This is a very good piece.
Why? Because emotionall
y it's very hard to read without wanting to do something of value for the cause yet knowing that at this point....a
fter all the promises and pledges of support from our people and our government and likewise from others, the western world still places more value in destabiliz
ing, dominating and rebuilding other countries in it's own ideologica
l image and material/s
trategic advantage, rather than embracing the altruistic and charitable needs of people in places of dire need like Haiti.
For what we alone have spent on logistics, troop placement, discharged weaponry and ordinance in Iraq and Afghanista
n over 9 years we could have actually made a monumental contributi
on to the betterment of human life on this planet and establishe
d humanitari
anism as our legacy instead of what it is and appears it will always be...perso
nal gain and the acquiremen
t of power over others.
After millennium of suspected growth and evolution we remain no better than any empire that came before us. We are simply more of the same.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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