So Palin and the GOP would like to limit the press from covering her UN trip:
Someone please tell this person that she is not the president. She is a candidate for VP.
Did I miss the memo that states that a candidate for VP who could very well ultimately be called upon to lead this entire country gets to pick and choose exactly what the public and the press get to learn of her character, decision making abilities and qualifications for that position?? If she doesn't want to run for the office, wonderful. If she's going to run, she had better pull them together and let the public see who she is and what she's made of politically!
Does America really need a continuation of the secrecy that has surrounded the Bush White House for nearly 8 years a la Cheney and Rove??
Then there's the happy news from the world of science:
We now have an organism, a bacteria recently developed that will thrive on all those plastic water bottles that are clogging up the world's water ways. I'd like to be happy about a story like this, even when the rest of the world is smelling like a septic tank that needs pumping, but I can't. It scares me.
This is the beginning plot line for countless Sci-Fi B movies. Microbes or bacteria gets invented or discovered well intentionally to be an aid to mankind's ills brought about by his/her rampant consumerism...entity gets out of control, eats everything and then some things it shouldn't. Boy meets girl while running from the inevitable destruction of the human race and life as we know it...ultimately when the world population is dwindled down to a small fraction of itself some kid just reaching puberty stumbles on a means to rid the earth of the menace by pouring table salt on it or something. The antagonist microbes melt away like slugs on a pavement, the boy and girl adopt the little kid and then start the world anew. Long shot on three silhouettes against the sun rising on a deserted city scape. Fade to black. The end. Roll the credits. Everyone lets out a sigh of relief and leaves the theater. Hey! Got any popcorn left? No. The damned microbes ate em'!
George Michael's apology:
I suppose some of us who already know all there is to know about what's really critical to the state of our union, the current corporate bailouts and the upcoming elections have decided to move on to more urgent matters, George Michael has internationally apologized to his fans for being found in possession of some pot and some crack. The boards across the web are filled with indignant people who view this as the second coming of Lucifer. Well, George does seem to have the worst luck in public restrooms. George! Can't I suggest that you go before you leave the house and hold it?
But no problem, Michael. It doesn't detract from how you make your living. It isn't as though you're going to leave any clamps or sponges in a patient after surgery or drive a semi into a burger palace. The damned drugs should be legal anyway!
What makes anyone writing a blog or a comment on a news site believe that their self appointed opinion or indignation over George's drug possession or use is in any closer proximity to being morally accurate than his own or anyone else for that matter? Because that's what we've been told about drugs by your government??? It's a result of being brainwashed and most don't even see it! Why don't cha' sit back with a power, energy drink to wash down your alcohol, speedy little diet pills and fire up a cigarette. Our government(s) must think that's all really fine for us because that stuff is all quite legal. But really, what's the difference? A drug is a drug, a toxin is a toxin and a dependency is a dependency. Don't question the sanity of your government(s). Question George Michael instead. And it's such an easier target when you can actually pressure an apology out of someone. Maybe drugs would actually do some of us good. Get us off of our high horses.
And it appears foreign firms are going to be included in the $700 billion bail out:
I see...don't let foreigners come across the border at night because it would be too expensive for American tax payers and cost Americans jobs which no one living here wants. But hey! Lets dump hundreds of billions into foreign businesses in a corporate bail out Ponzi scheme! Someone has their head up their...well, I don't have to paint a picture here do I? And congrats to Dubbya. It's a trifecta!! He's scored a W for everyone of the powers that put him in office. Oil's happy. We now have the means to pipeline through the middle east. The international banking industry is joyous! They're getting all that free money from the tax payers and the tax payers still have to keep up their payments each month. And the industrial military complex at the tune now of $12 billion per week in Iraq and Afghanistan for 5 or 6 years is deleriously euphoric.
I could go on...but much time do we all really have?
"You can check out any time you like...but you can never leave."
Aggregated today from the BBC: (Because you won't easily get it from
McAmerican News.)
(Large color print are links to stories)
Raid on US 'suicide ki...
13 years ago