Term limits, investigations, caving into industry pressures and approving multi-industrial bailouts to the point where it interfers and alters providing legislation in accordance with the will of the people on issues such as the use of our military, job creation, healthcare, the economy, credit and housing regulations (the list goes on) and the corruption of individual representative stemming from lobbyists as in this story creates a list of self serving pirates that gets longer every year. Over time, America as it was intended has experienced a silent yet totally effective coup.
Does anybody still believe there's any possible way this system will ever be fixed and made right again in any short order to save a sinking ship?
Electing a President (or a string of them) that promises change for the better, (even those with the best intentions) or sending any handfull of new Congress people to the Hill every cycle is not going to provide the needed cure for this patient called America.
Even holding the hope for a better America is becoming a scarce commodity in the face of the shape this government is in. And it has transformed (deteriorated) to such a degree, that it may never again be within the power of the American people to ever have the capital or influence to make it right again.
"Give me control over a nation's currency and I don't care who makes the laws.” ~ Mayer Rothschild~
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