Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Woman Tries To Shut Down Large Hadron Collider Over Apocalypse Fears

Rather than applaud the fact that this woman saw a cause and went about addressing it within the limits of the law, people label her a "woowoo".

Had she presented her arguments by blazing a trail of glory by opening fire on a few guards at the facility, those same people would have labeled her a "woowoo".

In either case, anyone who thinks any person could close down a multi-billion dollar establishment scientific research field of study like this one has got to be at least a little "woowoo" whether they be right or wrong about it.

The inequity in it becomes apparent in that given the same requirements to continue this study as this woman had in trying to stop it, the science community involved could do no better than she, to give a coherent account of how results of the creation or collection of this "God particle" would play out.

The science community has never seen one. Neither have they any factual knowledge of the actual effect of isolating one and what it effect that would have on the existing natural universe...any more substantially than this woman could "give a coherent account of how her fears would come about."
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, March 01, 2010

Reform Déjà Vu: Democrats Follow Failed Health Care Strategy and Preemptively Surrender on Consumer Financial Protection Agency

Why bother implementing new reforms if they reform little to nothing, and take months and years to debate things that still fall short of adequate?

We are behind on so much legislatively in America and instead of taking the time and making the arguments needed to establish real progress on issues needed we spend the same amount of valuable time simply presenting one watered down, band aid fix for this country and it's people after another.

This is no way to provide this nation with the dynamic democracy that is necessary to have it remain vibrant and responsive to the changing times and demands that a government for the size of the country we live in needs to survive and prosper.

Rather than provide America with the legislation needed, this Congress, as well as so many before it are allowing us to remain stagnant and static in an ever changing world and as such, they are all but guaranteeing our decay.

This is the wrong biosphere in which to think that on any level, any static endeavor, entity or political system can survive.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost