Saturday, January 14, 2006

BAM! Just Like That!: Dear Pakistan, oops!

Upwards to eight unmanned drone aircraft bombed some homes in a small village in Pakistan in the last 24, outside the Afghanistan border, with the objective of assassinating A.Q.'s #2 man, al-Zawahiri…and DOH! A swing and a miss! He wasn't there! According to the survivors, never was!
Unfortunately anywhere from 17 to 30 uninvolved Pakistani civilians, (woman and children included) paid the price for that little piece of bad intel with their lives in this middle of a night soiree that came right out of the opening scenes of the Terminator…(machines vs. people, if you're not up on your sci-fi.)
But hey, we're not even at war with or in Pakistan,(yet)are we??? The "war" is in Afghanistan against some nebulous entity and "major combat operations have been concluded there for some years" now.
I dunno, maybe we got permission from their Prez. Permission? Is that as casual as like asking for a sleepover or something?
How does a conversation of that nature begin and progress?
"Uh, Mr. Mushariff (sic) whaddya say we come across and drop a few incendiary explosives on one of your smaller villages? No big nukes or anything. Just enough fire power to follow up a hunch that Osama's #2 guy might be in the neighborhood. 'You know, a hunch, a lucky guess. Sometimes a hunch pays off some time it doesn't.' But whaddya say Big Fella"?
To wit, The Pakistani President answers. "Sure! No problem" ??
Color me surprised, but what happened in Pakistan is comparable to Canada slipping over the border and dropping a load or two of death in Idaho or Wisconson!!
I wonder how long it would take most people to recognize that their leadership was no more than a manipulated puppet and run him/her out of town on a rail if something like this were allowed here or in any of the "free world, industrialized" countries like England, Germany, France or China?
Consider this as well… Wouldn't a planned and strategic attack using bombs and explosives such as this, in a country not at war constitute an act of terrorism?
It would if it were here, you can bet.
So why not everywhere else, no matter who carries it out, for whatever self righteous rationale?? The mind boggles!
This whole terrorism thing can get very confusing as the years go by, and by and by…What with all the double standards and the repeatedly adjustable, on the fly definitions. I'll have to check with the "Ministry of Information" and see what we're supposed to believe this week.
I'll be sure to get back to you as soon as they remove the rats and the cage from my face!

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