The networking community is up in arms and warning alarms about a new "virus" that's making headlines. Some of it's names are kido, conficker and downadup.
Some people who haven't even been remotely affected by it are looking for blood, executions and incarceration for the people behind this new code.
In the event no one has told you, as the deal goes...we are free to use the internet if we choose to. No one promised any of us that we had certain inalienable rights and protections while we were using it.
Those people who find some fulfillment in breaking and creating code are just as entitled to find in the internet whatever might personally attract them as you or I.
Where did everyone else get this self righteous sense of entitlement that dictates the use of the internet exists solely for their own purpose and anyone with a counter objective should be denied these services or punished if they should pursue them?
No. I'm not talking about or condoning identity theft or fraud here. I'm talking math. I'm talking code. And I'm talking about those who by finding weaknesses in existing code ultimately help evolve the very science and art of programming.
These people, whether they pose an inconvenience to others who choose to (we are not being forced) use the internet have as much right to use the net as you, me or anyone else.
It's a jungle out there. You can't simply build fences and call a public domain yours for your own exclusive purposes to the exclusion of everyone else with a different set of interests.
Protect yourself and stop demanding ridiculous penalties and punishment for those who choose to use the net for reasons other than your own.
If you're that troubled by the risks of using the internet, find another means of carrying on your business and communications needs.
It isn't as though things have never been done in any other way on this planet.
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