Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Now "they" want to take another $700 billion "swipe" at the economic crisis.

Real swell of these guys to "take another swipe" at the economic crisis. If they were in a batting cage at these prices they couldn't afford to swing and miss. What makes them think they can do it when the future of the country is hanging in the balance? They got it wrong in the first place with the misuse of deregulation. That's why we're in this mess. Then they missed on the first $700 billion "swipe" that was the best educated solution the economic wizards could come up with. Now they want to take another shot at it. And there's not a single check or balance to represent the American tax payer and stop them.
Listen folks. The government does not have any money but that which they get from you and I the tax payer. It's bad enough that the first $700 billion is going to take generations to put back in the treasury. (Ever try to pay off a credit card with the minimum due monthly? You could die of old age before you pay back that lousy $2000.00!!) Now, if another $700 billion bail out is approved, we're looking at society in America that exists strictly on and for the purpose of wage slavery long into the future just to pay our government back our own money and there's no guarantee that the economy will remain strong for the 100 plus years for you and I and our kids and their kids (and so on) to pick up that tab.

Consioder too, what happens if, as is likely, in another 50, 60, years or sooner the economy tanks again? Who do we talk to about defaulting on this loan? At that point with increased unemployment and prices for basics through the roof how are we the people going to keep the payments up and the interest flowing in on the debt that our leadership has decided to "take another swipe at"? Don't look at Washington for help. Remember? The government doesn't create revenue for these sort of bailouts to industry or for anything else. The government only spends our money. Hey, these guys want to bail out the same folks who charge us for using their credit cards, force us to incurr $30 bucks per check for insufficient funds on a $5 dollar check, all the while paying them late payment fees and balloon mortgages on our houses.

Why are we giving them our hard earned tax money in the first place? So they can simply keep charging us 18% interest on money we get from them? Turn about is fair play. Give them the money, but make them use any and all resultant profits to pay off the American tax payer with a market equitable interest rate just as they demand from us.
Other wise...we may as all be working again for the Pharaohs!!!

Hey, youse guys! Get me another stone block up here will ya? I gotta get this level of the pyramid done so my unborn great-great grand kids can reach the level they need to be working on.
There's a real vision of opportunity and self fulfillment for ya, isn't it??

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fun Facts From Zach's Almanac: Oh, ABC you've done it again!

Having Bush surrounded by a bunch of exceedingly happy guys in choir robes who have nothing to do with those involved in the business end of the A.P.E.C. conference and having it accompany a headline espousing that "Leaders' Predict Economic Crisis Can Be Fixed in 18 Months" is about one of the best pieces of subliminal journalism (intended or otherwise) I have seen in quite some time.
Oh, in the course of the Bush Administration, 9/11 and the Iraq Invasion and occupation, I've seen some real doozies...but this was Uber-entertaining.
Adding to the illusory photo was the caption:
"APEC leaders: "We have already taken urgent and extraordinary steps to stabilize our financial... (sectors and strengthen economic growth.")"
Stop it ABC! I'm dyin' over here!
Now, take me to the river and wash me in the water!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State?

Kissinger's record as SOS, especially behind the scenes and often unreported and his endorsement of Hillary for that same position is exactly why, I believe we should consider someone else for the position. The sort of change the people who voted for Obama had in mind will not be served by appointing Hillary as Secretary of State where her well known political allies and foreign interests will be served perhaps to a greater degree than America would be served by someone less entangled in already ongoing, personally motivated, international relationships.
About Hillary Clinton
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, November 15, 2008

How to Meditate...The Easy Way (VIDEO)

Gee, a non-pharmacological means of lowering blood pressure, increasing focus, instilling a sense of peace, tranquility and opening the mind to altered stes of perception. May we all be spared the day when the drug companies find a means to lobby against it and find a way to limit/prohibit this practice through the use of the A.T.F. in much the same way other substances and practices already are. And if it's not the drug companies that fear the loss of market and profit, then it could very well be government itself enforcing the restrictions. Because, thinking outside of the box and independently has historically ben looked down upon and persecuted. If you choose to doubt this, look at the current practice of persecution against the practioners of Falun Gong in China. Articles like this on meditation and how people can kick the anxiety of modern living without either Big Brother or the uppers and downers massively distributed by the FDA and drug companies should be front page stuff. If you wonder why it isn't, you needn't look much further than the Congress and the lobbyists they have as bed fellows.
About Video On HuffPost
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost