As long as there is but one random act of violence anywhere on the planet where the perpetrator can be associated with Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Nigeria, Iran, Palesitine, Yemin or a half dozen other primarily Muslim influenced countries, it will be called "terrorism" and the US and British led NATO will take it as a call to continue their mission and crusade to further occupy soveriegn nations in the name of "global security".
Meanwhile, in Dafur and other parts of Africa, hundreds of thousands of people are being killed and brutalized by machette weilding conscripted citizen armies led by power driven warlords whose brutality shadows that of the past 10 years of AQ, the Taliban or Hamas combined.
And in America (according to the FBI web site) approximately 17,000 souls per year are lost to homicide on the streets and in the home across the US.
The response to "global security" is misplaced, misdirected and out of proportion for the majority of the people on the globe who remain to be victimized by whatever existing barbarians there are doing them harm, for whatever the cause or for none at all but the most base of human nature.
If America and the western alliance insists on deploying untold weapons, troops and mercenaries to stem the increase of organized or random violent insanity in this world, their efforts are wasted and their ulterior motives are painfully transparent to anyone capable of seeing and thinking.
We are not providing "global security" neither here or abroad. We are following a self serving agenda and portraying the terror we contribute to the ME as heroic and noble.
But it is neither.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost