President Bush last night in his State of the Union pointed out that the US is addicted to oil and needs to overcome it. This, from a man who has spent the greater part of his life, being a street dealer for this particular "jones" of we american people…pandering to and pimping our addiciton to the benefit of the likes of himself, Dick Cheyney, Kenneth Lay and the whole cartel of energy drug dealers. "P-s-s-s-t! Wanna buy a barrel of oil? Good shit, Man. And only like, $60 bucks a barrel. It's that OPEC Black, Man…You;ll really get off on it, Dude! And here, here's a guzzler of a bong that will get you a whopping 9 miles per gallon to go with it."
Well, this epiphany finally came to him after a 5 years glut of SUVs have been allowed every tax break not available to any other fuel efficient vehicle all through the course of this administration's watch. The new revelation seems to have only now appeared to this President after his years of failure in the oil industry throughout his private sector ventures which have been reportedly funded on more than one occasion, with Arab money and wealthy OPEC associated friends,…and always at a personal profit to George Bush the Oil Man, above and beyond those experienced by those companies he had managed and that have historically tanked at least in part due to his particular level of managerial and business skills or lack thereof.
Bush and the Bush family's long term ties to the Saudis in general and the Bin Laden family in particular (allegedly reported to be to the tune of billions of dollars between he and his father's business interests) is wide and public knowledge.
Yet much like the long line of parading and aging rock and motion picture stars that fill the public service announcement time slots on late night television…(a majority of whom used and abused mass quantities of a variety of recreational drugs for years, unscathed by the law and made careers on that image)…now advise all to simply , "just say no!"... and our very own "oil man" of a President is calling for the same abstinence when it comes to the very resource that propelled him to where he is today.
Could this all be just the next inspired misdirection to reverse the A.N.W.A.R. oil drilling project that recently failed to pass muster in the legislature?
Perhaps as CNN polls are showing, most Americans would be willing to cough up another $1 per gallon to help us buy our independence from mid-eastern oil? Then again, wouldn't this sort of hike just add to the $10 billion per quarter profit margins reported by some of the major American oil companies just a few months ago when we as consumers were forced to pay upwards to $3 dollars per gallon based on fuzzy supply and demand misinformation? In this scenario, we could actually participate and create an imbalance in supply and demand. And also pay a dollar more per gallon to bring it upon ourselves. More expense for us the consumer and a justified reason for the oil companies to jam their prices and profits right through the roof! Oh! Where do I sign up for that self inflicted pain??
The facts of the matter remain, that if George Bush was truly a President concerned with America's dependence on foreign oil, he's had 5 years to implement some sort of initiative towards that end besides using our military to ensure the building of an oil pipeline through Afghanistan, Turkey and Iraq, and all the way to the Persian Gulf to aid that region distribute this natural resource for the advantage of the American oil companies. A plan with a commonly known blue print that is over 12 years in the making and by the same advisors and staff that serve him now and served his father in the White House prior to Clinton's two terms.
"Bilbo Bush". He knows the ring has its own dark nature. He's used it for years and it has brought him great fortune and power. And he now tells the rest of us in the shire under the hill that it is a truly evil thing. But would he honestly part with it and have done with all he has amassed from it or is this just yet another public feint made in an effort to distract us from possibly threatening to abscond "his precious" while he has every intention of using it again and still, to his and his entourage's own self serving and face saving purposes immediately and for years to come?
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