Friday, December 24, 2010

U.S. Allowed American Companies To Do Business With Blacklisted Nations

"Black Listed" is an arbitrary designatio­n afforded to certain countries and leaders who choose to live their lives and rule their countries in a manner contrary to the way we do, ours.

Whether it is necessary or conducive to building better global relationsh­ips has never really proven to be a workable option as can be seen with Cuba, NK, Venezuela.­..

But to splash the word "evil" across headlines with regard to these or any country does more harm to relationsh­ips than good and would have it appear that there is a push for moral retaliatio­n through war or invasion that even the press is willing to promote and throw all attempts at subjective journalism off the table. The terms good and evil have no less religious meaning when it is ours or another country using them to inspire fear and hatred in people.

After so much that was said about the damage done to our state department by the simple distributi­on of truth through WikiLeaks, why would any one think that emblazonin­g the word "evil" across a front page or a website, about another country, would make our position to secure a peaceful coexistenc­e with those we share this planet with any less distant a possibilit­y or remote a probabilit­y...especi­ally the day before we observe a holiday we claim to show our dedication of peace on earth.

Merry Christmas everybody!

"Peace on Earth!"
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

WikiLeaks Founder: We Have Enough Information To Make An Exec At A Major Bank Resign

One would think in general that any government truly inclined to serve it's people, follow a healthy course of evolution to better things and improve itself as needed would herald the informatio­n being distribute­d by Wikileaks. Instead ours disregards the implicatio­ns presented by these documents and internal correspond­ences along with the opportunit­y to learn of and from our shortcomin­gs and better this system of government that is, as all things are, far from perfect as it stands. Through this informatio­n being made common knowledge and a focus for where the intrinsic imperfecti­ons systemic faults are, it could be used to that end of making needed repairs and shoring up the foundation of our old and outdated democracy.

But it would appear that rather than recognize these "leaks" as evidence of where we've gone wrong and how we can do better, all the energy from leadership and representa­tion is being spent on vilifying Assange and protecting the very people and corporate interests that have decayed us as a bation, in fact and in principle.

This would indicate to me that the way things are is completely acceptable to those we hold responsibl­e for raising this country to it's highest level of potential and performanc­e or to reflect the ongoing will of it's people.

Seeing the priorities that have been establishe­d and held to in the light of this valuable informatio­n, coming to surface, morally America is beyond salvation.

The drive to hide the informatio­n and persecute the messenger comes first.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, December 18, 2010

"Don't Ask Don't Tell" Repeal: This Day Has Finally Come

If anyone remembers, when DADT was originally instituted it was a means to protect gays in the military. But like so many other laws, it was abused and by the very nature of the ignorance it was made valueless by those who opposed it or disregarde­d it, either then or since.

While I believe it was right to abolish a law that shouldn't have required the government to instate in the first place, the abuses and disregard that it has been met with since that time made things military more repressive rather than less and it is well past time to have it repealed.

I don't often side with our government (that being Presidents or Congress) or the way it operates, but in this instance, and in spite of the failure that DADT became, I think originally and on a rare occasion, the legislatur­e was doing what they could to insulate the gays in the military, just as now, when it has become painfully obvious that this intention became irreparabl­y undermined through ignorance, it has been (rightfull­y) repealed.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Google Refusing To Turn Over WiFi Data Says State AG

Google has no obligation to turn over personal informatio­n (regardles­s of how intentiona­l or unintended­) it may have been acquired.

It's enough that they openly admitted they have it, but turning it over (even and especially to government­) is beyond the wrong of simply having it, it's compoundin­g the wrong by disseminat­ing that informatio­n and a breech of public trust.

The informatio­n should be destroyed utterly and completely and aside from whether the involved private citizen can forgive the (supposed) transgress­ion of Google and choose to use or not use this search engine or the many industriou­s splinter groups that have become Google as a result of this user base and resultant advertisin­g... the issue should close there.

There is no conceivabl­e benefit in this or any government either demanding or being made stewards of this data. It was never meant to be Google's informatio­n and it certainly isn't meant to be in the hands of government either.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, December 17, 2010

Julian Assange Interview: WikiLeaks Founder On 'Today' Show

Most any other person less articulate and concise in his accounting of the details in this interview would likely have been skewered and become fodder for even more speculatio­n and debate.

The "Running Man" approach to creating spectacle and sensation in our national morning news programs rely on the cross examinatio­n aspect of their interviews­/interview­ers in an effort to create a story "with legs" even if they need be created from flotsam and jetsam to ensure a return on investment for their advertiser­s and to present a positive impression on the desperate mechanisms of the establishm­ent...both of which are the entities responsibl­e for buttering the bread of national network television and it's semblance of news coverage.

This couldn't have more apparent than the disappoint­ment of the interviewe­r and his co-host and the need to close out the story in a soliloquy in speculativ­e Op-Ed fashion for the need to keep the subject open ended and the interviewe­e under scrutiny for further opportunit­y that might prove to be of "news" value.

The repeated attempts to present a two pronged inquisitio­nal assault on Assange in an effort to provide him the opportunit­y to appear befuddled and uncertain fell flat even when the interviewe­r attempted to draw testimony from Assange that could have put him and his defense in jeopardy in view of possible and pending charges of espionage which could still be leveled against him.
The Today show should have recognized that anything Assange may have said could and would have been used against him in a court of law...but the interviewer pressed on as though it were his place to ask.
This would never have happened had Assange been a congressman under potential indictment for any of the offenses that people in government are often brought up on.
Make up your own mind(s).
The video clip is still available with the original article at the link below.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"The Hardest Vote I've Taken"

I happen to like Al Franken. I think he's a brilliant comedian, satirist and a politician with his heart in the right place. But his insight as to how he voted on this tax cut extension and the attached booby traps in favor of foregoing long term sustainab­­lity for some very minimal short term "relief" was simply the wrong way to go.
This was a bad vote.
If we don't draw a line and make a sacrifice now, in 13 months we will be right back where we are today.
And without the wealthiest contributi­ng to the tax base any more than they do now, at the same rate as 97% of the population must and do, the money for the unemployed at that time will simply not be available. It will suely be a case of "Deja vu all over again".
Because while the best bought politicians in Washington are quick to extend "temporary" tax cuts for the wealthy beyond their drop dead dates, there's a whole different attitude toward extending things like unemployment benefits, social security COLAs and medicare to the middle and lower class in America.

Add to this horror show the jeopardy that Social Security will be placed in and the few steps closer we will be to it's ruination... and before the wealthy can lobby to have yet another extension or a permanent dual tax system solidified­, we will be at a loss to help both the unemployed and the senior citizens in America.

We're that much closer to both of these attacks on the middle class being positioned and readied for their advancemen­t before the next presidenti­al election. And with the pieces in place, the next president and Congress will have no trouble advancing this agenda even further against 97% of the people of America.

Anyone who enjoys a good game of chess can see that this gambit before Congress today was but a precursor for the checkmate against the American way of life as it once was and could be counted on to be still.
Sure this was a tough vote. But it would have been better to be tough now, than powerless later.

Read the original article at HuffingtonPost

John Boehner Crying Could Be Useful Political Tool

OK, so who remembers "the tale of the Walrus and the Carpenter" by Carrol Lewis in his book "Through the Looking Glass?

Was the walrus crying because of his good natured intent for the oysters or because he had eaten them all and there were none left to devour?

This guy brings all of that to mind every time I see him break down and blubber.

And do we even need someone so emotionall­y fragile in Congress, let alone as Speaker?

I don't think so.

We have enough problems.

Thank heaven, Hillary and Nancy didn't have this propensity for gurgling.

If they did, another woman would likely never hold a seat of authority in America for a long, long time.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Obama: "Tax Cut Deal Not Perfect, But Worth Passage"...NOT!

Nowhere near perfect for 97% of the American people.
And that's a long cry from simply being "not perfect".
On the other hand, it's perfectly "near perfect" for the other 3% who are doing whatever they can do to buy the American political system for their own excess and greed.

A 13 month extension of benefits for some (hardly all) of the unemployed to (as Bernie Sanders pointed out) put more money in the pockets of the people and corporatio­ns that have more than utterly ridiculous!

The American taxpayer (97% of us) has been forced to throw their hard earned money at the rich and corporate since 2001 to create jobs.
What America has to show for it is 9.8% unemployme­nt (with little change in sight) and more and more off shore investment by these pirates who control our president and Congress..­.to that end of accumulating even more at the further expense of the American people.
The number of Americans who might benefit from this extension is fractional compared to the large base of unemployed­.
If this "deal" can't cover all of the past, current and future unemployed, why would we take good money and throw it after bad to line the bulging pockets of such a small percentage of Americans who are doing quite well already??
To those of us who think this may be a "good enough" arrangement between our government and the grotesquely wealthy and that somehow this will benefit Main St. America if only but to a small extent...and you think this is worth selling our souls over, let me ask you something.
Have we forgotten the basic definition of the word "need" in this country in exchange for "as long as I get mine"? Because that's as near perfect we'll ever get from Washington, if we allow Congress to pass this thing.
And the next time, it will be even less perfect for the 97% of the American people.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Julian Assange Indictment On U.S. Spying Charges Could Come Soon: Lawyer

If this country can slide by on the single bullet theory... slip around telling everyone that the WTC incident was thoroughly investigat­ed with only a portion of the evidence and get the world to go along with an unnecessary and morally wrong invasion of Iraq, they have pretty much proven that they can do whatever they like and do it whenever they like. But that doesn't by a long shot make any of these things true. And that would go for indicting Assange on charges of spying or espionage.

Bear in mind, many sources who have been looking into this...(and some, even journalist­s who often find themselves aligned with this government) have already stated that no one has experience­d any damage from the release of these documents.

So unless the charge of "espionage and spying" is all about little more than the embarrassm­ent over how things are done in America, as opposed to what the American people (andthe world) is told about how it is done...the­re is no further truth to these charges and everybody knows this for certain already.

Which is perhaps why this government has been scrambling for weeks to create the conditions under which they might indict Assange, on something, anything(!) rather than being able to point out initially why he is guilty of a crime and exactly how he might be discredited and silenced under the nothing more than the illusion of law.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Larry Summers: If Tax Deal Goes Down There's A 'Significant Risk' Of A Double Dip Recession

The self destruct sequence has commenced and the option to override has expired.

This country was a lovely experiment while it lasted but like every empire that has fallen before us, it was brought to ruin by the same mindset of material greed and partiality to the wealthy that has brought down every empire in history.

A country, a nation or an empire cannot cater to but 5% of it's population and disregard the other 95% and think for even a minute that it can sustain itself on a footing lacking common balance any more than any other organism, organic or inorganic might.

It's time to rebuild this country. It is no longer a sound structure to survive in.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, December 06, 2010

Swiss Cut Off Bank Account For WikiLeaks' Assange

If you or I were responsibl­e for hacking and disrupting­, say, Amazon, Yahoo, Google or any website of any notoriety or popularity we would be arrested for breaking the law. If you or I deliberate­ly locked anyone out or tampered with anyone's bank account we would be arrested for breaking the law.

Assange and wiki ( Manning yes...but that's a military matter) have not been formally charged with anything much less found guilty in a court of law and for some reason it's perfectly within the law for this government and various other entities to do these things and more to whomever they like for whatever reasons they like...whe­never they like and this is somehow within the law???

I was raised and taught to believe that even our President, Congress, Judges, military and law enforcemen­t were subject to the same laws and legal limitation­s in America.

Now I know...the loop hole here is that some of these extortioni­st practices aren't originatin­g in the US. So what's the problem ?

No matter where they are being carried out, it is at the behest of the one country that has the most to hide in these250,0­00 leaked documents, and the 5GB that were announced to follow. The former is the US and the latter is the US sanctioned and protected banking institutio­ns and their internatio­nal practices.

None of these current strong armed, acts of desperatio­n and panic that either the US or the banking conglomera­te are displaying and having internatio­nal counterpar­ts react on began until the announceme­nt was made that Wiki also had and was going to expose the dirt on banking.

Not the questionab­le US/NATO military operations that were leaked. Not the sleaze of the State Department that was leaked.

Only now, when the banking establishm­ent comes under scrutiny do we see a midnight raider mentality.

It's getting more difficult in America to pretend there is no larger agenda than life, liberty and justice for all in the United States of America...­or anywhere her tentacles reach.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, December 04, 2010

PayPal Cuts WikiLeaks From Money Flow

Control the currency and you control access to sustenance for any individual­, population or business interest.

Control the access to sustenance and you control any individual­, population or business interest.

Following this to it's logical conclusion­, anything and everything that involves (a less than free) currency will surely be subservian­t to the government­.

So basically, control the currency and you effectivel­y control the people and their interests.

In most situations that's called a dictatorsh­ip. In the US, it's called a free and open democracy

Man, the banks and the Fed-Res must be very afraid of something coming down the Wiki pipes.

PayPal is blocking them for "illegal use" and no one...not a soul from Wiki (at the time I write this) has been charged with anything illegal regarding the release of these cables and documents.

Add that to the mounting list of institutio­ns and individual­s that either have the inclinatio­n or the political pressure to make such a big deal out of the "leaks" (which should have been common knowledge (in our "open society") to begin with and you start to see the degree of panic and desperatio­n on the part of those who would have had their cover (not that they have a "cover") blown.

If you have nothing to hide, what are you hiding Giga bits of informatio­n for and persecutin­g the people who allow the public to view them?

Because you're dirty and you know it...but you can't continue to be so if the people know.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Andrew Napolitano, Fox Business Host, Reveals He Is A 9/11 Truther

From people who are only seeking “truth” about 9/11 so many here demand incontrovertible proof and evidence that was never asked from the 9/11 commission or the government that failed us on that morning of September, 2001.

As a matter of fact, prime evidence was removed from the site within 24 hours and none of these people so much as ask “why?” let alone demands that this “proof” be submitted and examined.

Even hard scientific questions such as why this inferno could liquify 80 stories of reinforced steel girder systems and cause the demolition of nearby buildings (#7) yet a paper passport of one of the alleged sky jackers managed to survive in the street below...these are taken as an act of faith from the very people who may have had the most to gain from this disaster. And yet...from “truthers” nothing short of hard and irreversible evidence is required when all that is being asked for is an imartial investigation.

And you want to talk about conspiracy theories and wack jobs and “truthers”??

Reevaluate your perspectives and priorities. You're listing hard to starboard.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Father Knows Breast: Mother's Milk Cocktails For Stay-At-Home Dads

Big eye roll.

I can see the scene now.

High noon. The sun is effectively baking the earth's surface. Tumble weeds roll lazily across the dusty street between clap board building under the shade of post and beam over hangs...circa mid 1800's ...a lone old timer dozes while leaning back against a building on but two legs of a kitchen chair in the shade while a mangy homeless dog wanders the ally sniffing around for it's daily bread.

[Cut to interior of a saloon:]

The swinging doors fling open. In the void that takes thier place stands a tall, mysterious stranger who appears to have been rode hard and put up wet for three days.

He saunters to the bar. emanating mystery, danger and a n'er do well demeanor like another man might wear cologne. There's a small scar on his cheek and a predators look in his eye.

The Barkeep swallows hard spits in a glass and begins wiping it clean to keep his hands from shaking.

"What will you have stranger?" he asks the parched, sun burned gunslinger with skin like hard tack.

The stranger raises the brim of his hat using just his trigger finger with an air of impatience and with a look as hard and bitter as Cain himself answers, "Give me one of those Mother's milk cocktails. And just keep em' comin'!" He slaps down a confederate gold piece on the bar never taking is eyes off of the inn keeper.

The piano man diverts his gaze from the exchange He knows the slinger is aware he's been staring and the last thing the Gurdyman doesn't want is for the stranger to turn and take notice of him. He focuses on the 88s and begins a soft but lively lullaby on his piano.

Read the Original Article at HuffingtonPost

U.S. Preparing Sweeping Insider-Trading Charges: Report

With all the hundreds of billions that have gone from our treasury to the banks and Wall St. so far; it appears some disciplinary examples will be needed if Bernanke and this govt is ever going to get another $600 billion to squander on the same sort of stimulus (giving money to the banks primarily) that has failed us for the last 20 years.

Even Europe warns against it. But a little American justice and rounding up a dozen Wall St. underlings ought to make it appear that someone is minding the store and provide the Fed the needed cover to print up another $600 billion.

Then we can also absorb the cost of any court and legal fees and in the event anyone actually does any jail time at all, we can foot the bill for a few minimum security lock ups (aka country clubs stays)... until the next ineffective fix.

We should be fine on some level and to some degree.

But not yet on Main St., only the machine we call government and those who control it will see the windfall if anyone does... al beit temporarily.

It's just another day in America.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, November 19, 2010

Israel Condemns Web List Of Gaza Soldiers

"Militants in Gaza, meanwhile, fired rockets at southern Israel, causing no casualties..."

Seriously, do they ever?

For as small a geo as Israel is, you would think that if you spit out your window you would hit someone or something more than a vacant lot. I remember the SCUD launches in the 80's...they got nothing but air.

Don't get me wrong. I think it's fantastic that so few are injured or maimed due to these rocket attacks. And ideally it would be super if people stopped throwing ordinance in even the remote direction of the innicent Israeli people. But the aim of these militants is as incredibly lame as the luck of Israel is incredibly wonderful...and has been for decades now. You can see it in the casualty comparisons between these two conflicted factions.

The Palestinians on the other hand appear to be wearing homing devices that zero Israel's ammunition right in on them as if they glowed in the dark.

Just an observation. Scientific anomalies and the bending of the laws of probability are just a long time curiosity of mine.

I would wish both sides peace, but I don't see a lot of motivation for that in this part of the world.

Strange though that this skirmish takes place so close on the heels of the new deal for peace by selling fighter jets to Israel by the US.

Fighter jets for peace. Now there's irony.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Federalist Society: Where Are They Now?

Oh, goodie!

The divide and conquer isn't enmeshing the American people enough so now we need to give rise to yet another diversionary insurgency group to join the fray.

Party affiliations just aren't enough, neither is basic ideology.

To keep us (the sheep,) bleating through the night for the protection of the farmer we have political parties: Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Green, Independent just to name a few. After a span, these don't deflect the expectations of the people so, various ideological groups are invented and touted to solicit empathetic followers and agendas to muddy the waters even further...Liberals, Conservatives, Tea Baggers, Religious Right, Progressives...

all thrown into the mix with enough emotional thrills and chills to help us remembering our philosophical fencing with each other much more clearly and sensitively than what the genuine attempt was originally, which was to find a place to effectively petition our government to move this country forward. Period.

Now we throw in the "99ers" a slew of consumer agencies a Chamber of Commerce, and things along this order and guess what? There are more sides of any issue for everyone to join and be labeled under rather than have the media and Gov, address the any real problem we may have.

Now, We'll be hearing about the Federalists.

But we still won't be hearing about anything actually being done to repair America. And so many will be more caught up in affiliation than participation.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Rahm Emanuel: I Never Believed In Bipartisanship

Well if Rahm is being straight up about this, he joins a growing list of people surrounding this President who in spite of being chosen for what they could bring to the affair by way of advice and savvy who pulled in a different direction that that of the one the president wanted to, because it's been bipartisanship for this White House and Congress all the way for 2 years now.

On the other hand Rahm could just be one more person that for his own political ambitions would have us believe that this President surrounded himself with people that he didn't share a thing with ideologically and what were dealing with in that case would be basically rats jumping ship.

"The moment of complete certainty never appears."
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Why Are You Here? A New Theory May Hold the Missing Piece

Be sure to read the story linked below to see what prompted this post. It's an interesting piece that you might like to muse over. I did, until I came to the following line of quote. After listing the various hominids who have come before us...and departed the author (Dr. Robert Lanza) pointed out, in his opinion:

"Indeed, we happen to be the only species of Hominina that made it."

I'd definitely put away the party hats and horns and just be thankful that we've been here long enough to fluff ourselves up with that sentiment..
As Yogi (Berra) said, "It ain't over till it's over."
We haven't been around long enough to declare victory on a playing field where other hominid species have come and gone many times for reasons we can still only speculate on.
Some more and some less advanced than we have become.
I do like the reference made to how the observer changes the results of the experiment. This has come as a surprise to scientists and researchers for some time throughout modern scientific experimentation and exploration.
Everything is in flux and even infinity must change from what it is into whatever it will become. (Thoth/Hermes attested to this 10's of thousands of years ago in his Emerald Tablets which he allegedly left behind for us.)

So where does this leave us?

Hoping for the best and taking things one moment at a time, realizing that this world of illusion is simply that and looking inward for our own explanations for the world around us rather than attaching ourselves to one more religion that proves itself a modification of another that proved ultimately temporary or by grasping onto another unfounded scientific paradigm that like the flat earth theories of the past fall by the way side to more current and definable speculations and unintended skewed observations.

Find your "truths" within yourself. That's what we're here for.
That's what individuality is about.
Really, after countless civilizations and species that have come and gone through one reason or another in spite of the answers they thought they had for their purpose and their origins...what have you got to lose?
Go for it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bumper-Sticker Patriotism Is No Way to Honor Our Veterans

If this government gave one half as much concern for our people in the military or the voice of the people we could have had our troops home and safe years ago.

There is no greater connection we can have with these men and women than to want them removed from the dangers of a theater of war or invasion that was neither necessary or warranting the sacrifices of life and family such as our troops and their family have made over the last 10 years and in the course of America's propensity to have an armed conflict somewhere approximately every 15 to 20 years...all too often for less than immediate self defense.

It doesn't help to justify this governments position in doing this in light of the mass of information that is currently available through current technology that has shown more than one would like to admit, that this government is often complicit in creating the very conditions and situations that have put our sons and daughters in uniform and in peril for little more than corporate incentives and the desire of the military industrial complex to continue to establish itself as the fourth column and most powerful branch of this 'democratic, representative republic' which constitutionally does not include them in the role of governing membership.

While many choose to see Veterans Day as a day of memorial, others such as myself see it as a day of defeat and sorrow in that so many have sacrificed so much so often, for all too frequently, little more than less honorable political ambitions.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Debt Commission Report Targets Social Security, Medicare

Do the math people.

435 people voting as often as they like on whatever they like and making life and death decisions for 307 million Americans who get the free-dumb to vote for little more every two years than who the next courtesans will be to make decision for us.

These numbers of congressmen might have worked out well for the population of the 13 original states, but let's get real. This is all way out of reasonable proportion.

We have 435 people...generally living much better off than at least 300 million other people, (certainly as far as salary and health benefits) making decisions that become the laws of the land which in more cases than not, (and even in the case of criminal behavior) these 435 aren't even affected by.


If that doesn't pretty much depict a proportionate royalty versus serfs society and the way property and people were ruled in the middle ages then I've studied my history incorrectly.

This is one thing that should very well be changed if Americans are ever going to again have a genuine voice for their country and their destiny as countrymen/women and as individuals.

The US population of 2010 has outgrown the representation mandated in our constitution of 300 some years ago and the additional population of some 307 million more people.

No way 435 people can represent 307 million...and that might explain why (as can be seen again and again in the 20th and 21st century, they don't.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, November 08, 2010

Martin Erzinger, Morgan Stanley Wealth Manager, Won't Face Felony Charges For Hit-And-Run

Ok, this aristocratic, dual system of justice just keeps getting worse and worse.

At what point does someone (anyone) call this sort of judicial latitude and preferential treatment of establishment figures, politicians and finance barons into question on a national level as an affront to our sensibilities and our constitution?

A blind man can see that in 2010 America all men and women are no longer made to so much as even appear to be created equal in a court of law.

People are shot to death by rented security personnel while handcuffed and held on the floor of train stations with below minimal prudence of the laws that apply to everyone else and given a fraction of the punishment the average American would receive while financiers are given a pass for hit and run and fleeing the scene of an accident.

This double standard of justice that continues to grow and continue unchecked is worse than having no constitution at all.

Where is the check and balance for the judicial branch of this government??
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Eric Cantor Opposes Compromise On Extending Bush Tax Cuts, Says Government Shutdown Will Be Obama's Fault

Well, there he is again. Bold as life.

The newest wonder boy and future presidential hopeful of the GOP... Eric Cantor.

We'll be seeing a whole lot of this guy between now and 2012 (or 2016).

But how he or anyone can make the declaration at this point that any lack of progress in Congress will be the president's fault is insane.

These are two separate, individual branches of our government.

The president can only sign off on those bills that are passed by Congress and delivered to him.

Is Cantor saying that is Congress (Legislative branch) can't even get a bill to the president, (Executive branch) that this would somehow be Obama's fault?

It's not accurate (lie) and an obvious razzle dazzle to misdirect the American people on the very basics of American government..
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, November 06, 2010

GOP Plan Hit On All Sides: Not Far Enough For Tea Party, Doesn't Make Sense To Economists

Yet another issue that has become little more than the trials and tribulations of the rich and famous in the "green zone" that is DC, rather than the back story which is basically how legislation in America for the country and the people is in a state of stagnation with little to nothing being done to move this country in any direction at all...neither left, right or somewhere in between.

All we've been hearing is how difficult it is for either party to grapple and secure more power for themselves as opposed to doing what they were elected and sent to the green zone (DC) to do...address and remedy the needs of this country.

We're so far behind, we're practically running up on the heels of ourselves!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, October 25, 2010

New Figures Detail Depth Of Unemployment Misery, Lower Earnings For All But Super Wealthy (VIDEO)

I wonder if the champions of capitalism rich and poor alike, (which has solidly failed the American people twice now in but 80 years) are ready to concede that it may not be all it has been cracked up to be?

The immediate response to this (if any) will be through Ad Hominem from those who see the world in only two contrasting colors with the ever popular shield that surely I must be talking about taking our country communistic, socialistic or some other "istic"...failing to see that perhaps a mix of the tried and untrue economic models might be the way to go for us. Or something new entirely.

But surely, I'm just dreaming in print, because our economic and social futures are already designed and set for us all (globally) by the wealthiest and most powerful; who amassed said wealth and power through nurturing the system(s) we live under to the detriment of the vast majority of Americans whose misfortune can be seen growing daily.

I wouldn't want to be a person of grade school age today, anywhere in the western (or eastern) world and have the next 80 years of being treated like a farm animal... to look forward to.

This is the result of short sighted greed and rampant capitalism with no consideration toward it's workability for the people or the possibility of adapting it when it's failure showed itself evident.

This is the legacy we leave our children.

And our "children's, children's, children".
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sean Bielat Compares Gays To Short People

I'm scratching my head over here... What's the issue?

Knowing the sort of military conflicts and righteousness in pursing them that we have witnessed over the last decade, why in the world would anyone actually want to join or fight for the right to join the military in the first place.

Sure, maybe some college opportunity. Perhaps a little financial security and a shot at a veteren's loan or two.

But you can join Blackwater/XE and do better in these areas if that's what you're willing to sell your soul over.

This whole argument of who can and who can't be in the military and what must or shouldn't be disclosed (although there's hardly ever a secret to it in the first place in the foxhole) simply goes right over my head.

Now I know some people will say most things do go over my head...but let me help you out...this one item really does and I won't even bother to dispute that with them.
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Will Republicans Take Control Of Congress In Midterm Elections? Michael Steele, Tim Kaine Debate GOP 'Wave'

GOP...DEM, what's the difference?

The same party wins every time regardless of what they publicly call themselves or use to make it appear that there's actually a chasm between them.

To muddy the waters further, these two (supposedly individual) entities hold an open exchange regularly and reverse their personae like a good cop/bad cop routine.

Give yourself a pop quiz. Pick 10 random, major issues of legislation or policy throughout our brief history then look up which party was responsible for them.

You'll find that contrary to the illusion presented today the GOP has often been "the people party" (abolishing slavery) and contrary-wise the DEMS have also played the role of champion for banking, business and war (Creation of the Fed Reserve, income tax, Viet Nam).

Of course, currently and within the last few generations, it would appear that these characteristics and concerns are once more being attributed in reverse order...but that's the illusion...that's the lulling effect of choosing the blue pill.

Do yourself a favor if you want to break the spell. Make and take the quiz.

Escape the matrix.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, October 22, 2010

FDIC Called On To Put Bank Of America Into Receivership

Hate to break this to anyone unaware of it, but if anyone thinks that we are going to resolve the banking problem in this country by going after one or more established banks at a time, you've got another think coming.

By all reports and opinions I've heard on the subject by "expert analysts" BOA should have been declared bankrupt and seized and foreclosed upon by the US government rather than included in the taxpayer bail out. So too, JP Morgan and possibly Sachs/Goldman.

They weren't but America was thrown the bones of Lehman and Bear Stearns as sacrificial lambs instead.

BOA came up golden and nothing is going to bring down the same banks that are providing buoyancy to BOA or the industry as it stands (with their hands out) today.

It's lose-lose for the American borrower and taxpayer.

These guys (banks) think nothing of biting the hands that feed it.

We're on our own, no matter how many stories like this come out to make it appear otherwise.
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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Juan Williams FIRED: NPR Sacks Analyst Over Fox News Muslim Comments

The hypocrisy is this, if the majority of nationals in America were not equally "nervous" about this or any other people, why would we have allowed our government to erode our constitution under the guise of the Patriot Act and Homeland Security in an effort to single out and scrutinize certain "types" of people who don't conveniently fit the christian cookie cutting mold? Why are we in a ten year multiple invasion and funding covert operations in other primarily Muslim countries and churning out propaganda against others as yet uninvolved?

Since 9/11 this country has again and again taken steps (including the elimination of civilians in far greater numbers than what occurred on 9/11) for nothing more than being nervous about a particular people.

But Juan, mentioning his own trepidation is too brutally honest and out in the open for the squeamish or reluctant to speak what has been carried out through international policy by America (and the nations of NATO) for a decade??

Ask the people who have a problem with a mosque at "Ground Zero" if they're not nervous.

As a people and a nation our hypocrisies out shadow our feigned concern for these other people who justifiably or otherwise, America itself has shown itself to be nervous about.
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Friday, September 24, 2010

Obama: Ahmadinejad's UN Speech 'Offensive,' 'Hateful'

"Hateful" is a subjective and relative term...unless it's being used to inflame and create hate in someone for someone else...directly as it seems to be regularly in speeches and the press with regard to Iran. It's infinitely more hateful than anything said by A-Jad at the UN yesterday; no matter how much the feel good people wish to parade around in their their hypersensitivity in the 21st century.

If I wished to offend you I would hardly simply deny a holocaust or some point in history nearly 70 years ago

And until someone can explain how laws of science could have been suspended on 9/11 to permit a falling object the size of a skyscraper to fall at the same scientifically accepted velocity as an object in "free fall" A-Jad's opinion is no different than mine or yours on the subject and open for discussion without implying hate or intended offense of any kind.

If this was hate speech, what do you make of the ongoing barrage of talk in the press by US officials and their allies about the need to attack Iran because they are attempting to generate electricity with nuclear power plants once or twice a week?

Now that, without question is definitely and bluntly "hate speech". It's direct, beyond merely implicated and poses a genuine physical threat to the intended.

Where is everyone's compassionate sensitivity when these events happen?

Nowhere to be found.
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Does the Past Exist Yet? Evidence Suggests Your Past Isn't Set in Stone

"It's all happening, NOW."

Every possible permutation of every element be it physical or perceptual. Every possible outcome is laying out there active in every possible state, waiting for definition based on observation and observer...both individual or collectively.

Given enough "physical" elements that can be identified and agreed upon "conclusively" (IE the JFK incident) the material becomes locked into a common image model (or resultant outcome) to the exclusion of any other being available for sensory input at an already occupied moment of what we perceive as "time".

But that doesn't necessarily mean that the event is either not happening or resides in the past or the future. Just that it's not being currently observed or "recorded" as such.

The "current result" just becomes the mass root assumption and the belief in it by the observer(s) eliminates the need and ability to see any other spatial events occurring simultaneously.

Just as we have limited visual abilities and can only sense a small spectrum of the actual light, so to do we have a filtered version of the physical multi-verse and spatial time. Being human has it's limitations and pretending they don't exist and aren't distorted, no matter how clever we are with creating devices to expand our view of things does not ofer us a true and unobstructed view of reality.

Oh. Now I get it!

Great article once again, Dr. Lanza. Always entertaining to enjoy a little "out of the box" thinking over morning coffee.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, July 26, 2010

WikiLeaks Founder On Afghan War Diary: Evidence Of War Crimes In Leaked Documents

Someone (Huffington Post moderators) are really having a terrible time with this post of mine. Drop me an email mods and let me know why, OK?

It's just an opinion, similar to so many others here on this subject. Not inciteful, not profane...So what gives?

"When the prime objectives, which were never truly announced to the American people because of their distastefulness are considered, things like domination of the middle east, geo-political strategic placement and natural resources, no matter how much US leadership says policy will change in Iraq and Afghanistan, (regardless of who our leadership is) nothing does and nothing will change.

This path has been set without the blessing of the American people by the aristocracy that "represents" us and like a parent who believes they are doing what's best for their children....whether it is actually "best" or not they will continue the course that they have chosen long ago even if it will prove to be to the detriment of the this or any country involved.

This reality should, by now have taken the bloom from the rose of democracy (as we think we have it) that was only a coat of paint all along.

We're just now beginning to see just how many people can pick up on this glaring contradiction now that it is more than ever coming into the light."
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Obama's Speech: Not The Turning Point He Had In Mind

Did Obama's speech really fail?

I think it was as good as any speech could have been compared to a magic wand under this country's current circumstances.

Whether you like this president personally or politically or not...I think people should take a step back, draw a deep breath and realize that he is not the Wizard of Oz.

When presented with problems of the scope of where this country stands now his job is to pull together the necessary data from his professionals and academics and promote what he feels is our best opportunity to resolve them as they arise. There is no bag of brick-a-brack to offer the woodsmen, the tinman, the lion or Dorothy that will make it all better before he leaves for Kansas or the end of his term, whichever might come first.

Neither is he our "sin eater" who will partake of food from the chest of a deceased loved one (America) and make all the sins of our past administrations and congresses be forgiven.

This government has been run poorly for a long. long time.

Obama is perhaps one of the last few presidents this union will have that will be lucky if he can simply hang on to this country that's spiralling out of control and not have it implode completely.

It's foolish to think we can ask any more from one mortal man.

But more than a small handful of people surely are doing just that.
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Sunday, May 23, 2010

The War Is Making You Poor Act

There are a sad few pieces of legislation introduced on the floor and made Congressional record that are as important as this.

When someone decides to see which Congressmen are attempting to meet the needs and real issues of this country in this day and age, head on, w/out the BS, Grayson's name is sure to be found at the top of the list.

This video is a must see.
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Woman Tries To Shut Down Large Hadron Collider Over Apocalypse Fears

Rather than applaud the fact that this woman saw a cause and went about addressing it within the limits of the law, people label her a "woowoo".

Had she presented her arguments by blazing a trail of glory by opening fire on a few guards at the facility, those same people would have labeled her a "woowoo".

In either case, anyone who thinks any person could close down a multi-billion dollar establishment scientific research field of study like this one has got to be at least a little "woowoo" whether they be right or wrong about it.

The inequity in it becomes apparent in that given the same requirements to continue this study as this woman had in trying to stop it, the science community involved could do no better than she, to give a coherent account of how results of the creation or collection of this "God particle" would play out.

The science community has never seen one. Neither have they any factual knowledge of the actual effect of isolating one and what it effect that would have on the existing natural universe...any more substantially than this woman could "give a coherent account of how her fears would come about."
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Monday, March 01, 2010

Reform Déjà Vu: Democrats Follow Failed Health Care Strategy and Preemptively Surrender on Consumer Financial Protection Agency

Why bother implementing new reforms if they reform little to nothing, and take months and years to debate things that still fall short of adequate?

We are behind on so much legislatively in America and instead of taking the time and making the arguments needed to establish real progress on issues needed we spend the same amount of valuable time simply presenting one watered down, band aid fix for this country and it's people after another.

This is no way to provide this nation with the dynamic democracy that is necessary to have it remain vibrant and responsive to the changing times and demands that a government for the size of the country we live in needs to survive and prosper.

Rather than provide America with the legislation needed, this Congress, as well as so many before it are allowing us to remain stagnant and static in an ever changing world and as such, they are all but guaranteeing our decay.

This is the wrong biosphere in which to think that on any level, any static endeavor, entity or political system can survive.
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Saturday, February 27, 2010

CHILE EARTHQUAKE: 8.8 Magnitude Quake Hits Chile

“Despite all rationale to the contrary there has been a noticeable increase in the frequency of event's such as this, that stimulate a larger than usual "problem, reaction, solution" scenario in the world community.

The "why" (or who) has to come to people on their own terms and in their own time.

But there is an increased frequency of these occurrences of quakes, tsunamis, erratic weather patterns and uncommon and extreme levels and locations of precipitation and/or drought all over the planet.

Call it nothing or call it what you will, but it's happening. No matter what the cause(s) it may be time to ask ourselves in any event, how can we dare to be wrong?”
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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Missile Defense Agency Logo Upsets Right: Comparisons To Obama Campaign, Islamic Crescent

When a simple little agency symbol amounting to no more than a letterhead, which wouldn't even be used for mass public consumption can create such negative buzz as to have interest groups wring their hands over its perceived similarities to 1000 other 3 color insignias in common use, is there any wonder why America is 50 years behind itself in so many of the real and crucial issues that actually matter to daily life and gov't in this country???

The dollars alone that will be spent on the design and redesign of this sort of thing and the time spent in salaries for staff meetings over it is further indicative of how out of touch with our real financial issues people remain and what sort of priorities our elected and appointed officials spend their time deliberating on while "Rome" reaches its flash point.
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gibbs: The Public Plan Doesn't Have The Votes

"...the president doesn't think the votes are there to get a public option passed through reconciliation..."

When did this become a matter of whether or not it was popular within Congress?

Everyone I know was educated in public or private schools to believe that Congress was supposed to vote according to the will of the people.

We were told we were represented.

Sure, I wouldn't expect a landslide...but I certainly would expect that the majority of Americans would like a public option, in leiu of single pay if that's too much to ask.

But no matter how many letters, phone calls or emails are sent or how many more reps one side of the aisle has over the other...this Congress again and again decides not to represent the people.

And the White House, in spite of the the "Yes we can!" campaigning now says "No we can't.".

Adding insult to injury, Iraq and Afghanistan continue, without the support of the majority of Americans, leaving us without representation on those issues as well. And don't get me started on the TARPs and bailouts for Wall St.

What a lack luster cluster fugg this representative republic/democracy has turned out to be. And in only a little over a relatively short 300 years. Some bragging rights there, my compatriots!

"I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United Snakes of America..." because I have no other choice.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Iranian Opposition Demoralized After Failed Protests At Revolution's Anniversary

You can revolt against a monarchy. There's a tangible target for discontent over inequality.

But you can't very well succeed with a revolution against a gov't that is set up as a democracy or a representative republic.

By it's very structure, it is veiled as being based on freedom and the will of the people, whether (in reality) it is or not. Look around. What countries have a democracy that follows the literal meaning of the word?

"Democracy" in essense, as it is presented in any country today is little more than voluntary imprisonment within a very tightly controlled political frame of reference, limiting social conduct while wrapped in the illusion of freedom.

Iran is no different than the US to this extent.

And that's why "democracy" as we know it today is the most popular and sought after political facade preferred by those who wish to create government for the purpose of controlling the freedom of the people and the course of their nation without fear of being concerned about any possibility of a successful revolution.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Austin Plane Crash: Office Building Hit In Northwestern Austin, Texas (VIDEO)

It's unfortunate that people are driven to such desperation that they will endanger others and end their own lives to make a statement.

Sadder still is the fact that due to this act, very few willl see what truth there is in the message he left behind even though on places like this and other comment forums, it can be seen everyday and many Americans agree with his sentiments and frustration.

His actions are reprehensible but his message is not so far off in pointing out that our system of gov't is (perhaps) irreparably broken and the American people are being farmed for capital and property. This is all done with the indoctrination that Americans have equal rights when it has become more and more obvious that the elite have a set of rights that far exceed that of the common person of Main street. Our input to the process of gov't is pretty much limited to voting for one candidate or another who has been hand picked by the keepers of the status quo and a media owned by the elite who wish to retain the unequal rights they are privileged to and the continuation of the same.

Say what you will about his methods and his maddness and the endangerment that he wreclessly exercised with his actions, but his message is valid in many aspects.

It's a wake up call for all of us to consider what works in today's America, what doesn't and what hasn't for sometime.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Amy Bishop ARRESTED: University of Alabama Huntsville Shooting Suspect Is Biology Professor, Harvard-Trained

As soon as a society or culture begins to make killing other people conditionally acceptable behaviour through justifications such as land, resources, political differences, power, expansion of borders or profit for their military industrial complex, you can hardly expect the participants of that society to not begin to feel that they too are entitled to create conditionally acceptable justifications at their own level in said culture to also take another's life for their own immediate gain and/or self satisfaction.

Throughout the course of our history as a nation, we in the US have been inundated with a near constant paradox declaring murder a social taboo, while our laws and history show it to be a perfectly acceptable solution for gov't to resolve it's issues with other people, other countries and even it's own citizens.

How long did anyone hope that in time, this erradic and psychotic hypocrisy would be able to remain prominent in our culture without our culture becoming exactly that which has been exemplified through repeated example?

We may never see a better living representation of "you reap what you sow" than what this country and its more than 17,000 indcidents of domestic homicide per year (11,000 of which where guns are used) has become in the 21st century.
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Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Anything Beyond The Universe? New Theory Changes Our Destiny

There is a spectrum of realities based on and assigned to specific vibratory rates which, as with light and sound we are only capable of sensing a minute portion of, while encased in these physical forms we believe to be solid matter.

Just as a radio or television transmission doesn't cease to exist when we change the channel/station or turn off the receiver, neither does the multiverse with all of it's alternate realities and it's infinite potential for possibilities Those frequencies are still being broadcasted whether we are aware of those transmissions or not.

In times of severe trauma, while in the dream state, a deep meditative state or under a "mind altering" hallucinogenic experience we can temporarily find a resonance with some of these other, vibratory frequencies which are in close proximity to our own creating a temporary harmony which allows us to experience some of those properties that are generally hidden to us due to our limited sensory capabilities or the limited strength of our receiving equipment with regard to a larger section of the spectrum.

This is what I personally believe...this time around.

I also think this was a very good article and well worth the read.
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Monday, February 08, 2010

Senate Jobs Bill Stalled

Since when is the Senate's inability to agree and pass a much needed bill that would directly benefit the people of America (rather than Corporate America) "news"?

I can't help reading about these things everyday without hearing the words room Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb" going round and round in my head.

The constant and repetitive news of this order is beginning to feel as if the real message is for the people of America to become desensitised to the plight of this country and simply accept things the way they are. Because expecting them to change for the better is totally unrealistic. We are being programmed to become numb.

After a few decades of this stuff, you can find yourself ready to accept almost anything from rampant incompetence from the gov't or soldiers in the strreet rounding up you and your neighbors for a camp somewhere.

"Hello, Is anybody out there?...

...I have become "comfortably numb."
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Alito Mouths 'NOT TRUE' At State Of The Union (VIDEO)

And now, even our Supreme Court Justices, are refusing recogonize a bit of proper decorum for any but their own political positions.

A Justice would never stand for so much as a shake of the head and a mouthed insinuation to express dissatisfaction with they way they get things done in their court room.

But this one feels within his boundaries to do so to the president in a joint session and SOTU address on national television.?

This guy was a bad choice for a lifetime position in a body of people who have such a powerful voice in the highest levels of American law.

And based on this last decision rendered soley to the benefit of Corporate America and the detriment of our democratic were at least 4 others.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, January 23, 2010

CIA Avenges Suicide Bombing With Barrage Of Predator Drones

"OK...Who gave the C.I.A. the Predator Drones?

Now we've told the Pentagon again and again that only they get to play with the drones. The C.I.A. gets all the cool listening devices, survellience sats, international agents, helicopters a bunch of really cool cars, a complete database on everybody on the frakkin' planet and unlimited dry cleaning for those black suits the agency boys insist on wearing....

You guys already get to run the drug operations and the covert stuff everywhere! When is it enough for you guys?

But listen up, team! I only want to say this once.

The Predator Drones and where they get thrown at people is strictly off limits for civilian intel agencies.

That stuff, along with the phosphorus bombs, the depleted uranium, the fleet of Humvees, the really cool jets with the heat seeking armament and stuff like that is strictly for the guys in uniform in our military.

I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings but theresa constitution and a chain of command...and we have to still abide by it until we finally render the darn thing pointless...We're working on it, ok? But give me a break. Rome wasn't destroyed in a day!

Don't make me have to tell you again.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rise In Secret Bill Writing In Washington

No matter how long or how much of this nonsense goes on, some people still want to hang tight on the divisional aspects of party and ideology as the problem.

For Main St. there certainly is a problem. For Capitol Hill, everything is running like clock work.

And as long as everyone clings to this being a matter of left vs right, conservative vs liberal, Republican vs Democrat, this gov't which consists of but one party is free to do as they please and drag their feet on the needs of the people while moving forward with an agenda that has never been disclosed to the American people but remains a topic of conversation only in elite circles of business and in the back rooms of gov't.

The divisional properties of party and ideology as simply a means to difuse and redirect the anger of a distraught public and offer an ever shifting target for that displeasure while the machine of gov't conveniently moves on it's own accord towards whatever it intends to do and has intended to do for a century or more.
Perhaps it's time we as a populace should begin to hold government itself responsible for ethical behavior and producing the desired and promised results that a free society has demanded of it all along.
It doesn't matter which party "takes the hit" or appears to be responsible for the failure of existing or pending legislation.
Perhaps it's time we made it known of our displeasure with gov't as a whole and make Congress and the president accountable as a whole.
It's due time to strip gov't of the double blind it has created through the media and let our elected politicians know that hiding behind party lines is not going to afford either party absolution from the accountability they accepted when they were elected and swore an oath to this country and her people.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Protest Against America's Toughest Sheriff Turns Violent in Arizona

The gov't here and elsewhere realize that the sting of being labaled a terrizt is not long for this world and a very hard sell to make when neighbors begin hearing that people they know are being arrested for peacful assembies as the constitution mandates they should be allowed to.

In a world (NWO) where domestic uprisings are sure to become a more frequent event, we're now being bombarded more and more often with the word "anarchist" because that other word isn't going to cut it for classifying everybody.

As sad or as ominous as it may be we'd better get used to it, just as we have gotten used to seeing our police forces no longer simply in uniform but in full paramiltary (swat) gear for even the most benign public gathering and events.

I say "get used to it" but I'm not implying that we endorse, accept or enbrace any of it as if it were a good thing.
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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Obama Weekly Address: President Details Changes In Health Care Legislation (VIDEO)

I'm not hearing a whole lot of what the people were told in Minnesota...or in the speech made to Congress when the drive to begin health care reform began.

Everyone will need to acquire insurance...but from who? The same leeches that were selling Americans out for generations in the first place?

And if this bill should follow the bulk of the other bills and programs that have come forth in the last year...there will be loop holes for the insurance industries, so large, they'll be able to drive a (omni)bus through them. In the wake of the multiple failed bailouts is there any reason to expect otherwise?

This was not what we were told we should expect in health care reform in view of the 36 other countries providing their citizens with more accessible health care opportunities.

Perhaps it would have been prudent to have said nothing publicly at the onset of this reformation and then perhaps people would have been happy with whatever scraps of progress they were ultimately offered.

Instead we have gone from "near perfect" to "good" to "good enough" to "not nearly enough" to "better" to "better than nothing".

It's very hard to get positively excited about "better than nothing" when so many other poorer and less endowed countries have managed to achieve more lofty goals and aspirations for providing their citizenry, health care.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Nine Months Later, Obama Plan To Help 1.5 Million Struggling Homeowners Yet To Launch

Very hard to get this thing rolling when each time a measure is implemented it can't get into or out of Congress without being stepped on like a street bag of coke from the 80's.

From presidential appointees to Senators and Representatives to final signature, these programs end up with strategic loop holes and weasel clauses that remove all the good it might have held in principle and bears no teeth to make corporate America comply with the original intent of the program... which was to improve the economy, not the financial footing of the housing/banking industry.

It's beyond unfortunate. I believe initially, President Obama had his heart in the right place and now, in the light of a Washington day, he is as surprised and disappointed as any of us with the limited service our system can actuall deliver to the people and for it's own maintenance in these current times.

Of course he is neither blameless for adding to these obsticles or solely to blame.

It just appears, that in the wake of the callousness of the last few administrations, the greed of Wall St. and industry, the incompetence and self serving nature of Congress, the subordinate approach to corporate America shown by his appointees and his own unwillingness to stand in opposition to those same people and forces...there is little less than a clean slate either with or without President Obama that will solve our current social and econimic problems and put America back on track.
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Friday, January 08, 2010

'Afghan Insurgency Can Sustain Itself Indefinitely,' Top U.S. Intel Chief Says

As long as there is but one random act of violence anywhere on the planet where the perpetrator can be associated with Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Nigeria, Iran, Palesitine, Yemin or a half dozen other primarily Muslim influenced countries, it will be called "terrorism" and the US and British led NATO will take it as a call to continue their mission and crusade to further occupy soveriegn nations in the name of "global security".

Meanwhile, in Dafur and other parts of Africa, hundreds of thousands of people are being killed and brutalized by machette weilding conscripted citizen armies led by power driven warlords whose brutality shadows that of the past 10 years of AQ, the Taliban or Hamas combined.

And in America (according to the FBI web site) approximately 17,000 souls per year are lost to homicide on the streets and in the home across the US.

The response to "global security" is misplaced, misdirected and out of proportion for the majority of the people on the globe who remain to be victimized by whatever existing barbarians there are doing them harm, for whatever the cause or for none at all but the most base of human nature.

If America and the western alliance insists on deploying untold weapons, troops and mercenaries to stem the increase of organized or random violent insanity in this world, their efforts are wasted and their ulterior motives are painfully transparent to anyone capable of seeing and thinking.

We are not providing "global security" neither here or abroad. We are following a self serving agenda and portraying the terror we contribute to the ME as heroic and noble.
But it is neither.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost