Sunday, November 22, 2009

EasyJet Causes Controversy With Holocaust Memorial Fashion Shoot

These camps, while a stark reminder of our capability for inhumanity, are not religious or sacred shrines to the whole of mankind.

If in the United States we can sculpt and erect larger than life carvings of the busts of US Presidents on the same sacred lands where millions of native American Indians were slaughtered and suburban housing and strip malls can be constructed, where are the proprieties of those who insist that taking photos in soveriegn countries other than their own can somehow be prohibited and repressed indefinitely?

Is it acceptable to explore , record and depict in photos the ruins of the people who were eradicated by the Spainish Conquestadors? Is it a social affront to use as a back drop for a photo shoot, the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima?

Then please let's stop this nonsense that these long ago evacuated camps in Europe should be held up as religious holy lands worthy of only global worship. We're closing in on nearly a century after this event. How and when will those who survived the halocaust, ever truly heal from it, if they can't (like so many other people of other brutalized civilizations ) put it to rest and move on beyond it??

Frankly, I'm very tired of having my nose rubbed in this chapter of history every month or so, to appease and console people that regardless of what the world has done for positively choose to remain inconsolable and appear to be victims.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, November 20, 2009

Philip Morris Ordered To Pay $300 Million To Former Smoker

As a smoker of 45 years (minus the attempts to shelve it) I think this is judgement is absolutely out of proportion text book case of legitimized insanity.

If anyone that smokes tobacco, dosen't know that stuffing a paper tube with dried vegetation between your lips, lighting it and inhaling the smoke, 20, 30 or 40 times each day, year after year just might eventually lead to respiratory complications these people should have kept a date with the Grim Reaper long before they could have been rewarded for their stupidity.

Do these same people stand around a bonfire or a burning pile of autmn leaves and breathe deeply? No. They recoil and gasp for oxygen like anyone does. Instinctively they are painfully aware of the toxicity of breathing in fuming leaves. They know it too, regarding tobacco.

A $300 million dollar reward for feigning ignorance and holding someone else for your own negligence to yourself...and barring "feigning" ignorance and truly being unable to recognise or accept the possible consequences of your own actions...perhaps this is the best argument I've heard yet for leagalized euthanasia.

It's a sad day when awards are given to this sum for sheer ignorance, stupidity and lack of personal accountability, in any circumstance.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The 15 Biggest Congressional Recipients Of Wall Street Campaign Cash

It's nice to see that the Republicans and Democrats can work together on something.

Too bad it's on bipartisan greed and selling out the American voter for greed and profit.

But many of us knew this already.

It's time to see it and call it as it is. The American people no longer have the power of representation in government.

It's also time for more self representation through developing a national means to increase the opportunty for voter participation in the policy of America.

Can we afford it? Yes. If we stop nation building elsewhere and apply that capital here.

More self representation. Less republic.

More true democracy. Less hypocrisy.

If it doesn't change, America will never be a nation for, of and by the people.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, November 16, 2009

Fed Chairman Blames Banks For Continued High Unemployment

Before the banks, came industry that demanded maximum output for minimum input. Look at the salaries of degreed people in social service, teaching, nursing, health services, janitorial maintenance, food services. Consider the under qualified, over educated people in even low and middle management positions in corporate America who perform as little more than liasons and messengers between upper management and production personnel.

The banks (through design and the Federal Reserve system) are responsible for what's going on currently. But before they became the black (economic) hole in America, our system and culture had already surrendered to the greed of industry in general. And education in particualr after becoming a national growth industry of equal status. We have been led to believe that they are necessary and inseperable regardless of their focus on developing a national dependance upon them, while the quality of their product diminishes year after year for sake of complicit profits.

Now, for some of the most mudane, repetitive employment opportunities people must meet or exceed the degree of education that earlier physicians and attorneys needed only to be awarded wages that deny the validity of their qualifications, whether good or badly taught.

There is no one thing that has brought our economy to the brink.

We are reaping what we and our predecessors have sown in the culture we created.

A gluttonus creature that remains insatiable until it devors even the people who feed it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Anwar al-Awlaki, Radical Imam, Becomes New Focus In Fort Hood Killings Investigation

Is he really sending out messages?

You really buy into that?

How do you know? Because the people that want to continue this insanity tell you he is??

Not good enough for me.

You're being sold one.
About Yemen
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Federal Reserve: Weak Recovery Means High Unemployment For Several Years

It's not as if the formula for a rapid and effective recovery has never been used before in America. Why must this gov't be so egocentric as to think it need reinvent the wheel each time something need be done for this nation and its people?

We need to first stop spending trillions on nuilding other nations which requires our military and those additional costs. Then we need to fund industries (small and medium) to begin developing and producing energy alternative to fossil fuels. We can also deploy Roosevelt and Eisenhower's means to creat employment and open up opportunities for people to be employed for repairing our infrastructure nationally­...without someone needing to be someone alreadyon the road crews relative. There are also plenty of social programs that could be funded to increase staffing and programs that could be implemented to get people (some are families with children) from having to sleep inthe streets of America...10,000 people are homeless in LA alone and live like refugees in a third world country!

There are things to do to expedite America's recovery. We just don't have the representation to get these things done, without politicians reinventing the wheel and cautiously taking care not to lose the benefits, perks and money from the lobbyists and industrialists that our representation is primarily concerned with.

Less republic.

More democracy.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Top Bailout Recipients Spent $71 Million On Lobbying In Year Since Bailout

Quite the inflammatory main.

What did anyone expect?

Credit card interest rates are being increased so that the taxpayer can help pay back the money that was loaned to the banks and credit industry by the same people that gave them the bailout.

And the banks took all that they could get and still appear squimish to lend any back...again to the very source of where the bailout came from...the US taxpayer.

The health insurance industry and the pharms have spent a ton on lobbyists to defeat a public option that would provide the American taxpayer some decent coverage and affordable meds and are raising their rates and prices as we speak so that again the consumers can pick up that bill.

And all the while, the politicains on bith sides of the aisle are dragging their feet, because they are highly motivated to not kill this csh cow none to soon.

$71 million on lobbyists isn't even the tip of the iceberg.

And I'm supposed to get all politically militant over a small slice of "business as usual" on Capitol Hill?

Not hardly.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

The anniversary of hope. What was and will never be.

It should be becoming apparent to even the stanchest believers that the office of the President no longer wields the sort of power that it may have at one time in America.
The system is far too convoluted and fractionalized with those powers being distributed between industry, banking interests and the flow of capital from these entities and into the halls of our representation in Washington to the point where America itself has become a corporation, silently controlled by the will of huge financial investors equivelant to stock holders and proxied interests.
Our Presidents, (and specifically this President) have been reduced to just one more voice in the crowd (albeit a louder one) with no more control over the processes than steering the predesignated course of this country's real but unseen navigators and occasionaly standing on the bow of this ship alerting us when either shoals or rocks or land is visible from his vantage point.
The presidency (and again this President in particualr) is not lacking, faulty or broken. The system is.
The hull of this ship called America has been breached for 100 years and it is all we as it's crew or any given president can do but to bail and pump so that we don't swamp completely. And the water rises with each decision, each bill and each term served by elected officials.

Until we as a nation recognize and accept this for the reality that it is, we can never hope to make the necessary repairations to stay afloat and perhaps once again set sail on our properly intended course because we have handed the helm over to privateers and mutineers who have as much to gain or more through our sinking as they do with our returning to a safe passage.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Obama One Year Later: The Audacity of Winning vs. The Timidity of Governing

The audacity of my hope was that Obama would enter office with pen a-blazing and he would repair the damage that the past POTUS and CO had inflicted on this country, our gov't and the office.

While the reality of his term is turning out to do otherwise, that hope has diminished to a large degree, to the point where much to my disappointment and unfortunately, less to my surprise, he appears to be just a more palatable version of the same type of champion of the status quo that any person who rises to this level of office turns out to be. I can remain as patient as most of us who voted for him, but I have better things to do than continuously listen with my ear to the ground for the earth to shake and give way to the new dawn for America that many of us thought putting Barak Obama in the White House would bring.

I still wish him well. I just no longer expect very much from him.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Clinton Makes Personal Bid To Resume Mideast Talks

Some people feel we are holding Israel hostage with the funding we provide them with on a regular, ongoing, annual schedule.
Funny (and not in a "ha-ha"way) the term "hostage" is used.
Because that is exactly the image that comes to mind when I consider the plight of the people in Israel who are not Israeli and confined to Gaza.
I'm not talking about the radical fringe, extremists who keep lobbing primitive fireworks on other people.
I'm talking about the everyday Palestinian that would just like to go to work each day, enjoy basic amenities we all take for granted like fresh water, sanitation, hospitals, schools and electricity... and would simply like to earn a living and provide for their children and we all do.
These people can no better stop the Hamas from doing the harm they do to Israel than we in America can do can stop our gov't from the damage it has been responsible for in Iraq and Afghanistan for 8 years now. Quite certainly, they can do even less.

Perhaps, rather than having our Secretary of State beg to allow us to orchestrate their peace talks in Israel, we should accept the reluctance of that country for our services and withdraw our efforts and our contributions in the billions each year to their treasury as well.
What is the point of funding a people who refuse our efforts to help create peace when they insist that this accomplishment is beyond their own resources and obviously (as time has shown) they cannot accomplish this on their own?
It's one thing for us to come-a-courting with gifts and services, but do we need to do so as a spurned lover?
I don't think so. Not so much. It's too much.
About Hillary Clinton
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost