Hey, Dick! You can put somebody's eye out with one of those things! And sure accidents happen. But you should know Sir, that generally, we little people have to report these things, you know, mishaps where guns are involved…to the authorities a damned sight sooner than 24 hours after the fact.
Well, thank heaven the guy survived it. 'cause who knows? If he hadn't, by the time it hit the press, we might have been looking at a suicide.
Oh! Did I say that out loud?
Saddam showed up in court today. Resplendent in what would best be described in our culture as a house coat.
The guy is pissed.
Well, I would think I would be too if the world's largest super power was trying to bring me up on charges of being Hitler incarnate and all they could come up with to support that argument was an incident that happened 14 years ago and involved about 200 people, on anecdotal evidence alone…none of which has yet to place me either at the scene or directly responsible for whatever went on. You don't even need a Johnny Cockran to beat this rap O.J. Christ!
Go on. Ask Bush…Shit happens beyond the grasp of leadership. Look at F.E.M.A./Katrina fer cryin' out loud!
And all of this righteous pursuit of justice for 200 people over 14 years ago, from a source that took out about 10,000 Iraqi civilians in the very first days of "shock and awe" when it was decided to invade a country a half globe away, based on nothing but hubris. Yeah. I'd be meekly hangin' my head in shame. And behind it all, any person with an ounce of intelligence would be wondering why, (if any of these claims were meant to be taken seriously,)… why would anyone need to reach back to an incident 14 years in the past to prosecute? Why not bring up charges on some thing that happened like, 15 days or 15 minutes before the US invasion?
You'd think that if they had a better case to hang this crap on they'd be using it, don't cha? Well, sometimes the simplest answer is the correct one. And maybe they just don't have a good case. Not really. It's as possible as it is not. Well, there wasn't one for the war itself when you come to think about it. Was there?
Hey…I'm not sayin'… I'm just sayin'. Know what I'm sayin'? Just something to think about.
And finally, with today being the jour d' lamour…(as if my English spelling wasn't bad enough!) let me leave you with this…

…and really, who says it better than Pepe?
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