These camps, while a stark reminder of our capability for inhumanity, are not religious or sacred shrines to the whole of mankind.
If in the United States we can sculpt and erect larger than life carvings of the busts of US Presidents on the same sacred lands where millions of native American Indians were slaughtered and suburban housing and strip malls can be constructed, where are the proprieties of those who insist that taking photos in soveriegn countries other than their own can somehow be prohibited and repressed indefinitely?
Is it acceptable to explore , record and depict in photos the ruins of the people who were eradicated by the Spainish Conquestadors? Is it a social affront to use as a back drop for a photo shoot, the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima?
Then please let's stop this nonsense that these long ago evacuated camps in Europe should be held up as religious holy lands worthy of only global worship. We're closing in on nearly a century after this event. How and when will those who survived the halocaust, ever truly heal from it, if they can't (like so many other people of other brutalized civilizations ) put it to rest and move on beyond it??
Frankly, I'm very tired of having my nose rubbed in this chapter of history every month or so, to appease and console people that regardless of what the world has done for positively choose to remain inconsolable and appear to be victims.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost