Extreme problems require extreme measures. How well could anyone else run this country with the problems we've inherited from the previous administration(s) in less than 100 days?? This country is so beyond the possibility that a few tweaks can fix what's wrong with it that anyone who didn't see that some drastic measures would be needed to move us forward in the correct direction is either a fool or drinking the conservative/GOP Kool-Aid. This country gave George Bush 8 years to deflate the economy. You can at least give Obama 8 months to fix things. Well, you could if fixing the country was as important to you as trading our future for the pleasure of seeing to it that Obama's efforts fail. Because let's face it. If he succeeds, he's going to make a whole lot of people look pretty darned foolish for not finding the solutions sooner and all those who supported them for the last few decades look even more foolish.
About Auto Bailout
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