"...the president doesn't think the votes are there to get a public option passed through reconcilia
When did this become a matter of whether or not it was popular within Congress?
Everyone I know was educated in public or private schools to believe that Congress was supposed to vote according to the will of the people.
We were told we were represented.
Sure, I wouldn't expect a landslide.
..but I certainly would expect that the majority of Americans would like a public option, in leiu of single pay if that's too much to ask.
But no matter how many letters, phone calls or emails are sent or how many more reps one side of the aisle has over the other...th
is Congress again and again decides not to represent the people.
And the White House, in spite of the the "Yes we can!" campaigning now says "No we can't.".
Adding insult to injury, Iraq and Afghanistan continue, without the support of the majority of Americans, leaving us without representation on those issues as well. And don't get me started on the TARPs and bailouts for Wall St.
What a lack luster cluster fugg this representative republic/democracy has turned out to be. And in only a little over a relatively short 300 years. Some bragging rights there, my compatriots!
"I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United Snakes of America...
" because I have no other choice.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost