According to a small human interest piece in the news today, someone (whomever the powers may be,) has the awesome responsibility to intercept and peruse the hundreds and hundreds of unanswered letters addressed to Santa at this time each year.
No. I'm not about to bludgeon Bush or the Patriot Act in this piece! Promise.
Taking things a step further, this entity has gone to the trouble of compiling the top choices made by the little ones in their lists of favors they would like Santa to deliver to them on Christmas eve. (Ok, Ok. It's probably some guy in a marketing firm somewhere.)
Topping the list were electronic gadgets of one sort or another, followed by assorted other toys of the non battery/electric using variety.
The thing that caught my eye was that some of the data put together was centered on the all and powerful "who was naughty, who was nice" question.
In each and every case, 100% of the letters mentioning behavior of any kind all unequivocally made reference in the affirmative. Yes, all of them, each boy and every girl, assured Santa that they had been good all year.
It occurs to me, that this very innocent omission is probably the very first experience in creative resume writing that these kids or many of us ever have in life.
After adulthood with all those years of this sort of prerequisite behind us it just gets better and better.
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