So, it's ok to be killed in America...just not by "some dang ferriner"?
With all the bleating of the sheep over the need for "enhanced interrogation" for Taliban and AQ... supported by the chant of "they killed 3000 Americans on 9/11"...I might remind you that since 9/11 Americans have killed more Americans on the streets of American cities per year than AQ or any real, perceieved or imaginary "terrorists" from somewhere else by tens of thousands more.
The stats for homicides just in 2008 from a few major cities clearly show that our losses of 9/11 pale by comparison our losses in any given year since.
And yet, the same sheeple with the quick fix solution for the inhumane treatment of supposed "terrorists" remain silent year after year since 9/11 and seemingly accepting of the domestic terrorism that costs far more American lives then that incident 8 years ago or in any war/invasion we have involved ourselves in since that day.
Here's what you should be bitching about if you actually had a reverence for the sanctity of life and not just an "us and them" hard on for revenge. NYC/255, Chicago/509, Baltimore/209, Detroit/340, LA/381...
These numbers only represent the blotter reports for 2008. Nowmultiply these stats times the number of US cities and then times that by 8...or the number of years since we lost 3000 Americans on 9/11, 2001.
And you're worried about "possible threats"???
More Americans were killed in Chicago in 2008 than we lost in 6 years of war in Iraq.
If I'm one of you..and sadly, I am...I'd be more irrate and reactive about the real threats for America. Americans.
So based on the clamor from the large of heart and small of mind, that it's perfectly acceptable to be killed enmass in long as it ain't at the hands of "some dang ferriner!".