Why do we think the likes of Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, Arianna Huffington and Michael Moore are such proponents of health care in America?
Do you think they've been somehow bought? They certainly don't need the cash. Neither do they need to be "bought" by someone in order to support something. Whom would they possibly sell themselves to on this health care issue? They can afford the best health care celebrities can buy.
Maybe it's because like millions of other Americans, they think it's what the people of America need, which is obviously in sharp contrast to what the people we've elected seem to think.
Gee, are the very people we've elected to represent us "bought"? Duh. Ya' think!? The reluctance leading to the impotence of the Democrats in Washington and the convoluted logic of the opposition couldn't be put up for all to see any better, by anyone than what Jon Stewart's commentary video shows it to be.
The state of our Union, when we have so many politicians who can no longer simply approach an issue in the scope of health care reform, without grandstanding and creating their own twisted reasoning to justifying their own ignorance of the needs of the people, is negligent and pitiful. Ours is the country that spends trillions of dollars to "bring democracy" to third world countries while our legislators create fantasy scenarios to further their lucrative dependancies on industries that fund their war chests for relection that the majority of them have have lost touch with their constituencies and the very purpose they were sent to Washington in the first place. They display a veneer of national loyalty and a sense of patriotism that makes one wonder just where the point is in believing we have representation by these very grifters who are bringing this country to a stand still on the health care reform issue in particular and ultimately to her knees.
This is not a sad day for America. This is a sad era for America. And the people who we've sent to represent us, we the people, have taken the last 100 years to lead us here.
See Jon Stewart's comentary at:
Or at http://ComedyCentral.com
Art from: http://analogartsensemble,net
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