The Dems are all fired up (with no place to go and no 'nads to get them where they promised they'd take us) after last November. And The Republicans are stumbling over themselves for positioning, because well, really, you don't have to glow in the dark with charisma to outshine the current resident in the White House in the areas of intelligence or credibility.
So what do we get instead of supporting our troops by bringing them home? Peace in the middle east? A plan for social security and health care? A remedy for global warming. A solution for the decay of the constitutional rights for the American people?
We get bombarded with issues like, is Obama really black enough? Can Hillary sing at all? "Same sex marriages". That Guilianni guy...you know how many times he's been married? What did Bidden mean when he said Obama was "clean"? Did you know that Barack likes to kick back with a burner now and again and he's trying to quit? Or how about that Hillary spoof film clip on YouTube? How dastardly can this Obama be to have any (even remote) association with the guy that put that video together? (Never mind that it was a press secretary of his who roomed with the creative end of that clip over a year before he came to work in Obama's camp!)
The point is fairly clear that the real issues that have a daily impact on you and I are once again (and still) taking a back seat to all of the evasive flares and maneuvers that has become what choosing genuine leadership in this country has become.
Everybody waits for the next media feeding frenzy on the personal trivial minutia of the candidates to cloud over what the real national concerns are and/or should be and we get to watch the magic show that is our culture lure us into watching the pretty little, scantily clad assistant who has nothing to do with the actual prestidigitation, instead of getting to the meat of the illusion.
The horror is we keep coming away totally surprised, caught unaware and mesmerized at the caliber of characters (or lack of it) that we so often end up with in the seats of power and representation, again and again and again.
If repetition is any indicator, we deserve what we get.