Friday, November 20, 2009

Philip Morris Ordered To Pay $300 Million To Former Smoker

As a smoker of 45 years (minus the attempts to shelve it) I think this is judgement is absolutely out of proportion text book case of legitimized insanity.

If anyone that smokes tobacco, dosen't know that stuffing a paper tube with dried vegetation between your lips, lighting it and inhaling the smoke, 20, 30 or 40 times each day, year after year just might eventually lead to respiratory complications these people should have kept a date with the Grim Reaper long before they could have been rewarded for their stupidity.

Do these same people stand around a bonfire or a burning pile of autmn leaves and breathe deeply? No. They recoil and gasp for oxygen like anyone does. Instinctively they are painfully aware of the toxicity of breathing in fuming leaves. They know it too, regarding tobacco.

A $300 million dollar reward for feigning ignorance and holding someone else for your own negligence to yourself...and barring "feigning" ignorance and truly being unable to recognise or accept the possible consequences of your own actions...perhaps this is the best argument I've heard yet for leagalized euthanasia.

It's a sad day when awards are given to this sum for sheer ignorance, stupidity and lack of personal accountability, in any circumstance.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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