Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Andrew Napolitano, Fox Business Host, Reveals He Is A 9/11 Truther

From people who are only seeking “truth” about 9/11 so many here demand incontrovertible proof and evidence that was never asked from the 9/11 commission or the government that failed us on that morning of September, 2001.

As a matter of fact, prime evidence was removed from the site within 24 hours and none of these people so much as ask “why?” let alone demands that this “proof” be submitted and examined.

Even hard scientific questions such as why this inferno could liquify 80 stories of reinforced steel girder systems and cause the demolition of nearby buildings (#7) yet a paper passport of one of the alleged sky jackers managed to survive in the street below...these are taken as an act of faith from the very people who may have had the most to gain from this disaster. And yet...from “truthers” nothing short of hard and irreversible evidence is required when all that is being asked for is an imartial investigation.

And you want to talk about conspiracy theories and wack jobs and “truthers”??

Reevaluate your perspectives and priorities. You're listing hard to starboard.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Father Knows Breast: Mother's Milk Cocktails For Stay-At-Home Dads

Big eye roll.

I can see the scene now.

High noon. The sun is effectively baking the earth's surface. Tumble weeds roll lazily across the dusty street between clap board building under the shade of post and beam over hangs...circa mid 1800's ...a lone old timer dozes while leaning back against a building on but two legs of a kitchen chair in the shade while a mangy homeless dog wanders the ally sniffing around for it's daily bread.

[Cut to interior of a saloon:]

The swinging doors fling open. In the void that takes thier place stands a tall, mysterious stranger who appears to have been rode hard and put up wet for three days.

He saunters to the bar. emanating mystery, danger and a n'er do well demeanor like another man might wear cologne. There's a small scar on his cheek and a predators look in his eye.

The Barkeep swallows hard spits in a glass and begins wiping it clean to keep his hands from shaking.

"What will you have stranger?" he asks the parched, sun burned gunslinger with skin like hard tack.

The stranger raises the brim of his hat using just his trigger finger with an air of impatience and with a look as hard and bitter as Cain himself answers, "Give me one of those Mother's milk cocktails. And just keep em' comin'!" He slaps down a confederate gold piece on the bar never taking is eyes off of the inn keeper.

The piano man diverts his gaze from the exchange He knows the slinger is aware he's been staring and the last thing the Gurdyman doesn't want is for the stranger to turn and take notice of him. He focuses on the 88s and begins a soft but lively lullaby on his piano.

Read the Original Article at HuffingtonPost

U.S. Preparing Sweeping Insider-Trading Charges: Report

With all the hundreds of billions that have gone from our treasury to the banks and Wall St. so far; it appears some disciplinary examples will be needed if Bernanke and this govt is ever going to get another $600 billion to squander on the same sort of stimulus (giving money to the banks primarily) that has failed us for the last 20 years.

Even Europe warns against it. But a little American justice and rounding up a dozen Wall St. underlings ought to make it appear that someone is minding the store and provide the Fed the needed cover to print up another $600 billion.

Then we can also absorb the cost of any court and legal fees and in the event anyone actually does any jail time at all, we can foot the bill for a few minimum security lock ups (aka country clubs stays)... until the next ineffective fix.

We should be fine on some level and to some degree.

But not yet on Main St., only the machine we call government and those who control it will see the windfall if anyone does... al beit temporarily.

It's just another day in America.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, November 19, 2010

Israel Condemns Web List Of Gaza Soldiers

"Militants in Gaza, meanwhile, fired rockets at southern Israel, causing no casualties..."

Seriously, do they ever?

For as small a geo as Israel is, you would think that if you spit out your window you would hit someone or something more than a vacant lot. I remember the SCUD launches in the 80's...they got nothing but air.

Don't get me wrong. I think it's fantastic that so few are injured or maimed due to these rocket attacks. And ideally it would be super if people stopped throwing ordinance in even the remote direction of the innicent Israeli people. But the aim of these militants is as incredibly lame as the luck of Israel is incredibly wonderful...and has been for decades now. You can see it in the casualty comparisons between these two conflicted factions.

