Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Inside The Tripper's Brain: Scientists Create 3D Maps Of Brains On Drugs (VIDEO)

I find it interesting that this video was every bit (or more) as much a piece of anti-hallucinogenic propaganda as it was (as announced) an information piece on the research being done in mapping the brain using hallucinogenics. It was not balanced in that only the negatives of the drug were highlighted to any real depth while the positives such as resultant individual consciousness expansion, the many positive uses it can and has been used for in the treatment of various psychiatric ailments and as a tool to help people release themselves from self destructive dependencies on substances such as alcohol. I am but a layman but I am an advocate of regulated use of certain types of pharmaceutical grade hallucinogenics being made available to the public for personal use in controlled environments and assisted by trained medical personnel in specially designed spa based clinics for the purpose of the occasional internal vacation which could vastly expand a person's view of the physical paradigm to the point where the average, everyday person's irrational fears, tensions and seemingly overwhelming daily obstacles could be reduced and exposed for the illusions they truly are.

Really, when you dig right down to the core of it, our society, culture, media, nationalism, politics, policies toward the world around us are all thier own form of hallucinogenics and illusion as things are, and having a cleansing alternative on occassion (under controlled conditions) would be an eye opening experience for anyone who has never experienced it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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