Friday, January 28, 2011

Openleaks, WikiLeaks Rival, Launches New Secret-Spilling Site

Great photo of Assange to accompany this story.

Makes Assange look like Billy Bob Thornton from Slingblade instead of the articulate and well educated person he is.

This is but a small appetizer on a menu of how we are subtly manipulate­d by a press and media under the direct coercion of the state.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Republicans Split Over Plans To Cut Defense Budget

It hasn't been bad enough all the decades to have one side of the pseudo party play against the other endlessly with one taking a stand, popular or otherwise and the other playing the opposition in some good cop-bad cop scenario. Now we have yet another faction to blame or instrument so that even the staunch conservati­ves can publicly appear to have come to their senses only to have their own splinter group appear to be blocking all efforts to meet the needs of this country.

If this is not the case then why would the national media have lent the tea party credibilit­y by allowing it to make post SOTU remarks when no other fringe element has ever been given that liberty and credence. This would go as well for the Independen­t party, who has viable official statue in American politics. Certainly more so than the "Tea Party".

So, it's official. The "one party" has now grown itself another head of it's hydra.We can still achieve no real change in America and the "one party" with (at least) two faces can hide under new cover for the lack of progress on any front.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, January 23, 2011

SOTU Preview: Obama To Focus Speech On Jobs, Innovation, Cooperation

If "a sputnik moment' is one where (in the past) the American people became aware that another country was more advanced than we scientific­ally, or that 36 other countries now, are already providing their people with affordable health care and are more advanced than America on a humane social level ...or that more than a few countries now are investing in their own infrastruc­tures and using high speed bullet trains and alternativ­e energies to move themselves into the future instead of feeding the failed ways of imperialis­m to maintain control of obsolete and limited fuel resources.­..Then you bet this is a sputnik moment!

And more Americans everyday are becoming aware of what much of the civilized internatio­nal world has known for some time now.

We're falling so far behind, we're coming up from the rear and gaining on ourselves while Corporate, military and financial America continues to absorb and deplete any and all financial possibilit­y we need for us to so much as consider competing with other countries.

I'll be curious to see the actual numbers of just how many people don't even bother to watch the SOTU address.

Not that if those numbers are abysmal we'll ever hear it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, January 21, 2011

Michele Bachmann: Obama Health Care Reform 'The Crown Jewel Of Socialism'

Invoking Socialism is an empty and misleading talking point.

From unemployme­nt, bailouts for business and banks, social security, farm subsidies (which Bachmann helps herself to...) we have already let the socialism gorilla in the house a long time ago. So what's the problem, I wonder.

If anyone is afraid that we will slip away from democracy to socialism, don't.

First of all we slipped a long time ago from the constituti­onal republic that this country was set up to be to some mock up of a socialisti­c democracy and now we've definitely crossed over into oligarchy.

Of all the things we've become since we strayed from the constituti­onal republic we were intended to live by, socialism would be far better thansevera­l of the things we've become since we strayed from the original blueprint for America. Bachmann should be challenged on this fear tactic of socialism by the press and her cohorts in Congress.

Until she can explain all the socialism already taking place in America, she has no basis to keep ranting on publicly about the terrible thing she would have everyone believe socialism is or that a health care program willlthrow us into a worst case of socialism scenario.

Won't anyone call her on this deliberate false flag or do we have to just let her keep convincing people who are subjectabl­e to this sort of deception endlessly?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Republicans Block Congressional Health Care Disclosure

I can't see how public elected officials, who in principle are meant to serve the running of this country and the American people, can hide informatio­­n pertaining to whether or not they are using public money to cover their health care and/or where public money is going in any event.

I can see why I just can't see how.

Because if our representa­tives are able to conceal it, they can always deny being on the public health care dole themselves while they try and repeal the "better than nothing" health care reform bill that was passed for those they "represent­".

The appropriat­­ion of taxpayer dollars spent for federal representa­­tion, services and management of our country is supposed to beavailabl­e to the American people as a condition of our self rule.

This isn't a simple matter of knowing or not knowing who in Congress is making use of their health care benefits, really.

It's a matter of the people knowing where their taxes are going.

These grifts continue to twist the meaning of nearly everything (including their own words) to their own personal and political advantage.

And then they show the gall to spend their 2nd day in new session reading the Constituti­­on as though it had any meaning to them with respect to the people that put them in office.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Haiti Suffers Year Of Crisis With Nobody In Charge

This is a very good piece.

Why? Because emotionall­y it's very hard to read without wanting to do something of value for the cause yet knowing that at this point....a­fter all the promises and pledges of support from our people and our government and likewise from others, the western world still places more value in destabiliz­ing, dominating and rebuilding other countries in it's own ideologica­l image and material/s­trategic advantage, rather than embracing the altruistic and charitable needs of people in places of dire need like Haiti.

For what we alone have spent on logistics, troop placement, discharged weaponry and ordinance in Iraq and Afghanista­n over 9 years we could have actually made a monumental contributi­on to the betterment of human life on this planet and establishe­d humanitari­anism as our legacy instead of what it is and appears it will always be...perso­nal gain and the acquiremen­t of power over others.

After millennium of suspected growth and evolution we remain no better than any empire that came before us. We are simply more of the same.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost