Anyone interested in seeing if history actually does repeat itself... or for that matter if anyone is foolish enough to allow it to happen, keep your eye on the latest spin coming out about Iran and it's nuclear program.
If you remember, it all begins with myth and the call for UN intervention, then a heavier stream of myth and propaganda is disseminated. Then the all important "coalition" building begins, followed by a total disregard for the UN and the world courts entirely and a staged invasion based on fear and the unsubstantiated claims of self defense against a country, all of which is found later to have no basis in truth or reality. But by then, "hey, we're there! We can't leave now, can we?? Gotta stay and rebuild what we've destroyed for a decade or two, don't we?"
The nation of Iran (and it's democratically elected leadership) insists that it's quest for nuclear research is for the purpose of energy and to rid itself of its own dependency on oil.
The west with similar interests, for some reason can't see this as a possibility for Iran and insists otherwise. Either way we have another instance of one nation completely disregarding the sovereignty of another in ways that would never be found acceptable if the empire were on the other foot.
The same subterfuge that was promoted for our attacking Iraq for unfounded claims of nukes and weapons of mass destruction has been put in motion and is already feeding a frenzy surrounding Iran, without so much as a speck of proof or evidence in support of the fearful claims just speculation,... but here we go again, folks.
And while our leadership is denying any but international US sympathizers the right to produce and bear unlimited nuclear energies and/or weaponry with good blessing, we are once again enforcing the very double standards and limited vision which has become the cause for pitting the east against the west and the Christian world against the Muslim whose natural repercussion is the same in reverse and the growth of "terrorism".
The message is the medium. Case in point? Just two days ago, while the whole Iran nuclear issue was picking up a full head of steam and creating friction and headlines around the world, our very own headlines were taunting how one of our nuclear research facilities, state side was not only still actively pursuing their own advances, research and studies in nuclear energy and weaponry, but the news was, how now this and other sites are being equipped and fortified with six barrel, 50 round per second gattling guns.
How we can insist upon whether or not any other particular foreign nation can or cannot pursue their own interests in the science of nuclear physics and whether or not their intentions might be peaceful, while nations such as India, Pakistan, France, Israel, England, China, Russia, Korea and ourselves hold immense stock piles of weapons of this nature, enough to obliterate life as we know it, is a Rubik's cube in itself.
Sure, Iran may prove to join the ranks of the many countries who have developed weapons based on the same destructive means as our sciences and technologies have sired and unfortunately deployed against others. In the scheme of things however, they (Iran) could never pose a threat as great as the one that already exists among the nations mentioned above. Nowhere near the threat!
On the other hand, perhaps all Iran cares to do is rise up from being a third world country and produce a cleaner, more efficient means of producing energy for them selves. Damn them for wanting to achieve progress!
Either way, it should not be the place of any world power or empire, our own or someone else's to condemn another country's efforts to do so as a threat, before a genuine threat has been identified and substantiated beyond mere speculation.
Surely, given a reversal in status, we would never accept sanctions, UN inspections or even the threat of military intervention as an alternative to pursuing our own interests… nuclear or otherwise.
Why would anyone think for a moment that Iran or any other country would respond any differently than we would to the unreasonable requests to do so??
Obviously, nothing has yet been learned by our leadership from their foray into Iraq or their rush to war now twice, in place of finding the means to coexist diplomatically and in good faith.
This is now shaping up to be yet another such invasion and occupation from the same folks who brought us Iraq I and II but now it looks like we're gearing up for Iran. Someone should consider being careful. The whole thing does little really except escalate the very terrorism we claim to be trying to diminish, doesn't it? And where's the surprise in that?? Why the whole scenario is beginning to stink of a "crusade" in every real sense of the word no matter what the official policy might claim.
We can't keep targeting the Arab countries in the middle east with our paternalism and dictates and come away with the people who live there thinking anything otherwise.
Have we the people learned anything? IF so will we even attempt to teach it to our leadership or simply be fooled again??
Unfortunately I fear we'll see which, in a very short while.
Zach - you know what? Jesus has been spit on since Gethsemane. And it's part of the Christian experience. Sacrifice, suffering. For others. Do I burn down the danish embassy because someone dissed Jesus. no.
now,take the recent outpouring of venom towards cartoonists who "gasp" would dare malign Mohammed.
Well, I happen to know that Mo currently runs a mature sex and scat website - and while many think he's some prophet, he actally enjoys chewing the shit of retirees.
See how mad I am at current events?
Oh, and here's the tie-in with what you wrote. Yeah, it's a little unfair. Us, so strong. Strongarming those that want to evolve. But are they really ready for that power? I dont want some dip shit zealot with no accountability past his own hate of everything non mohammed with a nuclear device.
What makes anyone think that any of the countries currently in posession of nukes (including our own) are ready for that power?
Who is completely certain that any of them have infinitely good intentions for nuclear use or that in time those intentions won't do a 180 in the name of some self righteous justification or another?
Bottom line is, peace comes through finding common ground. Historically, common ground has yet to be found on a battle field.
Look at all the corpses of the dead empires that came before us.
Look at the history of the middle east, alone. If mere submission through empiric agression were ever the solution, the middle east would not be the nexus of contention it is today.
And BTW, Brandy...I've seen repeated occasions in this God fearing Christian country of ours, you know, the one all about the experience of sacrifice and suffering for others...where whole weekends have been spent in burnings and riot, over even feel good news like a local sports team winning a championship.
Conversely, to hear about a whoop and holler over religious indignation elsewhere doesn't strike me as all that surprising or peculiar; considering that according to the religion in question pictures, portraits and displays of the big Mo' is a no-no in the first place...let alone portraying the guy as to having a lit bomb for a hat.
Of course, if one comes from a religious culture that encourages everyone to hang pictures and sculptures of their particular Godsend in the throes of bleeding to death through the torture of crucifixion...I can see why the Muslim reaction to all of this could be an elusive concept to grasp.
You know what? You are the freaking exception to the rule that dope dulls the brain.
Your intellect could light cigarettes from across the room, you badass. Wish you were a cute female, I'd like to get intimate. Alas, you are a watery butt ugly monkey man.
At this moment for some reason and more than at any other, I'm enjoying a greater sense of security in being "a watery butt ugly monkey man" than I ever imagined possible.
I'm blushin' at the flattery ova heah.
But, you really gotta get out more often, Bro.
Zach...wow! I don't pay any attention and offer any guidance for a few weeks and then I come back and you're being hit on and called a "watery butt-ugly monkey man.!
Dude, you have come up in the world! They shoulda seen ya when ya still had hair!
--Jesse "Not No Marsh-mallow AnyMo'!"
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