"Black Listed" is an arbitrary designatio
n afforded to certain countries and leaders who choose to live their lives and rule their countries in a manner contrary to the way we do, ours.
Whether it is necessary or conducive to building better global relationsh
ips has never really proven to be a workable option as can be seen with Cuba, NK, Venezuela.
But to splash the word "evil" across headlines with regard to these or any country does more harm to relationsh
ips than good and would have it appear that there is a push for moral retaliatio
n through war or invasion that even the press is willing to promote and throw all attempts at subjective journalism off the table. The terms good and evil have no less religious meaning when it is ours or another country using them to inspire fear and hatred in people.
After so much that was said about the damage done to our state department by the simple distributi
on of truth through WikiLeaks, why would any one think that emblazonin
g the word "evil" across a front page or a website, about another country, would make our position to secure a peaceful coexistenc
e with those we share this planet with any less distant a possibilit
y or remote a probabilit
ally the day before we observe a holiday we claim to show our dedication of peace on earth.
Merry Christmas everybody!
"Peace on Earth!"
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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