Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Netanyahu To Obama: Stop Iran, Or I Will

Well, roll up those sleeves, Benny and swat away. If Israel can take on Iran all by its lonesome and you are willing to take the international heat for doing so, why challenge the U.S. to take the first punch? Go for it. We're a little busy just now with our own issues like a failed economy, two occupations and a government that doesn't seem to be functioning any more. Best of luck, to ya!
About Israel
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Monday, March 30, 2009

Stock Market Rally On Hold

Extreme problems require extreme measures. How well could anyone else run this country with the problems we've inherited from the previous administration(s) in less than 100 days?? This country is so beyond the possibility that a few tweaks can fix what's wrong with it that anyone who didn't see that some drastic measures would be needed to move us forward in the correct direction is either a fool or drinking the conservative/GOP Kool-Aid. This country gave George Bush 8 years to deflate the economy. You can at least give Obama 8 months to fix things. Well, you could if fixing the country was as important to you as trading our future for the pleasure of seeing to it that Obama's efforts fail. Because let's face it. If he succeeds, he's going to make a whole lot of people look pretty darned foolish for not finding the solutions sooner and all those who supported them for the last few decades look even more foolish.
About Auto Bailout
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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Newsweek's Krugman Cover Story: Obama's Loyal Opposition

Dear Mr. Krugman,

"Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way!"
We have a hemorrhaging economy and our newly elected President is doing his best to repair it.
Your opinions to the contrary and steady flow of criticism is unwarranted, counter productive and does no good what so ever for the patient.
Be on your way, Sir.

About Barack Obama

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Call it what you will.

Terrorism in uniform, with advanced technology while hiding behind the excuse that you are simply defending your interests and your people is every bit as much terrorism as terrorism carried out without uniforms, with primitive technology and hiding behind the excuse that you are simply defending your interests and those of your people.
The only difference is the uniform.
As the bumper sticker says..."War is just terrorism with a bigger budget!"

British Police Identify 200 Children As Potential Terrorists

If the children are supposedly the terrorists why is it the Bobbies are dressing like terrorists and wearing masks in this picture and so many others??
Any people that are genuinely free and any government that is genuinely worthy of leading them does not need to be afraid that any outside influence can bring an end to either the freedom of those people or that government approved of by a free people. And especially not 200 children.
This is nothing more than a matter of retaining power at all costs regardless of whether the political system is righteously worthy or it's people are genuinely free...or not. Both appear to be living in an expanding state of fear.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

There's a new "kido" on the block...

The networking community is up in arms and warning alarms about a new "virus" that's making headlines. Some of it's names are kido, conficker and downadup.
Some people who haven't even been remotely affected by it are looking for blood, executions and incarceration for the people behind this new code.
In the event no one has told you, as the deal goes...we are free to use the internet if we choose to. No one promised any of us that we had certain inalienable rights and protections while we were using it.
Those people who find some fulfillment in breaking and creating code are just as entitled to find in the internet whatever might personally attract them as you or I.
Where did everyone else get this self righteous sense of entitlement that dictates the use of the internet exists solely for their own purpose and anyone with a counter objective should be denied these services or punished if they should pursue them?
No. I'm not talking about or condoning identity theft or fraud here. I'm talking math. I'm talking code. And I'm talking about those who by finding weaknesses in existing code ultimately help evolve the very science and art of programming.
These people, whether they pose an inconvenience to others who choose to (we are not being forced) use the internet have as much right to use the net as you, me or anyone else.
It's a jungle out there. You can't simply build fences and call a public domain yours for your own exclusive purposes to the exclusion of everyone else with a different set of interests.
Protect yourself and stop demanding ridiculous penalties and punishment for those who choose to use the net for reasons other than your own.
If you're that troubled by the risks of using the internet, find another means of carrying on your business and communications needs.
It isn't as though things have never been done in any other way on this planet.

Limbaugh Attacks "Barack Ogabe" And His "Angry" Wife (AUDIO)

This man's act does not even even have the hint of his being clever. He hides behind scripted and practiced mispronunciations of the President's name like some 5th grader taunting another student at recess. I'm sorry. What is Rush's redeeming social value, again? It seems to have been lost on most people beyond the age of reason over the years.
About Barack Obama
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Goldman Sachs Planning To Return TARP Money: "Impossible To Run Our Business In This Environment"

Obviously, in view of the current economic crisis in the banking industry, it's impossible under any conditions for these folks to run their business. There would be no bail out if a bailout wasn't required as a means to save these guys. Now they want to return it because the bail out is conditional? Aren't there conditions on the money these banks loan to the average Jane and Joe Borrower?
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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Israeli Army T-Shirts Mock Dead Palestinian Babies, Bombed Mosques

