These are the preexisting conditions that are killing this country.
This was for all intent and purposes an anti-Obama rally. You betcha' and damn Skippy.
Look again at the footage and the photos of these crowds from today and then try to convince yourself that these people were genuinely interested in supply side economics or were nothing more than rational people protesting taxation or the HCR. Hell, the current economy was of Republican making over the last 8 years. Can you pick out a sign or placard that showed even the slightest tinge of dissatisfaction over the party responsible for that? No.
The vast majority of signs, slogans and the rhetoric that followed were primarily basic personal attacks on the current administration and in a nut shell what the complaining masses were there to say today was inspired by the invitation of the extremist right column in this country, and the cheerleaders on the right who coordinated the rally and lit the burning cross on the media's lawn.
So discuss the activities of the day all you like folks and analyze the common causes for the shift in the economy and how that plays into the health care debate. But don't kid yourselves.
These people came to shout out the equivalent of, "We cannot abide losing the last election to a black President! And as long as we have a shield of any sort to hide behind, be it taxation, the health care initiative, whatever; we will willingly provide the Republican party with whatever furthers their political agenda leading up to the 2012 elections."
The Right has lit the fire and these folks have been stirred up real good. Their only objective is to get the black guy out of the White House or make him look as bad as possible to America and the world in the process. And they are doing it by walking over the dead bodies of their fellow Americans who can neither afford, find, secure or retain health care expenses as they are today and are certain to be tomorrow.
The Industrialist party has got us where "they" want us,
indecisive, filled with misinformation, and hate until we've become politically impotent and merely cattle for the farming. One hundred years of expecting reform and not getting it will pretty much take it out of you.
But we're still #37 in health care for our citizens, people...and dropping like a stone in the ratings with each passing day that nothing is done.
And for this the people in Washington today chant, Rah. Rah. Rah. Feel the pride. Call your President and his posse Nazis and present your best efforts at spelling in your native
I look with hesitancy forward to the day these folks, whipped into a frenzy by the Extremist Right Column of the Industrialist party find that they supported the abortion of an
HCR under the guise of racism and that in all
likelihood they will eventually find themselves one day dying for because of their own contributions.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost