robert Anton Wilson:
"If voting could change the system, it would be illegal.
If not voting could change the system it would be illegal."
Yet the time to vote has come upon us once more. Strike up the band. Bring out your babies to be kissed. Hang the bunting. Bend over. Grab your ankles. And wake me when it's over so I can once more wonder why it hurts when I sit down ever since my nap.
Across this great land of ours the race is on for many to vie for that dream job that but a couple hundred people can ever nab, out of a population of (now) 300 million.
A bucket o' perks including lobbyist favors and contributions, a great salary, a lifetime pension, medical coverage that the vast majority of people in this country literally die for each and every day and a status quo that has been milked by the same two interchangeable parties for so long that you can almost hear the mooing on Capitol Hill from New Jersey to San Francisco. But for the American people, the ones who actually feed this Matrix, hardly anything changes regardless of who gets an office in the Dome or a reserved seat on the floor.
Worse than stagnation, as a result of the last few elections, this country has somehow managed to back slide by 20 years, legislatively which by my observations will take at least 40 years of the rusty wheels of government screechingly turning to even deliver us to what forward momentum we had politically 10 years ago.
"Fuhgedabout" moving forward and/or addressing the real issues that face this country and it's policy that have been back burnered to pork barrel bill add-ons and party affiliations since even I was a lad.
While the hot button issues debated and moved upon remain to be centered around and never beyond moral directives, government interference into people's personal choices and social engineering in general, the same issues that matter to the people but not the politicians, evidently, keep getting the bums rush and an end run around any hope of definitive legislation. Social Security, medical care for the elderly and the truly infirmed at a fair price, a genuine move towards alternative energies and loosening the resource gluttony that has the world itself hacking up phlegm every morning, improving/providing some honest to God education to the young of this country instead of putting them in educational warehouses for 12 to 16 years simply for the purpose of controlling the flow of employable people into an already over loaded employment based economy. These are the same sorts of problems that have haunted the American people for decades and continue to remain un-addressed by the promise pimps with any real sincerity.
So me? I'll be a little more difficult to become aroused this election around. And 2008 looks like less of an attraction.
I'm going to do my part and I hope you will too.
Please, don't feed the animals.
You know, either the elephant or the jackass… becauseit's costing us really way too much to even think that we can afford pets like this anymore.
For all the good they seem to do, they just trash up the house...and the Senate too!