The Palestinians on the other hand appear to be wearing homing devices that zero Israel's ammunition right in on them as if they glowed in the dark.

Just an observation. Scientific anomalies and the bending of the laws of probability are just a long time curiosity of mine.

I would wish both sides peace, but I don't see a lot of motivation for that in this part of the world.

Strange though that this skirmish takes place so close on the heels of the new deal for peace by selling fighter jets to Israel by the US.

Fighter jets for peace. Now there's irony.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Federalist Society: Where Are They Now?

Oh, goodie!

The divide and conquer isn't enmeshing the American people enough so now we need to give rise to yet another diversionary insurgency group to join the fray.

Party affiliations just aren't enough, neither is basic ideology.

To keep us (the sheep,) bleating through the night for the protection of the farmer we have political parties: Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Green, Independent just to name a few. After a span, these don't deflect the expectations of the people so, various ideological groups are invented and touted to solicit empathetic followers and agendas to muddy the waters even further...Liberals, Conservatives, Tea Baggers, Religious Right, Progressives...

all thrown into the mix with enough emotional thrills and chills to help us remembering our philosophical fencing with each other much more clearly and sensitively than what the genuine attempt was originally, which was to find a place to effectively petition our government to move this country forward. Period.

Now we throw in the "99ers" a slew of consumer agencies a Chamber of Commerce, and things along this order and guess what? There are more sides of any issue for everyone to join and be labeled under rather than have the media and Gov, address the any real problem we may have.

Now, We'll be hearing about the Federalists.

But we still won't be hearing about anything actually being done to repair America. And so many will be more caught up in affiliation than participation.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Rahm Emanuel: I Never Believed In Bipartisanship

Well if Rahm is being straight up about this, he joins a growing list of people surrounding this President who in spite of being chosen for what they could bring to the affair by way of advice and savvy who pulled in a different direction that that of the one the president wanted to, because it's been bipartisanship for this White House and Congress all the way for 2 years now.

On the other hand Rahm could just be one more person that for his own political ambitions would have us believe that this President surrounded himself with people that he didn't share a thing with ideologically and what were dealing with in that case would be basically rats jumping ship.

"The moment of complete certainty never appears."
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Why Are You Here? A New Theory May Hold the Missing Piece

Be sure to read the story linked below to see what prompted this post. It's an interesting piece that you might like to muse over. I did, until I came to the following line of quote. After listing the various hominids who have come before us...and departed the author (Dr. Robert Lanza) pointed out, in his opinion:

"Indeed, we happen to be the only species of Hominina that made it."

I'd definitely put away the party hats and horns and just be thankful that we've been here long enough to fluff ourselves up with that sentiment..
As Yogi (Berra) said, "It ain't over till it's over."
We haven't been around long enough to declare victory on a playing field where other hominid species have come and gone many times for reasons we can still only speculate on.
Some more and some less advanced than we have become.
I do like the reference made to how the observer changes the results of the experiment. This has come as a surprise to scientists and researchers for some time throughout modern scientific experimentation and exploration.
Everything is in flux and even infinity must change from what it is into whatever it will become. (Thoth/Hermes attested to this 10's of thousands of years ago in his Emerald Tablets which he allegedly left behind for us.)

So where does this leave us?

Hoping for the best and taking things one moment at a time, realizing that this world of illusion is simply that and looking inward for our own explanations for the world around us rather than attaching ourselves to one more religion that proves itself a modification of another that proved ultimately temporary or by grasping onto another unfounded scientific paradigm that like the flat earth theories of the past fall by the way side to more current and definable speculations and unintended skewed observations.

Find your "truths" within yourself. That's what we're here for.
That's what individuality is about.
Really, after countless civilizations and species that have come and gone through one reason or another in spite of the answers they thought they had for their purpose and their origins...what have you got to lose?
Go for it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bumper-Sticker Patriotism Is No Way to Honor Our Veterans

If this government gave one half as much concern for our people in the military or the voice of the people we could have had our troops home and safe years ago.

