Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Norm Coleman Returns To Senate As Non Sequitur

OK. Get these guys to agree to and the state to approve of a run off, already.
This thing can go on for another 6 to 12 months as it is with Coleman using it for photo ops and lobbying his buddies in the Senate or we could be done with it in a matter of weeks.
Of course, how likely is it that the GOP is going to agree to anything of the kind without a third party candidate (such as Barkley was) involved to bleed votes from Franken in another round of voting? It would be a massive landslide with a race only involving Coleman and Franken to the tune of a double digit percentage final count by the time the sun came up the next day.
Perhaps someone should get a court ruling on holding a run off in this situation to begin with and resolve this then move forward with having one.

I still can't believe that this is the same guy that wanted Franken to throw in the towel on the eve of the election for expediency and the "good of the state of Minnesota". And now he's the main impediment to resolving this issue by not accepting the results of the law driven recount.

No. Wait. What am I saying? It's Coleman and the GOP. I can believe double speak all too well. We've been living with it as policy for 8 years now.

Come to think about it...since when were people who aren't Senators allowed to just mosey in and visit the Senate??
Try it sometime and let me know how that works for you, Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Public. I'll start scraping together the bail.

About Senate Races
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Cadillac One: President Obama's New Limousine Officially Unveiled

Sheer irony.

If this were truly "one nation" standing behind the ideals of the founding fathers and the principles of democracy we wouldn't need to have our leadership carried around in armored personnel carriers like some third world, tin pot dictator.

Reality seems to have a way of creeping in and destroying the popularly distributed perceptions, doesn't it?
About Obama's Inauguration
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fun Facts From Zach's Almanac: You just can't make this stuff up!

It appears that the animal protection group P.E.T.A is pushing a wide ranging PR campaign or spin to rename the class of Animalia known as "fish" to something more attractive, cute and well, cuddly in an effort to raise the consciousness of people who basically see the species as sport or (more importantly) food.
And what is the fruit of these efforts from a various sub-section of highly educated college grads and learned marketing scholars???
P.E.T.A. would like us to call fish, "sea-kittens".
That's all I've got.
I mean, how much funnier could this possibly be made out to be??
Photo courtesy of the HuffPost.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fun Facts From Zach's Almanac: If "a rose is a rose..."

Adolf Hitler Campbell Taken From Parents By Police

For what little is actually revealed about this story at all, you really should slip out to Huffington Post (link below) and read it for yourself. Brace yourself. There's so little who, what, where, when and why revealed it could make a journalism professor wince in pain.
But as this story plays out in the next few days, I'll be very curious to see what, (aside from the parent's choice of names for these kids) made the authorities believe a law was broken or these kids were in danger. Weird names to give your kids?
Yeah! Sure! You betcha!
But we either live in a free country established on laws or we don't. And what ever you may want to name your kids should be of no interest to the government.
It isn't as though there's nothing else happening these days that shouldn't already be occupying their attention. Or did I miss the memo on how we've established Utopian peace and prosperity?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Police Swarm Subway After Protests Over Shooting Turn Violent (VIDEO)

Oakland, CA police gear up to disburse protesters
and provoke violence in the community.

I just can't get enough stories about people being charged with "unlawful assembly".
In America, what is unlawful assembly when the first amendment of our Constitution specifically ensures assembly as a basic human right to "collectively express, promote, pursue and defend common interests", or more specifically implied, "the right to protest"??

We have a glut of lawyers in America to interpret laws for the common man and woman when these laws were meant to be easily understandable to all, only to have the meaning of what few laws that seem fairly clear and understandable, altered and reinvented to the point of having none of their original, intended meaning any longer.

Time to wake up people. Take that red pill.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Israel and the Hamas of Gaza: This could be going much, much better for everybody!

