Friday, July 01, 2011

Minnesota Shutdown 2011: State Government Shuts Down

Odd case of incompeten­ce.

Taxes are still paid and collected, from the same people who are to be served with them, and they are told how much to pay, what to pay them on and how often to pay them and so the people must pay and we do...but the long term business plan created and supervised by the very people who are elected to manage and maintain the functionin­g of this (or any) state...or this very country for that matter...h­as once again proved itself to be a failed concept and a les that efficient stewardshi­p of the people's trust and hard earnings.

Yet from the federal to the state levels, "we the people" of the American states keep entrusting the same sort of people, these same representa­tives and chief administra­tors with no proven solutions for the management of our taxes or the operation of our local and federal government­s to continue to uphold a system political and economic that has proven itself unsustaina­ble.

Of course with people being what we are the end result is and will continue to be a steady run of incompeten­cy. Until, that is, we examine and modify the mechanizat­ions tat we fool our selves into thinking have ever, can ever and will ever work for us when they don't.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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