Saturday, December 29, 2007

Bam! Just like that! "1984 Knocking at your door..."

Bhutto: Nine times in the line of fire and on the tenth, it turned out to be one too many. A strong person and a populist leader that ranked right up there with some of the best of them, only to be one more credible stat to the adage that "only the good die young". And the comment boards internationally are all over the place with people who have a theory on whodunit. Happy hunting folks. It takes a person of mass delusion and an overwhelming sense of self aggrandizement to think for a minute that an internationally manipulated media is going to offer up much in the way of a clear picture on any of the evidence available. Sure Al Quaeda claimed credit for it. They would claim credit for someone having a flat on the Pennsylvania Turn Pike if they thought it would further their cause and lend their rag-tag paupers rebellion some notoriety. And this is hardly the first time in political history someone sent conveniently interceptable congratulations to the homeys whether or not they in fact had anything to do with the particular incident. Stranger still, is the wording of said congratulatory email that specifically labeled the incident a "cowardly act".
Now the US would like to get involved with the investigation. Splendid!
This same leadershit are the same folks that would have us believe by way of the the 9/11 commission that Al Quaeda was solely responsible for the tragedy in New York in spite of the fact that omitted video tape, photographs and testimony from first responders points out that this little factoid was and remains, at best a scientific impossibility.
Let's face it. At this point Bhutto is dead and that's about all we really know about whodunit. (Or is she?) The real knowledge remains at the top of the power pyramid where it does for oh, so many things in the nature of toppled governments, funded insurrections and assassinations both failed or successful. And if you think the new world leadershit is going to be completely straight up and transparent on whatever they know or what role they played regarding these items or how they spin their webs and the lies that follow which allows them collectively to control the masses like cattle in this "new world order"...heh-heh, dream on my sonambulistic ones. Ignorance truly is bliss. Is it not?
...and here I thought this might be the posting where I could do light and happy music. Not yet. Later.
Be good on yerselves!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.