OK. Get these guys to agree to and the state to approve of a run off, already.
This thing can go on for another 6 to 12 months as it is with Coleman using it for photo ops and lobbying his buddies in the Senate or we could be done with it in a matter of weeks.
Of course, how likely is it that the GOP is going to agree to anything of the kind without a third party candidate (such as Barkley was) involved to bleed votes from Franken in another round of voting? It would be a massive landslide with a race only involving Coleman and Franken to the tune of a double digit percentage final count by the time the sun came up the next day.
Perhaps someone should get a court ruling on holding a run off in this situation to begin with and resolve this then move forward with having one.
I still can't believe that this is the same guy that wanted Franken to throw in the towel on the eve of the election for expediency and the "good of the state of Minnesota". And now he's the main impediment to resolving this issue by not accepting the results of the law driven recount.
No. Wait. What am I saying? It's Coleman and the GOP. I can believe double speak all too well. We've been living with it as policy for 8 years now.
Come to think about it...since when were people who aren't Senators allowed to just mosey in and visit the Senate??
Try it sometime and let me know how that works for you, Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Public. I'll start scraping together the bail.
About Senate Races
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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