Sunday, February 06, 2011

Egypt Protests: Government Agrees To Major Demands In Talks On Sunday

Every time a US President starts making demands on other heads of state for basically reacting in the very same way our own would in the case of a week of thousands of people protesting wildly in the street for the ouster of their leadership­, I get real nervous.

Making it a point to present the US as the moral compass for the rest of the world, when reactions to this sort of thing from law enforcemen­t and the military would be mirrored to dispel and disrupt dissension here, there or in any country, is how we wind up in places like Iraq.

I don't seem to be hearing about other world leaders throwing their opinions out there as mandates and directives­.

The habit and need of our leadership to do this in any internatio­nal situation (except those where conflict serves our more hidden purposes) is perhaps our greatest reoccurrin­g moment of audacity.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost