Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Does the Past Exist Yet? Evidence Suggests Your Past Isn't Set in Stone

"It's all happening, NOW."

Every possible permutation of every element be it physical or perceptual. Every possible outcome is laying out there active in every possible state, waiting for definition based on observation and observer...both individual or collectively.

Given enough "physical" elements that can be identified and agreed upon "conclusively" (IE the JFK incident) the material becomes locked into a common image model (or resultant outcome) to the exclusion of any other being available for sensory input at an already occupied moment of what we perceive as "time".

But that doesn't necessarily mean that the event is either not happening or resides in the past or the future. Just that it's not being currently observed or "recorded" as such.

The "current result" just becomes the mass root assumption and the belief in it by the observer(s) eliminates the need and ability to see any other spatial events occurring simultaneously.

Just as we have limited visual abilities and can only sense a small spectrum of the actual light, so to do we have a filtered version of the physical multi-verse and spatial time. Being human has it's limitations and pretending they don't exist and aren't distorted, no matter how clever we are with creating devices to expand our view of things does not ofer us a true and unobstructed view of reality.

Oh. Now I get it!

Great article once again, Dr. Lanza. Always entertaining to enjoy a little "out of the box" thinking over morning coffee.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost