Friday, October 30, 2009
Seven Members Of House Defense Subcommittee Scrutinized By Ethics Investigators
Term limits, investigations, caving into industry pressures and approving multi-industrial bailouts to the point where it interfers and alters providing legislation in accordance with the will of the people on issues such as the use of our military, job creation, healthcare, the economy, credit and housing regulations (the list goes on) and the corruption of individual representative stemming from lobbyists as in this story creates a list of self serving pirates that gets longer every year. Over time, America as it was intended has experienced a silent yet totally effective coup.
Does anybody still believe there's any possible way this system will ever be fixed and made right again in any short order to save a sinking ship?
Electing a President (or a string of them) that promises change for the better, (even those with the best intentions) or sending any handfull of new Congress people to the Hill every cycle is not going to provide the needed cure for this patient called America.
Even holding the hope for a better America is becoming a scarce commodity in the face of the shape this government is in. And it has transformed (deteriorated) to such a degree, that it may never again be within the power of the American people to ever have the capital or influence to make it right again.
"Give me control over a nation's currency and I don't care who makes the laws.” ~ Mayer Rothschild~
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Inside The Tripper's Brain: Scientists Create 3D Maps Of Brains On Drugs (VIDEO)
I find it interesting that this video was every bit (or more) as much a piece of anti-hallucinogenic propaganda as it was (as announced) an information piece on the research being done in mapping the brain using hallucinogenics. It was not balanced in that only the negatives of the drug were highlighted to any real depth while the positives such as resultant individual consciousness expansion, the many positive uses it can and has been used for in the treatment of various psychiatric ailments and as a tool to help people release themselves from self destructive dependencies on substances such as alcohol. I am but a layman but I am an advocate of regulated use of certain types of pharmaceutical grade hallucinogenics being made available to the public for personal use in controlled environments and assisted by trained medical personnel in specially designed spa based clinics for the purpose of the occasional internal vacation which could vastly expand a person's view of the physical paradigm to the point where the average, everyday person's irrational fears, tensions and seemingly overwhelming daily obstacles could be reduced and exposed for the illusions they truly are.
Really, when you dig right down to the core of it, our society, culture, media, nationalism, politics, policies toward the world around us are all thier own form of hallucinogenics and illusion as things are, and having a cleansing alternative on occassion (under controlled conditions) would be an eye opening experience for anyone who has never experienced it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Feingold: No Public Option A "Strong Reason" Not To Support Reform
WHy the buzz?
Obama is either for it or against it but it's not in his hands at the moment.
If any bill for reform gets passed by the House and the Senate, Obama (if he's truly against it) can simply veto. If he signs it, it's law.
Either way, either the people get reform or Obama will face the consequences of killing the bill, a very hard thing for him to recover from after all these years of foot dragging from both sides of the aisle.
Then too, if Obama is even voicing opposition to reform at all, perhaps it's no maore than a face saving gesture so he can face his contibutors and honestly state that he did the best he could to oppose it on the Hill, whether he went through the motions for political purposes or not.
Bottom line?
Keep the pressure on the Senate and House for reform. And no matter what sort of buzz the media generates, remember, they as well as we only get half of any story until it's finalized.
So what happens prior to hitting the President's desk is all speculative. Until Obama signs or vetoes the reform bill, let's not count him out over the buzz created for "click counts", Neilsen ratings or paper circulation.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Friday, October 23, 2009
White House's Fox News Boycott Attempt Prompts Network Revolt
In America the media can eliminate presidential candidates from scheduled nationwide televised debates based on whether or not the media considers any given candiate to be a credible contender or whether the media feels any candidate is or isn't electable, months before so much as a primary has been held.
No Problem.
But heaven forbid the White House elminate a "news source" from an interview that they consider less than credible and news worthy because of their obsession with blatant pontificating and base level, anti government, rabble rousing since January.
Don't get me wrong. I don't think they should have any sort of press block out against Fox or anyone else, but the perogative should be theirs under the circumstances and the nature of Fox News.
Just as Huff on occasion needs to rely on posting stories from the N.Y and Washington Times, People magazine and others, the news itself would have been available to FOx as well as everyone else that wasn't invited.
But the White House is spot on in their assessment of the caliber of genuine "news" that Fox brings to the public. And as such, if they wish to be included to events with the other news carriers, perhaps they should get in line and at least appear to be as legitimate in their delivery of the news of the day as the other journalists invited to the table.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Public Option? What is the Public Option?
I'm tellin' ya! This is scarey.
The people are so tired of hearing about HCR that they appear willing to just take whatever the Congress can sell us on as being "good enough" rather than us insisting that the best option is what they need make law and nothing less.
By the time this "Public Option" hits the table in it's final draft, it isn't going to look anything like what a lot of people think it's going to. It has purposly been made much more complicated than it need be, (or the Single Payer plan is) for just that sort of wiggle room so the politicans in Congress can equally appease the insurance industry while appearing to be serving "the people".
I am no expert on what the particulars are that were originally presented by "Public Option" or what they will ultimately turn into. But I can tell you what Single Payer is, by comparison. And it's not the game show that's taking place over and around the constant revisions of the Public Option as we told it might be.
Here's a link to the National Organization of Women web site where you can see at a glance the difference between Public Option and Single Payer.
You decide which offers the best and clearest plan to consider allowing Congress to settle upon on our behalf.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Caught on Tape: Obama Adviser Explains How to Control Media
Information blackouts on character and professional histories related to the President and Vice President, permissible/allowable questions provided for reporters before speeches and interviews, restricted coverage exclusively for favored imbedded reporters in Iraq, bans on photographs of so much as a flag draped coffin returning to the states, and networks cancelling "regular"programs and shows found to be questioning policy or leadership (Bill Maher's "Politically Incorrect", for one).
It is necessary for any administration to develop a policy for themselves on how to interact with the press, especially with the wings of the press that regardless of leadership would care to paint a negative image of that administration. But developing a policy towards interacting with the press is far different than what preceded the Obama administration. It hasn't been until recently that journalism in America has even begun to once again address that their purpose is to inform and report to the people with out restraint.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Congressional Committees Quietly Kill Portion Of Derivatives Bill; No One Watching For Systemic Risk
This is starting to resemble the ol' razzle-dazle.
While the health care reform package is capturing everyone's attention, there's bill upon bill being whittled and stripped and made worthless regarding the banks and the necessary regulation of the money industries. Yesterday, a bill that makes 98% of the banks exempt from oversight, today it's more lieniency for derivitives and again exemptions of oversite in general.
There are a lot of consessions being made by our elected representatives in committee, on issues that demand no compromise.
The bailouts we were asked to afford these industries, appear to have gone to help several House and Senate members shore up their treasuries for future elections or God knows what. But not to aid the economy as yet and it's certainly doesn't appear that anyone in that crowd wants to stand behind enforcing the regulations that repairations to our economy demand.
So, while the health care reform continues to take center stage to Balloon Boy on one side and Beck crying on the other, keep your eyes on what's going on behind the Big Top.
That's where the real show stoppers are.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Friday, October 16, 2009
Tea-Party Activists Complicate Republican Comeback Strategy
The beauty of this whole teabaggers movement is this, the tea party of historic fame was carried out by the Tories, or the "liberal" independence favoring colonists while the "conservative' or Whig party, which favored the monarchy of England over self rule we're opposed to demonstrations that opposed King George and often went out of their way to help the Brits bring the true people with the spirit to create this country in front of a British firing squad.
The humor is how the righties have absconded the whole tea party thing and the "we're the true patriots" cry, when to this very day, it's the Whig party that again opposes almost any progressive or forward moving idea that willl move this country into the future.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Senate Health Care Bill Will Get Every Democrat's Vote, Says Baucus
Having this health care bill, as it is, meet with bipartisan approval isn't going to make it for for the needs of the people or the consumer protection required for an industry gone wild with gouging an already injured consumer base.
This needs to be a tripartite bill with the third party in approval being the American people. Over 65% of the people in multiple polls have favored a bill that includes a public option with no hard lines drawn, but a strong preference being shown for a single payer platform similar to other existing systems elsewhere.
President Obama must show resolve in which ever bill he either vetoes or signs into law based on our future as a nation capable of the intelligence and compassion to tend to its own as even many lesser nations do.
The passage of a compromise bill into law which will require an overhaul within a decade or so is not likely ever get the attention a second time that it has now and will remain broken and falling almost immediately.
It is our duty to remember which Representative or Senator that does not ultimately vote according to the will of the people and the best possible health care option available and make certain that their political careers come to an abrupt close in the very next election cycle. Unfortunately, this would include our President himself if he can not show the leadership to provide for the needs of the people on this issue.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Thursday, October 15, 2009
NY Times On McChrystal's Long War
Just a thought. Aside from the cost to our economy at this particualr time, Americans mind and efforts might best be put to entertaining how we can get the domestic terrorism off the streets of Chicago, L.A.. New York, Philadelphia, Miami...and almost every other major metropolis in this country rather thanin Afghanistan.
If you do a little research you'll find that the death rate from homicides and injury rates from assaults are staggeringly exponentially larger than those being experienced in Afhanistan and/or Pakistan. And while the Taliban, is perhaps, maybe, potentially threatening. The terror right here at home is ongoing and prevelent already.
Afghani people may require protection from their domestic terrors, but so do Americans, and to a much larger degree. Our primary alligence is supposed to be to our own nation not Afghanistan.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Foreclosures: 'Worst Three Months Of All Time'
You can dish out bail outs all day long, but if you don't have any regulations with teeth in them to prohibit the very same business behavior that fueled the original problem, the stimulus won't stimulate and the bad practices will continue to drag the country and the economy down.
As things are, someone could have just driven by the houses of these housing jackels and just threw money out a car window and onto their lawns.
This failure to regulate the hundreds of billions which has in effect only further mortgaged America's future isn't human error. It's strategic. It's incompetent. It's "strategic incompetence".
A great way to placate the American people and appease the banks and the housing industry while serving, not the people, but the lobbyists.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Jaycee Dugard's New Photo & Interview: "I'm So Happy To Be Back"
[Def.] "Voyeurs: Obsessive observers of sordid or sensational subjects. (Compare to Peeping Tom)
The recovery and resilience of this woman and her children is a testimony to the human spirit.
But somehow, I don't think that is the part of the story that America is collectively and compulsively drawn to, is it. We, (thanks to television and media) are unexplicably drawn to the scene of road kill and revel in the repeated replay of the cringe inducing details of the events that led up to it.
While we have spent our energies since crawling from the caves and into scientific exploration attempting to change the nature of this very planet itself.
But have done very little to change human nature, other than to improve our access to our baser interests and fascination with the perverse.
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Obama Quietly Authorized 13,000 Support Troops For Afghan War
The Taliban is an internal affair for Afghanistan to deal with as their self determination dictates and allows them to.
It is by no means a moral objective warranting our presence, but a blind disguised as a defense concern and an undeclared matter of pride and revenge against a small group of apha goat herders with financial backing, visions of grandure and political aspirations to rule the country in which they are nationals.
In the course of 8 years and now two American Presidents, the lines between the facts have been deliberately blurred to keep us there indefinitely because certain powerful and select interests are making a fortune on it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Monday, October 12, 2009
John Forehand: Man 'Asked Teen Daughter For Sex On Facebook' (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
Despite my reluctance to subscribe to any of the "social networks" that have propagated on the internet, I suppose it's true. MySpace and FaceBook have opened great opportunities and new vistas for people and families to stay in touch with each other. Aside from the positives of allowing people to remain in touch and to express themselves they also present us an abject lesson in the nature of duplicity.
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Insurers Mount Attack Against Health Reform
We've been discussing this, it seems forever. My dogs, by now have a better understanding of the pros and cons of health care reform and the difference/benefits involved with public option than it appears the well paid and pampered people who are putting this reform together for us are. If but one of them, or a family member had the immediate need for some sort of insured health care just now and couldn't afford it, as millions of Americans are experiencing, this bill would have been completed and signed with only the most convenient provisions months ago. Does Congress think the American taxpayer doesn't know this?? Many Americans are uninsured but that doesn't make them blind to being manipulated for the sake of what's good for politicians, lobbyists and the insurance industry.
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Sunday, October 11, 2009
Goldstone Report: Palestinians' Anger At Their Leaders Intensifies
Does anyone mind if we put a little extra time into our own 300 + year old country and the mess we have to get on top of here for awhile rather than continue to wail and moan over the Middlle (frakkin') East and their 2000 + years of discord which they' seem quite content to carry out for the next 2000 years??? If they were as worried about it as much as America has been since 1948...they could have found a resolution by now. It's theirs. They created it. Let them wallow in it. So we can make our own needs our primary focus for a change. I know, I know...that sounds very much isolationist. And I really have no guilt over it at this time. America doesn't seem to mind being isolated as far as the genocides and tragedies occuring throughout Africa for the last 100 years are concerned, but let someone so much as sneeze in the Middle East and our media, DOD and the people in America go up 2 DEFCON levels because someone showed them a bright, shiney sparkly thing half way around the world.
Our country and gov't is at the moment in worse shape than at any time since the Civil War.
Give it a break people. America can not afford to visit the blood-mobile and donate, because we're already hemorrhoraging all over ourselves from a head wound.
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Iran To "Blow Up The Heart Of Israel" If Attacked, Says Top Official
We have much more pressing issues that warrants occupying our attention in America than this weekly barrage of empty threats from a country without nuclear capabilities, making angry overtures about how they would defend themselves from attack from an even smaller country which has an active and ready nuclear arsenal and (most likely) the international sympathies that would allow them to use them.
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Friday, October 09, 2009
NASA Moon Bombing: WATCH NASA's LCROSS Mission Crash The Moon (LIVE VIDEO, PHOTOS)
NASA or the United States does not own the frakkin' moon! By what rights does anyone have the ownership to deface the moon under any circumstances?? And's not like they've run out of constructive things to do in space. Nasa hasn't figure everything out yet. The way I see it, we're all equal owners of the moon. Next time you want to rape it, call me first. I'll remind you of that while I'm saying, "No". Kids!
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Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize
There ar 2 points I fear many here today are missing completely. 1) This should be a good day for America. OUR President (whether you voted for or like him or not) has won a very prestigious award which reflects well on our country and all of us. And 2) It doesn't matter one iota whether you think he should have won this award. It's not within your jurisdiction or "field of entitlement" to have any say in the matter... any more than it would be if you thought he should have won it and didn't. Try to remember your limitations and humble out, a bit on occassion. Not every decision on the planet requires your approval.
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Thursday, October 08, 2009
Dennis Miller on the O'factor....Show me the funny!
No one argues that Fox Broadcasting isn't a master at media manipulation, choosing just the right people (no pun intended) of any given stereo type because the messenger better carries the message. And too, they do manage with news and programming to cater to the baser wave lengths of the public as much as possible because it (through no fault of Fox) is an easy draw audience. The argument is that Fox dilutes it's news coverage so much with innuendo, subtle (and not so subtle) coded affronts to the current administration and plays upon the fears, insecurities and limited critical thinking of their viewership who oft times more than not are not inclined to question a talking head.
This was not the critical approach Fox afforded to or uses when a republican administration (specifically the Bush Administration) is at the reigns, by any stretch of the imagination.
Anyone can deny or discredit this claim, but you may want to view a montage of Fox over the years beginning with Bush I and all the way up through Clinton, Bush II then Obama.
See if you think, you're watching a "fair and balanced" news station.
So is Fox good at media manipulation? You bet.
But so was Joeseph Goebbels. So that doesn't say much for the worthiness of their content.
Read the Article and see the viddie at HuffingtonPost
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
New Baucus Bill Would Cover 94%!
Uh,...lessee...94% of 360 million...h-m-m-m-m. That would leave 21 million Americans in the same boat that approx 20 to 45 million of them are already in now.
H-m-m-m. What does Baucus think we are, idiots??
Back to the drawing board fellas. If it were your family in that 6% of Americans uncovered, you never would have brought it to the table.
Why, oh why is this guy even on this committee???
He's reportedly accepted approx. 3 million in campaign funds from the very industries he's supposed to be designing this bill to protect us from and he's already come out with 2 ugly as hell my book that's 3 strikes.
He should be outta' there.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Afghan War: 8 Years of Americans Being Kept In The Dark
Whether we stay in Afghanistan or we leave it to it's own self determination (I propose the latter) it's time, once and for all for our government to finally openly state exactly what the need and purpose for our presence there honestly is and to what specific end. It is not the Taliban. And if it is, Afghanistan needs to pony up and handle this or any threat to their country and government the same way we would, the same way Israel does and every other country that isn't afforded the luxury of having billions of American dollars and thousands of American troops at their bidding for their personal "homeland security". That being said, the reason we are in Afghanistan is not bin Laden either. If you or I or anyone else in our own country "disappeared" for 7 years, we would be pronounced as legally dead and our possessions would be placed in estate to be divided between our next of kin. Well, aside from the occasional video or audio tape, which may or may not actually be Osama, I think it's safe to say that if he is not dead, he is most certainly an inert element in this Afghanistan mix, having no affect on Afghani existence one way or the other.
The reasons we are in Afghanistan appears to many Americans to be no more than a military expansion and strong hold to further destabilize other countries in the Middle East and ensure both a means to improve the opportunities to encroach upon Iran and Syria in order to ultimately enable the prospect of a land based delivery system (pipeline) for fossil fuels. In the end, all of this amounts to just so much speculation however, because Americans have not been factually informed on what the preoccupation is that their taxes, military and government are being put to use for. I think it's time that we genuinely begin to demand an honest explanation. 8 years without one...and we cannot afford to remain silent any longer. Ditto for Iraq.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPostTuesday, October 06, 2009
Arab States Have Launched Secret Moves To Stop Using U.S. Currency For Oil Trading
Well, that's just about a wrap. Now the Arab oil barons don't even want to touch American currency, because it isn't worth a penny more than the paper it's written on. This is how empires fall. Anyone want to stop all the "We're number 1!" attitude yet and take a sincere and long look at what America's status is becoming in the world? And how's that Federal Reserve national banking system working out for everybody on Main Street?
"Well you better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone, for the times they are a-changing!"
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Monday, October 05, 2009
TARP Watchdog's Report: Treasury Misled Public On Bailouts
Uh...we have no "treasury" in the common understanding of the word.
Since 1913 when we embraced the Federal Reserve, our "treasury" has been reduced to an accounting firm that merely tracks the money that we ask the "Fed" to print up for us and the skyrocketing interest vs principle that we ( after 100 years) will never escape from under.
While the term "treasury" provides some illusion to our independant solvency as a nation and a people, it is hardly representative of vaults filled with precious metals and such that provides genuine solid worth to our country's dubious fortunes or the value of our currency.
We're in debt because we bought into more a than questionable financial arrangement with national (and now international) banking systems rather than maintain a "pay as you go with currency spent, for the equal value of currency held, and now the piper must be paid; in much the same fashion as paying off a mortgage on a house or in these times, facing foreclosure.
The banks aren't failing. The banks are the Federal Reserve, collectively.
It's the Federal Reserve that is failing because it's purpose has run it's course. It and we as a nation are over extended beyond any hope of making good on even the interest on our loans, leaving both the lender and the borrower unable to secure either payment or capital on debt(s) outstanding. We are living in an economic structure best portrayed as an open ended spiral moving downward.
But be sure. We unfortunately do not have a "treasury" per se. And that's the real problem.
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As Layoffs Persist, Good Jobs Go Unfilled...(So were told.)
Either these companies are throwing up a smoke screen to make it appear that they are busy and solvent and hiring (when they aren't) or they've removed the word "training" from their vocabulary.
I don't care what a person's education or work history is, when entering a new work place there is always a period of training in order to orient the employee to the administrative, technical and procedural environment they are entering. Saying that nurses, engineers and other people specialized and educated to that purpose simply don't fit these jobs is pure bunk.
Minimal training on exactly how the company would like these people to use their skill sets (even at a temporarily lower pay scale) would certainly fill the needs of that company and help unemployment roles and the unemployed.
This is a thin veil that helps companies appear financially vital at a time when many companies are not and hiring has been frozen, not due to lack of skilled, educated people but because of the economy we're in and industry's something for nothing insistancy.
I don't care if you apply at Starbucks and have experience making coffee elsewhere...some training is required. The same applies to these companies and more so in the sciences.
Someone is selling a load of goods when they say they "just can't find the right people" for these positions. Make them the people you need. Or stop broadcasting to the main stream media your hardship in not being able to "find" people to work for you as if you're doing all you can to actually hire to fill your corporate needs.
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Sunday, October 04, 2009
Goldman Sachs To Be Paid $1 Billion If CIT Fails; Taxpayers Would Lose $2 Billion
How does this work exactly? Goldman Sachs get 1 billion if CIT goes down, but the American taxpayer takes a loss of 2.3 billion? If this is how the banking industry does math, there's no wonder the economy is in bad shape.
The way I see it, (as simplistic as it may be,) is that a Republican President signed the original 700 billion TARP bill in 2008, when much of this debacle began. He could have, (it was well within his power to do) but didn't veto it. And Bush vetoed plenty of other things. Also, people keep making reference in the news about the treasury and it's dealings with the current economic deflation.
People. We haven't had any more than the illusion of a national treasury since 1913. Since then we've only had the Federal Reserve, which is basically a bank that prints and lends money to the United States on demand. It's a national sized A.T.M., nothing more, nothing less except every transaction brings interest on the priciple, just like a home mortgage.
The only reason the banks are failing is because the cost of running a country this way has over-extended our reliance on the Fed and the interest we need to pay them has reached a point where securing 100 years of these "loans" has finally surpassed the possibility of them ever being paid off .
The banks aren't failing, friends. The Fed and the way we run this country financially is failing...if not failed already. And unfortunately we have listed past the tipping point.
Our relationship with and the Federal Reserve or the banks/federal Reserve will never regain momentum or even a happy medium.
It's a concept who's time has gone. The bloom is off that rose.
We need an alternative to the way we've been doing things.
And considering the way the kids on Capitol Hill can't work together, that alternative will not present itself until we've slid even futher into this money pit.
About Goldman Sachs
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SNL Sketch Takes A Poke At BO
I support Obama, but I like to laugh too.
More often than not, the best humor comes from pointing out the truths around us.
This was a very funny skit.
And who knows, perhaps BO will see this and start to better understand that the people who most support him, (his base) are getting antsy these days.
Thanks SNL for showing that still, nothing is beyond humor.
And let's be serious for a moment. What ever did Bush/Cheney do benefit America or Americans in 8 years?
Whether BO is a smashing success at everything he does or simply redirects America from the arrogant, obstinate, imperialism that the world has come to expect us to be, Obama is at the very least credited with repairing America's image internationally, presenting himself as an intelligent and articulate representative and the type of individual that Americans can be proud of electing for their leadership. And even the short list of things he has accomplished shows he remains genuinely interested in serving the people, rather than just the industrialists in this country he voluntarily serves.
What did Bush/Cheney do for this country for 8 long years???
And that shit, isn't funny at all.
Read the Article and see the viddie at HuffingtonPost (click this link)
Friday, October 02, 2009
Tony Blair Set To Become Europe's First President: Report
Is the MSM so Amero-centric that this process of unionizing Europe has gone so far as to have but one more country (Ireland) needed to sign on to the program... and the first many of us here hear of it is after a potential President is earmarked to take the reigns? Is this part of some grand scheme that was hatched during, prior to or as a result of Europe's participation in the "Coalition of the Willing"? It appears to be a rather big deal with ramifications for the whole global village. Why was the American public kept in the dark until nearly the last minute on this? How can anything benign and above board be played out so discreetly in a country like America where we are supposedly the roost of the most free and far reaching press in the world?
This was kept on the DL for a reason people. What that reason is, I don't know. But anything played this close to the vest is rarely a good thing. Will we be left out in the dark until the last minute before there's a President choosen for the PanAmericas?
I'm beginning to believe they could do that, any time they chose to, after this.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Jon Stewart Nails The Dems
Why do we think the likes of Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, Arianna Huffington and Michael Moore are such proponents of health care in America?
Do you think they've been somehow bought? They certainly don't need the cash. Neither do they need to be "bought" by someone in order to support something. Whom would they possibly sell themselves to on this health care issue? They can afford the best health care celebrities can buy.
Maybe it's because like millions of other Americans, they think it's what the people of America need, which is obviously in sharp contrast to what the people we've elected seem to think.
Gee, are the very people we've elected to represent us "bought"? Duh. Ya' think!? The reluctance leading to the impotence of the Democrats in Washington and the convoluted logic of the opposition couldn't be put up for all to see any better, by anyone than what Jon Stewart's commentary video shows it to be.
The state of our Union, when we have so many politicians who can no longer simply approach an issue in the scope of health care reform, without grandstanding and creating their own twisted reasoning to justifying their own ignorance of the needs of the people, is negligent and pitiful. Ours is the country that spends trillions of dollars to "bring democracy" to third world countries while our legislators create fantasy scenarios to further their lucrative dependancies on industries that fund their war chests for relection that the majority of them have have lost touch with their constituencies and the very purpose they were sent to Washington in the first place. They display a veneer of national loyalty and a sense of patriotism that makes one wonder just where the point is in believing we have representation by these very grifters who are bringing this country to a stand still on the health care reform issue in particular and ultimately to her knees.
This is not a sad day for America. This is a sad era for America. And the people who we've sent to represent us, we the people, have taken the last 100 years to lead us here.
See Jon Stewart's comentary at:
Or at
Art from: http://analogartsensemble,net