Thursday, January 06, 2011

Republicans Block Congressional Health Care Disclosure

I can't see how public elected officials, who in principle are meant to serve the running of this country and the American people, can hide informatio­­n pertaining to whether or not they are using public money to cover their health care and/or where public money is going in any event.

I can see why I just can't see how.

Because if our representa­tives are able to conceal it, they can always deny being on the public health care dole themselves while they try and repeal the "better than nothing" health care reform bill that was passed for those they "represent­".

The appropriat­­ion of taxpayer dollars spent for federal representa­­tion, services and management of our country is supposed to beavailabl­e to the American people as a condition of our self rule.

This isn't a simple matter of knowing or not knowing who in Congress is making use of their health care benefits, really.

It's a matter of the people knowing where their taxes are going.

These grifts continue to twist the meaning of nearly everything (including their own words) to their own personal and political advantage.

And then they show the gall to spend their 2nd day in new session reading the Constituti­­on as though it had any meaning to them with respect to the people that put them in office.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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