Watch Obama's speech to Congress on Sept. 9, 2009 and from Minnesota Sept. 13, 2009 (The first is on Youtube...
it's part of the infamous, Joe Wilson "You lie" speech) The second, you may need to search for.
There's no question that the President was At that time in favor and supportive of a public option and a litany of other health care proposals for the benefit of the people.
Unfortunately the effort wasn't sustained and his initial support started and ended much to early to be of any consequence when it was really neded when the House and Senate were deliberating.
We could have used him on this. And while I'm deeply disappointed as are so many others, rather than accuse him of negligence I think it's just his management style to assume that Reid and Pelosi would have follwed up on his proposals for HCR...and in Reid's case, that's where the ball was dropped.
Unfortunately, as in football, the team gets the credit for the wins but the coach gets the blame for the losses.
Either way, it's not a very promising piece of legislation at this point for the people of Ameria and it doesn't help to be smacked in the face with the reality that Congress (especially the Senate) is more accountable to business and industry than the people they were sent to Washington to serve.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost