Friday, February 17, 2006

BAM! Just like that!: Progress for America Voter Fund commercials

There's an awful lot of talk going on about those commercials that have been airing which appear to star mainstream Americans zealously espousing their support of the Bush administration's view on the progress and righteousness of our invasion of Iraq. (Personally I refuse to call it a "war", simply because "war" was never officially declared by Congress as it need be, which makes it all somewhat of an illegal "war" at best.)
The ads, are produced and paid for by a group called the Progress for America Voter Fund, another of the many 527 soft money organizations who, much like the philosophically opposed organization, have a tendency to spin things out with enough slant as to make the sinking Titanic seem like a level playing field.
The big difference this group can lay claim to, (although they wouldn't think of publicly doing so) is it's status as a tax-exempt organization with direct links to the current administration and promoting President Bush's "Agenda For America". Aside from raising $38 million for the President's 2004 bid, some of the causes also championed by this group are as far reaching as the privatization of Social Security, Judiciary appointments, and the now infamous Swift Boat Veterans group and campaign which was used to defame the only combat veteran in the last election.
If anyone is interested in knowing more about this org, click here for more info:
A word of caution. Anyone (like me fer' instance!) can write and publish on the web, and as was seen recently on many of these web sources can be edited by anyone with a computer and an axe to grind to any extent of factuality or fiction. The same limitations certainly apply to the above link to which I have used as a reference. But it provides a wide range of references that will allow the curious to cross check media and other sources as a means to validate what you've read on this subject or others you find there.

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