So it's been some time since I came by my blog...Damn! There has got to be a better word for this than "blog". Sounds like something that got stuck in the U-joint of a bathroom sink. If any one has any suggestions, let me know.
There's so much going on these days, I thought I'd just blurt out ("Blurt" might be better than "blog", eh?...OK. I'll keep thinking.) some thoughts on a variety of stuff instead of ranting endlessly on one topic.
The Presidential Candidates:
Ok, that being said, next topic! Seriously. If you are anything like me, (1st, Gawd help you!) you've probably listened to your share of the media force feeding of who we should pick for the elections in November. More importantly, who the media thinks we should even consider. In a field of 6 or 8 hopefuls , the press has been very helpful in paring down the choices to pretty much three from each side and one or two alternates. Ya just gotta hedge yer bets. "Know whadda mean Vern?". The Dems have Obama, Clinton and Edwards. Edwards is cool with me. A people kinda guy. Obama is eloquent beyond words and Hillary? Well Bill didn't have half the eel-like slickness that Hill has. Of the three Hillary probably represents "business as usual" in D.C.. Watch how little progress from the stone age we make with her in charge. But remember, the government is so far behind in where we need it to be, it's actually dragging down the country and undermining what was a good idea 250 years ago, at this point. Edwards is well intended but he would be eaten alive by the movers and shakers on the hill. Not that Hill'! Although, one does wonder what exactly Hillary might do for a moments passion now and again. Anyway, Edwards doesn't seem to have the grit to wrestle in the mud with some of those long term Reps and Senators. Obama...also well intended. And could probably be able to stare down some of the big dogs intellectually. But I fear for the guy if he should get close to the brass ring. The country is still full of Neanderthals who still think season is open on people who offer real hope to we lil' folk and Obama being black would get a bunch of good ol' boys all patriotic and full o' supremest righteousness. In any of these cases, I'm afraid either together on a ticket or alone with some kind of Dan Quail clone all that would be preserved of this country would be the status quo. On occassion, Bidden gets a chance to speak at the debates. He's like a color commentator/debater. Lots of good ideas, but the man is so bought, bought, bought he's got special interests written all over him. Besides, he takes credit for every damn law or commitee that has ever been given a headline since God was a boy. More status quo. Then there's Kucinich...The media just lets him outta the box now and again for comic relief. While the other candidates get asked stuff about immigration, Iraq, etc...Dennis gets the questions about whether or not he's seen a UFO. No media manipulation there, right? When did they last ask a press preferred front runner from either party if they ever saw a UFO??? Uh, never!
The Republican candidates (READ: Who the media would have you believe are the only credible possible choices) are a range of theocrats, fear mongers and law and order freaks on the scale of Richard Nixon. (Gulia...Guliahn...ah, the guy with the mafioso sounding name) Gulianni is running strong on his having that rare political opportunity of being in NYC on 9/11. Beyond that, he's about as effective at leadership as Paulie from the Sopranos. Romney gets the nod of industrialized media and has that "vote for me because I'm well manacured" look. But what's with the "I believe in Jesus", bullshit. I don't give a damn who you pray to. My question is, are you gonna prey on me because of it? And Huckabee? Nice guy but Christ, he's handing out tickets for God, too. What we don't need in America is a return to the puritan days. We'll be burning witches by the end of either of these two guys terms. McCain....Nam. Been there. Done that. Thank you. That will be all. Actually I was never there in the 60's/70's. I was fighting the war at home! Someone had to retain the flower culture and dream of being Cat Stevens...sure it was hell, but I gave it all I had. And you know what? Nobody threw me a frikkin' parade for my efforts either! Then there's the republican comic relief and the only guy that would get my ass off the couch on election day this time around. Dr. Ron Paul. Say what you will...the guy looks like a Keebler elf, (not as much as say, Gingrich...but the two of them on the screen at the same time makes me want to go out and get some o' them fudge cookies!) Still, if this country is going to ever get going in the direction it was meant to, Paul would be the one to influence that. He's publicly held his same opinions and voted that way on them in over 10 terms of service to this country, consistently. Kill the IRS. Bring back the constitution. Get governments nose out of everyones bedroom, crotches and stash boxes! What's not for me to like? He's the only obvious alternative to the status quo. Unfortunately the media doesn't agree with me on this so they somehow find a way to play down every accomplishment the guys happens upon. 4.7 million in 24 hours without special interests and industry like the other candidates, all from internet and nothing else and the press takes a wait and see if the figures are correct stance. The Bastids!!! Just remember, we could have it all. Vote Paul! Yeah, like that will ever get a chance to happen. Listen, it seems like I've been voting since the last puddle of primordial goo dried up in the sun and y'know what?... my win record would have been pretty near the same had I never voted at all. No. I didn't vote for Mondale, I was still back in PA for that one. And since he only took MN, I'm in the clear there. But things are definitely getting worse! Now I can't even get the guy I'm for to get past the primaries. Get past them??? They don't even get near them!
Well, I'm never gonna be able to cover all the stuff I wanted to at this writing 'cause I must once again channeling Tolstoy, (but without the talent) so I'm gonna have to pick this up again maybe tomorrow. But I'll be back. And if you give a damn, you come back too. We'll see what shakes out besides dandruff, then.