Yep. We're just a hairs breadth away from an "I (heart) genocide!" tee shirt now! The JDL spin jockeys are gonna be swarming out of the hive on damage control for this one. They had better. This makes the threats against Israel seem tame by comparison.
About Israel
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"Hillary: The Movie" To Be Reviewed By Supreme Court

I don't see why this film would garner any more credibility than Michael Moore's stuff did against the Bush administration or Rush's daily rants against everything on the left do. Better to allow 100 people the right to abuse free speech with lies and distortions than to silence even one person who wishes to speak the truth.
About Supreme Court
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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cheney Shrugs At Economic Crisis: Don't Blame Us (VIDEO)

The apologists of the Bush administration have gone full tilt boogie into the role of historical revisionists for their under equipped former boss and as a means to redeem their own roles and associations with him. They are coming out in droves on talk shows and political interview shows like mites from a mattress in a junkies crash pad in a condemned building.

And assisting them in all of these efforts to transmogrify recent history is corporate news.

And why is that?

Well, because corporate media is owned by, presented and exists for the sole purpose of representing the interests of, well, corporate America and the perpetuation of globalization. It is an integral part in every sense and a very real, living and ongoing matrix that we live in that exists to have the world citizenry see a reality that they ("corporatism") fabricates and manipulates out of fear that at some point enough people will wake up and genuinely change the paradigm that corporatism has come to profit and thrive upon. If the illusion were to be replaced in the minds of the world people with it would destroy any and all illusions that any of what is going on in world management is anything more than insanity in exchange for power...which is after all the only real currency in a system anchored in monetary and material worship.

Welcome to the era of the Copper Top.
About CNN
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AIG Outrage Dominates Sunday Shows

Take the money back from AIG and try the people for fraud if they distributed or benefited from the unfair advantage of the situation and intent of the bail out. Leave it to AIG to continue the fine capitalistic practices that sunk their company and devalued the national currency in the first place. But then that's the inevitable end game of capitalism isn't it? Consume, deplete, move on to the next profitable target.
About Larry Summers
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Friday, March 13, 2009

Justice Department Ends "Enemy Combatant" Definition For Gitmo Detainees

Ya see? It's like this. No matter who runs for and wins the presidency in this country, it is their job to maintain the status quo not to bring about real change. That's why corporations throw money at both of the candidates, who just coincidentally share the same broad vision as the other (and the previous President) once the election is done and they assume power. That is why Obama has declared that the "combat mission will be over in Iraq in 2010"...but that does not address the continuation of any other sort of mission. That is also why changing the name from "enemy combatant" in no way makes any of these detainees any closer to being released after all these years. It's all semantics and getting the people to believe what they want so badly to believe by manipulating the language rather than actually changing policy. And hey...I say this with all the love one can muster. I voted for Obama, believing things would be different. Not so much, huh?
About Terrorism
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Jim Cramer On "Daily Show": Full Unedited, Uncensored Video

Gotta give Cramer credit for even coming on the show and trying to accomodate Stewart's valid complaints about CNBC. Unfortunately, john was interviewing the wrong guy. The big guys at CNBC are ultimately responsible for whatever clown act Cramer uses on the air as well as all the inaccurate financial advice all the CNBC "experts" deliver to the public each day that often deliberately misleads the viewing public.
About Jim Cramer
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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Madoff pleads guilty and goes to jail in handcuffs

If he ever gets to serve any real time in a real prison at all...the likelihood is that someone that shares the exercise yard with Bernie is going to make a killing in cigarettes and magazine subscriptions thanks to at least one of the victims.
About Bernard Madoff
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Sunday, March 08, 2009

Victor Munoz, Nadya Suleman's New Publicist, Quits: She's "Nuts"

So why isn't anyone coming down on the fertility doctor(s) that made it possible for a less than stable (financially and otherwise) woman to conceive, carry to term and and deliver 8 babies into this world?? See? I can be brief.
About Nadya Suleman
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Sunday, March 01, 2009

Angela Merkel Rejects Bailout Plan For Eastern EU Nations

All, it would seem Europe has wanted since the End of World War II and especially in the last few decades was to emulate the United States, history's leader in the 3 C's...credit, consumerism and capitalism. Let the rest of the world note and be wary...Europe now has exactly what they wished for. Both The US and Europe have economies that have tanked.

So much for independent rule and self determination.
About Germany
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