There is no greater connection we can have with these men and women than to want them removed from the dangers of a theater of war or invasion that was neither necessary or warranting the sacrifices of life and family such as our troops and their family have made over the last 10 years and in the course of America's propensity to have an armed conflict somewhere approximately every 15 to 20 years...all too often for less than immediate self defense.

It doesn't help to justify this governments position in doing this in light of the mass of information that is currently available through current technology that has shown more than one would like to admit, that this government is often complicit in creating the very conditions and situations that have put our sons and daughters in uniform and in peril for little more than corporate incentives and the desire of the military industrial complex to continue to establish itself as the fourth column and most powerful branch of this 'democratic, representative republic' which constitutionally does not include them in the role of governing membership.

While many choose to see Veterans Day as a day of memorial, others such as myself see it as a day of defeat and sorrow in that so many have sacrificed so much so often, for all too frequently, little more than less honorable political ambitions.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Debt Commission Report Targets Social Security, Medicare

Do the math people.

435 people voting as often as they like on whatever they like and making life and death decisions for 307 million Americans who get the free-dumb to vote for little more every two years than who the next courtesans will be to make decision for us.

These numbers of congressmen might have worked out well for the population of the 13 original states, but let's get real. This is all way out of reasonable proportion.

We have 435 people...generally living much better off than at least 300 million other people, (certainly as far as salary and health benefits) making decisions that become the laws of the land which in more cases than not, (and even in the case of criminal behavior) these 435 aren't even affected by.


If that doesn't pretty much depict a proportionate royalty versus serfs society and the way property and people were ruled in the middle ages then I've studied my history incorrectly.

This is one thing that should very well be changed if Americans are ever going to again have a genuine voice for their country and their destiny as countrymen/women and as individuals.

The US population of 2010 has outgrown the representation mandated in our constitution of 300 some years ago and the additional population of some 307 million more people.

No way 435 people can represent 307 million...and that might explain why (as can be seen again and again in the 20th and 21st century, they don't.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, November 08, 2010

Martin Erzinger, Morgan Stanley Wealth Manager, Won't Face Felony Charges For Hit-And-Run

Ok, this aristocratic, dual system of justice just keeps getting worse and worse.

At what point does someone (anyone) call this sort of judicial latitude and preferential treatment of establishment figures, politicians and finance barons into question on a national level as an affront to our sensibilities and our constitution?

A blind man can see that in 2010 America all men and women are no longer made to so much as even appear to be created equal in a court of law.

People are shot to death by rented security personnel while handcuffed and held on the floor of train stations with below minimal prudence of the laws that apply to everyone else and given a fraction of the punishment the average American would receive while financiers are given a pass for hit and run and fleeing the scene of an accident.

This double standard of justice that continues to grow and continue unchecked is worse than having no constitution at all.

Where is the check and balance for the judicial branch of this government??
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Eric Cantor Opposes Compromise On Extending Bush Tax Cuts, Says Government Shutdown Will Be Obama's Fault

Well, there he is again. Bold as life.

The newest wonder boy and future presidential hopeful of the GOP... Eric Cantor.

We'll be seeing a whole lot of this guy between now and 2012 (or 2016).

But how he or anyone can make the declaration at this point that any lack of progress in Congress will be the president's fault is insane.

These are two separate, individual branches of our government.

The president can only sign off on those bills that are passed by Congress and delivered to him.

Is Cantor saying that is Congress (Legislative branch) can't even get a bill to the president, (Executive branch) that this would somehow be Obama's fault?

It's not accurate (lie) and an obvious razzle dazzle to misdirect the American people on the very basics of American government..
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, November 06, 2010

GOP Plan Hit On All Sides: Not Far Enough For Tea Party, Doesn't Make Sense To Economists

Yet another issue that has become little more than the trials and tribulations of the rich and famous in the "green zone" that is DC, rather than the back story which is basically how legislation in America for the country and the people is in a state of stagnation with little to nothing being done to move this country in any direction at all...neither left, right or somewhere in between.

All we've been hearing is how difficult it is for either party to grapple and secure more power for themselves as opposed to doing what they were elected and sent to the green zone (DC) to do...address and remedy the needs of this country.

We're so far behind, we're practically running up on the heels of ourselves!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost