Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Dear American Voters Fund and Midwestheroes.com

So you would have us believe all of these people are now in Iraq effectively pinned down and contained by our occupation?? And because of this America is to any degree safer beause of it?
What ever logic could this argument be based upon?
In May of 2004 the BBC reported that the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies announced it's findings that
"the group (al Qeada) has 18,000 potential operatives and
is present in more than 60 countries.".
Here's that original article.

Friday, February 17, 2006

BAM! Just like that!: Progress for America Voter Fund commercials

There's an awful lot of talk going on about those commercials that have been airing which appear to star mainstream Americans zealously espousing their support of the Bush administration's view on the progress and righteousness of our invasion of Iraq. (Personally I refuse to call it a "war", simply because "war" was never officially declared by Congress as it need be, which makes it all somewhat of an illegal "war" at best.)
The ads, are produced and paid for by a group called the Progress for America Voter Fund, another of the many 527 soft money organizations who, much like the philosophically opposed organization Moveon.org, have a tendency to spin things out with enough slant as to make the sinking Titanic seem like a level playing field.
The big difference this group can lay claim to, (although they wouldn't think of publicly doing so) is it's status as a tax-exempt organization with direct links to the current administration and promoting President Bush's "Agenda For America". Aside from raising $38 million for the President's 2004 bid, some of the causes also championed by this group are as far reaching as the privatization of Social Security, Judiciary appointments, and the now infamous Swift Boat Veterans group and campaign which was used to defame the only combat veteran in the last election.
If anyone is interested in knowing more about this org, click here for more info:
A word of caution. Anyone (like me fer' instance!) can write and publish on the web, and as was seen recently on Wikipedia.com many of these web sources can be edited by anyone with a computer and an axe to grind to any extent of factuality or fiction. The same limitations certainly apply to the above link to SourceWatch.org which I have used as a reference. But it provides a wide range of references that will allow the curious to cross check media and other sources as a means to validate what you've read on this subject or others you find there.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Fun Facts From Zach's Almanac: Operation Quail-Safe...a trying perspective...and Le Pew to you.

Ok. So being Cheney isn't all it's cracked up to be. Of course, being one of his hunting buddies on his annual "shooting quail in a barrel" excursion is worse.
Hey, Dick! You can put somebody's eye out with one of those things! And sure accidents happen. But you should know Sir, that generally, we little people have to report these things, you know, mishaps where guns are involved…to the authorities a damned sight sooner than 24 hours after the fact.
Well, thank heaven the guy survived it. 'cause who knows? If he hadn't, by the time it hit the press, we might have been looking at a suicide.
Oh! Did I say that out loud?

Saddam showed up in court today. Resplendent in what would best be described in our culture as a house coat.
The guy is pissed.
Well, I would think I would be too if the world's largest super power was trying to bring me up on charges of being Hitler incarnate and all they could come up with to support that argument was an incident that happened 14 years ago and involved about 200 people, on anecdotal evidence alone…none of which has yet to place me either at the scene or directly responsible for whatever went on. You don't even need a Johnny Cockran to beat this rap O.J. Christ!
Go on. Ask Bush…Shit happens beyond the grasp of leadership. Look at F.E.M.A./Katrina fer cryin' out loud!
And all of this righteous pursuit of justice for 200 people over 14 years ago, from a source that took out about 10,000 Iraqi civilians in the very first days of "shock and awe" when it was decided to invade a country a half globe away, based on nothing but hubris. Yeah. I'd be meekly hangin' my head in shame. And behind it all, any person with an ounce of intelligence would be wondering why, (if any of these claims were meant to be taken seriously,)… why would anyone need to reach back to an incident 14 years in the past to prosecute? Why not bring up charges on some thing that happened like, 15 days or 15 minutes before the US invasion?
You'd think that if they had a better case to hang this crap on they'd be using it, don't cha? Well, sometimes the simplest answer is the correct one. And maybe they just don't have a good case. Not really. It's as possible as it is not. Well, there wasn't one for the war itself when you come to think about it. Was there?
Hey…I'm not sayin'… I'm just sayin'. Know what I'm sayin'? Just something to think about.

And finally, with today being the jour d' lamour…(as if my English spelling wasn't bad enough!) let me leave you with this…

…and really, who says it better than Pepe?

Monday, February 06, 2006

Fun Facts From Zach's Almanac: Hitting spammers where they live...I declare there's been no declaration...Budget "Newspeak"... and a mea culpa

I learned from CNNMoney today that plans might be in the works for AOL and Yahoo to begin charging for business emails.
The headline does imply a blanket type of charging structure. But further reading points out that the charge, if ever put into place would be on a $2 or $3 dollar per 1000 message scale and would exclude many of the billing and banking services in use by we little guys.
Naturally, there's a big stink about it from marketers. %$&^# em' if they can't take a joke!
Anything that can shut down my daily flow of emails on a wide range of subjects that I'm not interested in, embarrassed by, intimidated by, inundated with or simply tired of rifling through just to get to the one or two genuine messages I might receive from familiy or friends each day, and I'm a happy camper!
People have been looking for a way to unclutter the spam flow that grows larger every month…I think they may have finally found it.
Do us all a favor? Make it $100 per 1000 messages, just to make spamming a little less attractive to these guys.

I spent a little time today listening to the live coverage of the Senate Intelligence Committee (talk about oxymoronic!) hearings on eavesdropping. It was particularly interesting to hear how often the committee and the Attorney General mentioned how we are in a state of declared war, somehow justifying any and all extremes put in place, met or exceeded to gather intelligence. More interesting was the oft mentioned need to keep these operations in effect as long as there was an Al Qaida or less specifically "terrorism" in general.
This would imply that it's going to be a long, long, long time before any of these alleged indignities to our constitution are pulled back.
It's sure nice to know that "the American way of life" hasn't been changed and we're not going to let the fear of "terrorism" alter the way we run our government.
But quickly, can anyone remember what they were doing on the day Congress voted in the affirmative to declare war on either Afghanistan or Iraq? Or maybe when Congress voted to officially declare war on Al Qaida in particular or terrorism in general?
Simple. You can't. War, as historically defined in our country has never officially been declared on the two above mentioned countries. More so, it would be virtually impossible to have anyone sign a declaration of war on Al Queada, because it's not a state. And harder still to do so on terrorism, because you can't declare war on a noun!
The spin continues however. And if you listen to our legislators and leadership they will have you believing we are in a state of declared war. Actually, the President was given the right to use "whatever force he felt necessary to fight terrorism", which is not a declaration of war. But hey…maybe I'm just a nit picker. What the hell did the founding fathers know, anyway?

The budget figures came out today heralding a whooping $2.77 trillion dollars worth of spending and pushes the deficit to an all time high of $423 billion. Of the 141 government programs facing reductions or(many of which will wield an impact on social programs such as Medicare, reducing inflation adjustments for hospitals, nursing homes, home health care providers and hospices and slice interest allowances for educational loans...all of which, what this administration euphemistically calls) "reformed", the Iraq war effort and the military will experience marked increases in spending. So too is a provision for $4 billion earmarked for the drilling of oil in A.N.W.A.R., which has yet to meet congressional approval…or so we are led to believe.
In yet another brilliant piece of this admin's Orwellian newspeak, Director of the Office of Management and Budget Joshua B. Bolten told the press, "These are not cuts," Bolten said of the Medicare plans. "These are modest reductions in the rate of growth."
Well ya gotta give the Bush administration this much…they are creating smaller government. Unfortunately they're just going to turn the whole damned shooting match into something called a military junta!

Ok. So even if I am the founding Pope of The Church of the Eternal Silver Lining, it hasn't slipped my notice, that I may come off as a gloomy Gus in this and most of my blogs. My sincere apologies to all who visit here. There are some positively super things going on too. The Steelers managed to pull a Super Bowl win! There's a great two-fer sale going on at the local supermarket. And a super spring is already peeking around the corner.
Oh yeah, sure, I'd like to spend a little more time writing about light, happy music and such. Really. And as soon as I hear some, I'll be sure to pass it along.
Unfortunately, there's precious little of it to be found in current events these days.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

BAM! Just like that!: Iran or "We won't be fooled again." (Will we?)

Anyone interested in seeing if history actually does repeat itself... or for that matter if anyone is foolish enough to allow it to happen, keep your eye on the latest spin coming out about Iran and it's nuclear program.
If you remember, it all begins with myth and the call for UN intervention, then a heavier stream of myth and propaganda is disseminated. Then the all important "coalition" building begins, followed by a total disregard for the UN and the world courts entirely and a staged invasion based on fear and the unsubstantiated claims of self defense against a country, all of which is found later to have no basis in truth or reality. But by then, "hey, we're there! We can't leave now, can we?? Gotta stay and rebuild what we've destroyed for a decade or two, don't we?"
The nation of Iran (and it's democratically elected leadership) insists that it's quest for nuclear research is for the purpose of energy and to rid itself of its own dependency on oil.
The west with similar interests, for some reason can't see this as a possibility for Iran and insists otherwise. Either way we have another instance of one nation completely disregarding the sovereignty of another in ways that would never be found acceptable if the empire were on the other foot.
The same subterfuge that was promoted for our attacking Iraq for unfounded claims of nukes and weapons of mass destruction has been put in motion and is already feeding a frenzy surrounding Iran, without so much as a speck of proof or evidence in support of the fearful claims just speculation,... but here we go again, folks.
And while our leadership is denying any but international US sympathizers the right to produce and bear unlimited nuclear energies and/or weaponry with good blessing, we are once again enforcing the very double standards and limited vision which has become the cause for pitting the east against the west and the Christian world against the Muslim whose natural repercussion is the same in reverse and the growth of "terrorism".
The message is the medium. Case in point? Just two days ago, while the whole Iran nuclear issue was picking up a full head of steam and creating friction and headlines around the world, our very own headlines were taunting how one of our nuclear research facilities, state side was not only still actively pursuing their own advances, research and studies in nuclear energy and weaponry, but the news was, how now this and other sites are being equipped and fortified with six barrel, 50 round per second gattling guns.

How we can insist upon whether or not any other particular foreign nation can or cannot pursue their own interests in the science of nuclear physics and whether or not their intentions might be peaceful, while nations such as India, Pakistan, France, Israel, England, China, Russia, Korea and ourselves hold immense stock piles of weapons of this nature, enough to obliterate life as we know it, is a Rubik's cube in itself.
Sure, Iran may prove to join the ranks of the many countries who have developed weapons based on the same destructive means as our sciences and technologies have sired and unfortunately deployed against others. In the scheme of things however, they (Iran) could never pose a threat as great as the one that already exists among the nations mentioned above. Nowhere near the threat!
On the other hand, perhaps all Iran cares to do is rise up from being a third world country and produce a cleaner, more efficient means of producing energy for them selves. Damn them for wanting to achieve progress!
Either way, it should not be the place of any world power or empire, our own or someone else's to condemn another country's efforts to do so as a threat, before a genuine threat has been identified and substantiated beyond mere speculation.
Surely, given a reversal in status, we would never accept sanctions, UN inspections or even the threat of military intervention as an alternative to pursuing our own interests… nuclear or otherwise.
Why would anyone think for a moment that Iran or any other country would respond any differently than we would to the unreasonable requests to do so??
Obviously, nothing has yet been learned by our leadership from their foray into Iraq or their rush to war now twice, in place of finding the means to coexist diplomatically and in good faith.
This is now shaping up to be yet another such invasion and occupation from the same folks who brought us Iraq I and II but now it looks like we're gearing up for Iran. Someone should consider being careful. The whole thing does little really except escalate the very terrorism we claim to be trying to diminish, doesn't it? And where's the surprise in that?? Why the whole scenario is beginning to stink of a "crusade" in every real sense of the word no matter what the official policy might claim.
We can't keep targeting the Arab countries in the middle east with our paternalism and dictates and come away with the people who live there thinking anything otherwise.
Have we the people learned anything? IF so will we even attempt to teach it to our leadership or simply be fooled again??
Unfortunately I fear we'll see which, in a very short while.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

BAM! Just like that!: Bilbo Bush and "his Precious"

President Bush last night in his State of the Union pointed out that the US is addicted to oil and needs to overcome it. This, from a man who has spent the greater part of his life, being a street dealer for this particular "jones" of we american people…pandering to and pimping our addiciton to the benefit of the likes of himself, Dick Cheyney, Kenneth Lay and the whole cartel of energy drug dealers. "P-s-s-s-t! Wanna buy a barrel of oil? Good shit, Man. And only like, $60 bucks a barrel. It's that OPEC Black, Man…You;ll really get off on it, Dude! And here, here's a guzzler of a bong that will get you a whopping 9 miles per gallon to go with it."
Well, this epiphany finally came to him after a 5 years glut of SUVs have been allowed every tax break not available to any other fuel efficient vehicle all through the course of this administration's watch. The new revelation seems to have only now appeared to this President after his years of failure in the oil industry throughout his private sector ventures which have been reportedly funded on more than one occasion, with Arab money and wealthy OPEC associated friends,…and always at a personal profit to George Bush the Oil Man, above and beyond those experienced by those companies he had managed and that have historically tanked at least in part due to his particular level of managerial and business skills or lack thereof.
Bush and the Bush family's long term ties to the Saudis in general and the Bin Laden family in particular (allegedly reported to be to the tune of billions of dollars between he and his father's business interests) is wide and public knowledge.
Yet much like the long line of parading and aging rock and motion picture stars that fill the public service announcement time slots on late night television…(a majority of whom used and abused mass quantities of a variety of recreational drugs for years, unscathed by the law and made careers on that image)…now advise all to simply , "just say no!"... and our very own "oil man" of a President is calling for the same abstinence when it comes to the very resource that propelled him to where he is today.
Could this all be just the next inspired misdirection to reverse the A.N.W.A.R. oil drilling project that recently failed to pass muster in the legislature?
Perhaps as CNN polls are showing, most Americans would be willing to cough up another $1 per gallon to help us buy our independence from mid-eastern oil? Then again, wouldn't this sort of hike just add to the $10 billion per quarter profit margins reported by some of the major American oil companies just a few months ago when we as consumers were forced to pay upwards to $3 dollars per gallon based on fuzzy supply and demand misinformation? In this scenario, we could actually participate and create an imbalance in supply and demand. And also pay a dollar more per gallon to bring it upon ourselves. More expense for us the consumer and a justified reason for the oil companies to jam their prices and profits right through the roof! Oh! Where do I sign up for that self inflicted pain??

The facts of the matter remain, that if George Bush was truly a President concerned with America's dependence on foreign oil, he's had 5 years to implement some sort of initiative towards that end besides using our military to ensure the building of an oil pipeline through Afghanistan, Turkey and Iraq, and all the way to the Persian Gulf to aid that region distribute this natural resource for the advantage of the American oil companies. A plan with a commonly known blue print that is over 12 years in the making and by the same advisors and staff that serve him now and served his father in the White House prior to Clinton's two terms.

"Bilbo Bush". He knows the ring has its own dark nature. He's used it for years and it has brought him great fortune and power. And he now tells the rest of us in the shire under the hill that it is a truly evil thing. But would he honestly part with it and have done with all he has amassed from it or is this just yet another public feint made in an effort to distract us from possibly threatening to abscond "his precious" while he has every intention of using it again and still, to his and his entourage's own self serving and face saving purposes immediately and for years to come?