Be sure to read the story linked below to see what prompted this post. It's an interesting piece that you might like to muse over. I did, until I came to the following line of quote. After listing the various hominids who have come before us...and departed the author (Dr. Robert Lanza) pointed out, in his opinion:
"Indeed, we happen to be the only species of Hominina that made it."
I'd definitely put away the party hats and horns and just be thankful that we've been here long enough to fluff ourselves up with that sentiment..
As Yogi (Berra) said, "It ain't over till it's over."
We haven't been around long enough to declare victory on a playing field where other hominid species have come and gone many times for reasons we can still only speculate on.
Some more and some less advanced than we have become.
I do like the reference made to how the observer changes the results of the experiment. This has come as a surprise to scientists and researchers for some time throughout modern scientific experimentation and exploration.
Everything is in flux and even infinity must change from what it is into whatever it will become. (Thoth/Hermes attested to this 10's of thousands of years ago in his Emerald Tablets which he allegedly left behind for us.)
So where does this leave us?
Hoping for the best and taking things one moment at a time, realizing that this world of illusion is simply that and looking inward for our own explanations for the world around us rather than attaching ourselves to one more religion that proves itself a modification of another that proved ultimately temporary or by grasping onto another unfounded scientific paradigm that like the flat earth theories of the past fall by the way side to more current and definable speculations and unintended skewed observations.
Find your "truths" within yourself. That's what we're here for.
That's what individuality is about.
Really, after countless civilizations and species that have come and gone through one reason or another in spite of the answers they thought they had for their purpose and their origins...what have you got to lose?
Go for it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost