Sunday, June 04, 2006

Bam! Just Like That: More on the "War".

With the recent "crack down" on several potential terrorist cells in Canada, Atlanta and elsewhere, I thought I'd riff a bit about this global "war on terror" that has wrapped us up as a nation and a culture as if in some grand, materialized Orwellian novel about totalitarianism, empiric manifestation and the current stiving for the creation of a global nationalism and the resistance that naturally follows such efforts.
The "war on terror", is little more than a nebulous, blanket of authoritianism and an open ended warrant to be used arbitrarily for the pursuit of any threat to the expansion of a universal culture that the various other cultures of the world are, and have been for some time made subject to yeilding to.
Born as a desperate reaction against an enemy with no physical state, no geographical coordinates, no definitive leadership, no uniforms and no long range, direct, conclusive objectives it may as well be fought by either faction involved under the banner of "Crush all those who would oppose us.", rather than feigning any implication that there is a genuine strategic defense that can hope to be effectively staged against such a phantasmic sort of adversary.
It's a war on anarchy and chaos but basically a war against the symptoms of two off kiltered, out of balance cultures that have both leaned too far to the right of what can be assimulated into a reality supported by our basic natural laws, whether they be animal, social or human.
History has shown that any attempt by any empire to create a universal, global culture has repeatedly and consistantly met with resistance, opposition and ultimately failure. I see no other possible outcome for us as the dominant empire or any Jihad as it's adversary.
It's the square peg of power and the will of man being jammed into the round hole of natural law and the world's natural balance which we as a species have been busily trying to tilt off axis through war and agression for approximately 5 to 10 thousands years. There will always be some one or many to oppose it.
Any solution will not come from force by any origin or by "pushing on a door that only opens by pulling on it".
It's time for the sake of cooling these 4,000 year embers and healing the planet and our species to find another option besides our inate stubborness and willingness to apply violence as our only conceivable tool.
This tool, for centuries has proven ineffective.
And this latest war, the "war on terror" appears to be just more of the same.
More to the crux of the matter a "universal, global culture" is an affront to the natural order for any life sustaining organism, man included.
Change that mind set among the world's leadership, charismatics, power hungry and power strong and perhaps, just perhaps, the solutions for the survival of any culture will become a little more feasible for securing any possible peaceful future for our species.

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