Sunday, October 04, 2009

SNL Sketch Takes A Poke At BO

I support Obama, but I like to laugh too.
More often than not, the best humor comes from pointing out the truths around us.
This was a very funny skit.
And who knows, perhaps BO will see this and start to better understand that the people who most support him, (his base) are getting antsy these days.
Thanks SNL for showing that still, nothing is beyond humor.
And let's be serious for a moment. What ever did Bush/Cheney do benefit America or Americans in 8 years?

Whether BO is a smashing success at everything he does or simply redirects America from the arrogant, obstinate, imperialism that the world has come to expect us to be, Obama is at the very least credited with repairing America's image internationally, presenting himself as an intelligent and articulate representative and the type of individual that Americans can be proud of electing for their leadership. And even the short list of things he has accomplished shows he remains genuinely interested in serving the people, rather than just the industrialists in this country he voluntarily serves.

What did Bush/Cheney do for this country for 8 long years???

And that shit, isn't funny at all.

Read the Article and see the viddie at HuffingtonPost (click this link)

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