Saturday, February 27, 2010

CHILE EARTHQUAKE: 8.8 Magnitude Quake Hits Chile

“Despite all rationale to the contrary there has been a noticeable increase in the frequency of event's such as this, that stimulate a larger than usual "problem, reaction, solution" scenario in the world community.

The "why" (or who) has to come to people on their own terms and in their own time.

But there is an increased frequency of these occurrences of quakes, tsunamis, erratic weather patterns and uncommon and extreme levels and locations of precipitation and/or drought all over the planet.

Call it nothing or call it what you will, but it's happening. No matter what the cause(s) it may be time to ask ourselves in any event, how can we dare to be wrong?”
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Missile Defense Agency Logo Upsets Right: Comparisons To Obama Campaign, Islamic Crescent

When a simple little agency symbol amounting to no more than a letterhead, which wouldn't even be used for mass public consumption can create such negative buzz as to have interest groups wring their hands over its perceived similarities to 1000 other 3 color insignias in common use, is there any wonder why America is 50 years behind itself in so many of the real and crucial issues that actually matter to daily life and gov't in this country???

The dollars alone that will be spent on the design and redesign of this sort of thing and the time spent in salaries for staff meetings over it is further indicative of how out of touch with our real financial issues people remain and what sort of priorities our elected and appointed officials spend their time deliberating on while "Rome" reaches its flash point.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gibbs: The Public Plan Doesn't Have The Votes

"...the president doesn't think the votes are there to get a public option passed through reconciliation..."

When did this become a matter of whether or not it was popular within Congress?

Everyone I know was educated in public or private schools to believe that Congress was supposed to vote according to the will of the people.

We were told we were represented.

Sure, I wouldn't expect a landslide...but I certainly would expect that the majority of Americans would like a public option, in leiu of single pay if that's too much to ask.

But no matter how many letters, phone calls or emails are sent or how many more reps one side of the aisle has over the other...this Congress again and again decides not to represent the people.

And the White House, in spite of the the "Yes we can!" campaigning now says "No we can't.".

Adding insult to injury, Iraq and Afghanistan continue, without the support of the majority of Americans, leaving us without representation on those issues as well. And don't get me started on the TARPs and bailouts for Wall St.

What a lack luster cluster fugg this representative republic/democracy has turned out to be. And in only a little over a relatively short 300 years. Some bragging rights there, my compatriots!

"I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United Snakes of America..." because I have no other choice.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Iranian Opposition Demoralized After Failed Protests At Revolution's Anniversary

You can revolt against a monarchy. There's a tangible target for discontent over inequality.

But you can't very well succeed with a revolution against a gov't that is set up as a democracy or a representative republic.

By it's very structure, it is veiled as being based on freedom and the will of the people, whether (in reality) it is or not. Look around. What countries have a democracy that follows the literal meaning of the word?

"Democracy" in essense, as it is presented in any country today is little more than voluntary imprisonment within a very tightly controlled political frame of reference, limiting social conduct while wrapped in the illusion of freedom.

Iran is no different than the US to this extent.

And that's why "democracy" as we know it today is the most popular and sought after political facade preferred by those who wish to create government for the purpose of controlling the freedom of the people and the course of their nation without fear of being concerned about any possibility of a successful revolution.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Austin Plane Crash: Office Building Hit In Northwestern Austin, Texas (VIDEO)

It's unfortunate that people are driven to such desperation that they will endanger others and end their own lives to make a statement.

Sadder still is the fact that due to this act, very few willl see what truth there is in the message he left behind even though on places like this and other comment forums, it can be seen everyday and many Americans agree with his sentiments and frustration.

His actions are reprehensible but his message is not so far off in pointing out that our system of gov't is (perhaps) irreparably broken and the American people are being farmed for capital and property. This is all done with the indoctrination that Americans have equal rights when it has become more and more obvious that the elite have a set of rights that far exceed that of the common person of Main street. Our input to the process of gov't is pretty much limited to voting for one candidate or another who has been hand picked by the keepers of the status quo and a media owned by the elite who wish to retain the unequal rights they are privileged to and the continuation of the same.

Say what you will about his methods and his maddness and the endangerment that he wreclessly exercised with his actions, but his message is valid in many aspects.

It's a wake up call for all of us to consider what works in today's America, what doesn't and what hasn't for sometime.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Amy Bishop ARRESTED: University of Alabama Huntsville Shooting Suspect Is Biology Professor, Harvard-Trained

As soon as a society or culture begins to make killing other people conditionally acceptable behaviour through justifications such as land, resources, political differences, power, expansion of borders or profit for their military industrial complex, you can hardly expect the participants of that society to not begin to feel that they too are entitled to create conditionally acceptable justifications at their own level in said culture to also take another's life for their own immediate gain and/or self satisfaction.

Throughout the course of our history as a nation, we in the US have been inundated with a near constant paradox declaring murder a social taboo, while our laws and history show it to be a perfectly acceptable solution for gov't to resolve it's issues with other people, other countries and even it's own citizens.

How long did anyone hope that in time, this erradic and psychotic hypocrisy would be able to remain prominent in our culture without our culture becoming exactly that which has been exemplified through repeated example?

We may never see a better living representation of "you reap what you sow" than what this country and its more than 17,000 indcidents of domestic homicide per year (11,000 of which where guns are used) has become in the 21st century.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Anything Beyond The Universe? New Theory Changes Our Destiny

There is a spectrum of realities based on and assigned to specific vibratory rates which, as with light and sound we are only capable of sensing a minute portion of, while encased in these physical forms we believe to be solid matter.

Just as a radio or television transmission doesn't cease to exist when we change the channel/station or turn off the receiver, neither does the multiverse with all of it's alternate realities and it's infinite potential for possibilities Those frequencies are still being broadcasted whether we are aware of those transmissions or not.

In times of severe trauma, while in the dream state, a deep meditative state or under a "mind altering" hallucinogenic experience we can temporarily find a resonance with some of these other, vibratory frequencies which are in close proximity to our own creating a temporary harmony which allows us to experience some of those properties that are generally hidden to us due to our limited sensory capabilities or the limited strength of our receiving equipment with regard to a larger section of the spectrum.

This is what I personally believe...this time around.

I also think this was a very good article and well worth the read.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, February 08, 2010

Senate Jobs Bill Stalled

Since when is the Senate's inability to agree and pass a much needed bill that would directly benefit the people of America (rather than Corporate America) "news"?

I can't help reading about these things everyday without hearing the words room Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb" going round and round in my head.

The constant and repetitive news of this order is beginning to feel as if the real message is for the people of America to become desensitised to the plight of this country and simply accept things the way they are. Because expecting them to change for the better is totally unrealistic. We are being programmed to become numb.

After a few decades of this stuff, you can find yourself ready to accept almost anything from rampant incompetence from the gov't or soldiers in the strreet rounding up you and your neighbors for a camp somewhere.

"Hello, Is anybody out there?...

...I have become "comfortably numb."
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost