Whether or not Obama saying he would stay the course in Afghan surprised anyone or not, is not the issue.
Doing the right thing according to the majority of Americans who put him in office and why and what is morally correct and in accord with the majority of all Ameircans and the better interests of this country is his primary responsibility.
Continuing a course that has been attempted for 8 years and has proven to be a drain on our economy, morally unqualified and in opposition to what most Americans asked wish our military to be involved in is of benefit to no one at this point but industry and the MIC.
The Afgha occupation is but the tip of President Obama's NOT "getting it".
We remain in Iraq. Almost 50% of our budget has been awarded to industry and banking in lock step with the past President's policies and what was to be a national health care reform is being chiseled away to a shadow of what has been working in other nations (36!) for years.
The people who voted for Obama are not seeing the implied and stated objectives of his presidency. But again and again some people hold up his dogged commitment to a futile war as a wonderful accomplishment as though he were fulfilling his promises to those who voted for him.
It's not. And the people who held him up long enough to gain the Oval Office know it.
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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