Invoking Socialism is an empty and misleading talking point.
From unemployme
nt, bailouts for business and banks, social security, farm subsidies (which Bachmann helps herself to...) we have already let the socialism gorilla in the house a long time ago. So what's the problem, I wonder.
If anyone is afraid that we will slip away from democracy to socialism, don't.
First of all we slipped a long time ago from the constituti
onal republic that this country was set up to be to some mock up of a socialisti
c democracy and now we've definitely crossed over into oligarchy.
Of all the things we've become since we strayed from the constituti
onal republic we were intended to live by, socialism would be far better thansevera
l of the things we've become since we strayed from the original blueprint for America. Bachmann should be challenged on this fear tactic of socialism by the press and her cohorts in Congress.
Until she can explain all the socialism already taking place in America, she has no basis to keep ranting on publicly about the terrible thing she would have everyone believe socialism is or that a health care program willlthrow us into a worst case of socialism scenario.
Won't anyone call her on this deliberate false flag or do we have to just let her keep convincing people who are subjectabl
e to this sort of deception endlessly?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost