Monday, October 05, 2009

As Layoffs Persist, Good Jobs Go Unfilled...(So were told.)

Either these companies are throwing up a smoke screen to make it appear that they are busy and solvent and hiring (when they aren't) or they've removed the word "training" from their vocabulary.
I don't care what a person's education or work history is, when entering a new work place there is always a period of training in order to orient the employee to the administrative, technical and procedural environment they are entering. Saying that nurses, engineers and other people specialized and educated to that purpose simply don't fit these jobs is pure bunk.
Minimal training on exactly how the company would like these people to use their skill sets (even at a temporarily lower pay scale) would certainly fill the needs of that company and help unemployment roles and the unemployed.
This is a thin veil that helps companies appear financially vital at a time when many companies are not and hiring has been frozen, not due to lack of skilled, educated people but because of the economy we're in and industry's something for nothing insistancy.
I don't care if you apply at Starbucks and have experience making coffee elsewhere...some training is required. The same applies to these companies and more so in the sciences.
Someone is selling a load of goods when they say they "just can't find the right people" for these positions. Make them the people you need. Or stop broadcasting to the main stream media your hardship in not being able to "find" people to work for you as if you're doing all you can to actually hire to fill your corporate needs.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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