Human growth hormone and testosterone injections...to mention but a few things Dr. Life can prescribe for himself and you or I can not. Given these opportunities and the availablility to the right drugs, how many of the rest of us could and would extend our lives with a youthful appearance? Hell, for that matter, how many people could be cured of a shopping list of things and extend their lives to puberty in impoverished and starving third world villages?
Dr. Life happens to be a part of the elite few. People who are first in line for organ transplants and the most advanced surgical techniques while the unwashed masses are limited to HMOs and health care programs that won't provide any allowances for basic preventative medicines in an effort to spare the cost and increase their profit margins. But again...that's just the you and I kinda' people. And we're much, much luckier than so many others.
Well, good for Dr. Life.
While billions go without food or medicine on the planet he can somehow with good conscience remain to look like a phreak of nature and PhotoShop.
A great accomplishment for medical science. Ask any Liberian or Ugandan.
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