Thanks to those good folks who have been riding rough shod over every law and article of the constitution that the attention span of the American people could allow for during the last 7 years, we again find them hard at work in the field of creative language arts and double speak or as Orwell penned in his novel 1984, "newspeak".
Yes, the same people who brought us phrases like "it's not civilian casualties, it's collateral damage" and, "it's not troop expansion, it's a "surge"", have now somehow smuggled into the American lexicon, the American consciousness and into the reporting of the main stream media their newest code word for what has been up until now, after years of congressional investigation into the military use and practice of torture...well, "torture".
While up until now these acts that have been questioned by even the international community and collectively and historically called "torture", is now being bandied about as, merely the practice of "harsh interrogation practices".
There. Isn't that so much nicer on the ear and easier on the national conscience than, ugh, "torture"?
Ah, the cleverness of these people in Washington is not to be underestimated. And their ability to infuse even the most stalwart broadcasting entities such as NPR to help reshape the message sent out to the American listener is indeed stunning in it's effectiveness.
At the same time, try and keep in mind (if for nothing else but perspective) that the sign posted high and prominently above the entrance to the camp called Auschwitz still reads "Work is freedom." But that neither, necessarily makes it so to this very day.
Maybe when it comes to that part of human nature to do one thing while striving to convince others that by changing what it is commonly called it can appear to be acceptable... some things never do really change.
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