The Primaries:
We have so many candidates in the primaries talking about change I feel like I'm standing in a Laundromat where the coin machine is broken. In this, as in so many other primaries and elections over the last 60 years everyone runs on the promise of "change". Then why is it the mismanagement of government in America never changes? It still takes takes two to three generations to get things that the American people desperately needed like, yesterday addressed, voted on and passed on Capitol Hill?

Can anyone explain to me why our government insists on making and keeping natural, non-lethal, mind altering drugs illegal, while the drugs that are known to kill people by the tens and hundreds of thousands each year, like tobacco and alcohol remain legal, available and generate revenue through the taxes levied on them??
Bet you can't.
And yet, we still somehow think that our government has the best interests for the health and longevity of the American people in mind?
Actually these are rhetorical questions.
I already know the answer and so do most of you. It's right there in the way government conducts it's business.
Our government obviously holds mind control and profit in higher regard and at a higher level of of priority than it does actively promoting the longevity and good health of the American people. Why? Well, because it's good for the medical and pharmaceutical industrial complex and the lobbyists that provide our "representatives" the funding to run for and stay in office.
(I hope you weren't waiting for the memo to come to that conclusion.)
And finally...
What does it mean when someone says that something is an "unqualified success"?
If it's a success, shouldn't someone be able to qualify that as such?
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