A large percentage of the people dying in Gaza yesterday, today and tomorrow are not Hamas militia.
It's that simple in spite of all other surrounding complexities involved with this situation.
For certain no one has been able to ascertain what percentage of the population of Gaza is militia or is responsible for lobbing rockets, (as impotent and ineffective as this still very real threat may be) into Israel for years now.
One does not use a sledge hammer to swat mosquitoes. It's hell on the windows, portraits and drapes. One does not strafe, invade, occupy, fire precision missiles or bombs into East LA, New York, Chicago or other US cities in an effort to stop the Cryps or the Bloods from mugging, maiming or murdering the citizenry or the authorities.
No one brought tanks and missiles into play in Europe to rain death upon any city to combat the organized anarchists (sheer irony, that!) who year after year congregate to disrupt the G-8 Summit held by any of the hosting membership nations of France, the US, the UK, Russia, Germany, Japan, Italy or Canada.
For all anyone knows for certain...the ratio of gang members in any other industrialized country and the percentage of Hamas militants in Gaza are very similar. The problem is and continues to be that Hamas militants are not the sole target of Israeli's superior and 4 billion per year western supplied military might. And these rising collateral damages, in a 12 mile by 12 mile bombed out ghetto over the years is reaching perfectly criminal proportions that others who have been tried for war crimes could only have dreamed of in their wildest twisted machinations.
Other means are available to Israel to find, isolate and eliminate whatever small factions of the population Hamas represents, should Israel truly care to do so.
Israel has historically proven to possess one of the most effective secret service organizations in the free world. They have successfully infiltrated whomever they wished to as far back as the Mossad can be remembered. Israel has infiltrated hostile organizations from the terrorists at the Olympics in Germany to capturing Nazi sympathizers 60 years after the fact in Argentina.
Finding and eliminating whatever small percentage of the Gaza population was responsible for firing rockets at Israel could have been accomplished long ago if a genuine modicum of recognition for the sanctity of civilian life were actually in practice today by those who claim to be living and practicing it already.
We are led to believe that Israel is better than the murderous people fighting against them. I want to believe this as much as my culture insists that I do. And it is known for a fact that Israel has the technology, finances and intelligence to show the world exactly that of themselves.
When will we get to see some tangible evidence of this rather than the slow destruction of the Palestinian state while Hamas, no matter how small and ineffective is allowed to remain an ongoing excuse for the extended occupation, further conflict and the death of civilians who are being held captive within a 12 mile by 12 mile compound by a military who has been time proven to be superior on the one side to the comparatively small and ill equipped gang of thugs called Hamas militiamen in Gaza on the other?

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Biden: Obama Made Mistake Not Consulting Feinstein

The inauguration has yet to take place and the Vice President is publicly critiquing the President.

"With friends like these..." It's going to be a long, long 4 years. If anyone thinks a third party draws both sides of the aisle together to work against an incumbent, you haven't seen nothing like the Caucasian back lash from Capitol hill. A trillion dollar deficit, the economy on the skids, the stock market down for everyone at approx. 40 to 60%, two active, foreign occupations underway and a host of other national woes, and Joe thinks his best display of support for the guy that chose him as a running mate is to be the mouth piece for the disgruntled few in the Senate?? Sure ours is an adversarial form of government. But who would have thought that would come from a running mate and fellow occupant of the White House...before the inauguration???
About Joe Biden
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, January 05, 2009

Franken Race: Minnesota Court Deals Coleman New Blow

Well, it appears that the guy who would be Senator on the night of the election and belly ached that Franken should accept the initial counts as accurate and "throw in the towel" for the benefit of Minnesota politics, obviously has no intention of taking his advised high road now that the tables have turned. If that isn't par for the course... And now there's the likelihood that he (Coleman) will be filing for suit, which will tie up the courts and the Senatorial appointment for several more weeks. In order to declare so much as a tie at this point, he (Coleman) would need to win the decision on 225 of those 630 ballots in question and pose the assumption that Franken would win none of them or any of the remainder. The original recount was not a matter of Franken's insistance. It was a legal mandate based on the election outcome in Minnesota. Any suit brought about by Coleman is an exercise of choice based solely on wishful thinking. Perhaps he should be publicly reminded of his earlier concerns for Minnesota politics and follow his own suggestion made to Franken in November to accept the results and "throw in the towel".
About Al Franken
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Israeli ground forces enter Gaza in escalation

Gaza...12 miles by 12 miles. A mandatory gated community. In common terms a refugee camp since the uprising inspired by the West qnd Israel's disregard for the Palestinian's democratically held election results. No one in and no one out except the Israeli military. The propaganda promoted by the western press can say what it likes to have believed. These facts above still also remain true. Along with the mystical death tolls of 400 Israeli kills to the Palestinian single digit damage from what we are led to be barrages of rocket attacks for months which, in spite of the compact living conditions in Israel, rarely if ever find a target. Hardly a cause for calling in the reserves for the purpose of self defense. This is merely an exercise in troop mobilization and deployment. Fishing in a barrel. The Israelis could have walked back in and re-occupied Gaza at any time with just their weekend team. There's a vast gulf between logic and the propaganda.
About Israel
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Bushisms Over The Years

It's only fitting at the start of this new year 2009 and a new administration to look back and pay homage to the wit and wisdom of a two term president and his ability to think on his feet as well as the Idiocracy that voted for him and allowed him to serve to the detriment of what was once a great nation.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sarah And Bristol Palin Release Statement: "Obviously Discourage" Teen Pregnancy, Situation "Isn't Ideal"

"...putting aside their own interests" would have perhaps been something best done in a more timely fashion, say during the unprotected coitus that gave way to conception.
About Sarah Palin
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost