Friday, October 23, 2009

White House's Fox News Boycott Attempt Prompts Network Revolt

In America the media can eliminate presidential candidates from scheduled nationwide televised debates based on whether or not the media considers any given candiate to be a credible contender or whether the media feels any candidate is or isn't electable, months before so much as a primary has been held.

No Problem.

But heaven forbid the White House elminate a "news source" from an interview that they consider less than credible and news worthy because of their obsession with blatant pontificating and base level, anti government, rabble rousing since January.

Don't get me wrong. I don't think they should have any sort of press block out against Fox or anyone else, but the perogative should be theirs under the circumstances and the nature of Fox News.

Just as Huff on occasion needs to rely on posting stories from the N.Y and Washington Times, People magazine and others, the news itself would have been available to FOx as well as everyone else that wasn't invited.

But the White House is spot on in their assessment of the caliber of genuine "news" that Fox brings to the public. And as such, if they wish to be included to events with the other news carriers, perhaps they should get in line and at least appear to be as legitimate in their delivery of the news of the day as the other journalists invited to the table.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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