Someone (Huffington Post moderators) are really having a terrible time with this post of mine. Drop me an email mods and let me know why, OK?
It's just an opinion, similar to so many others here on this subject. Not inciteful, not profane...
"When the prime objectives, which were never truly announced to the American people because of their distastefulness are considered, things like domination of the middle east, geo-political strategic placement and natural resources, no matter how much US leadership says policy will change in Iraq and Afghanistan, (regardless of who our leadership is) nothing does and nothing will change.
This path has been set without the blessing of the American people by the aristocracy that "represents" us and like a parent who believes they are doing what's best for their children..
This reality should, by now have taken the bloom from the rose of democracy (as we think we have it) that was only a coat of paint all along.
We're just now beginning to see just how many people can pick up on this glaring contradiction now that it is more than ever coming into the light."
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost