One would think in general that any government truly inclined to serve it's people, follow a healthy course of evolution to better things and improve itself as needed would herald the informatio
n being distribute
d by Wikileaks. Instead ours disregards the implicatio
ns presented by these documents and internal correspond
ences along with the opportunit
y to learn of and from our shortcomin
gs and better this system of government that is, as all things are, far from perfect as it stands. Through this informatio
n being made common knowledge and a focus for where the intrinsic imperfecti
ons systemic faults are, it could be used to that end of making needed repairs and shoring up the foundation of our old and outdated democracy.
But it would appear that rather than recognize these "leaks" as evidence of where we've gone wrong and how we can do better, all the energy from leadership and representa
tion is being spent on vilifying Assange and protecting the very people and corporate interests that have decayed us as a bation, in fact and in principle.
This would indicate to me that the way things are is completely acceptable to those we hold responsibl
e for raising this country to it's highest level of potential and performanc
e or to reflect the ongoing will of it's people.
Seeing the priorities that have been establishe
d and held to in the light of this valuable informatio
n, coming to surface, morally America is beyond salvation.
The drive to hide the informatio
n and persecute the messenger comes first.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
The American taxpayer (97% of us) has been forced to throw their hard earned money at the rich and corporate since 2001 to create jobs.
What America has to show for it is 9.8% unemployme
The number of Americans who might benefit from this extension is fractional compared to the large base of unemployed
If this "deal" can't cover all of the past, current and future unemployed, why would we take good money and throw it after bad to line the bulging pockets of such a small percentage of Americans who are doing quite well already??
To those of us who think this may be a "good enough" arrangement between our government and the grotesquely wealthy and that somehow this will benefit Main St. America if only but to a small extent...and you think this is worth selling our souls over, let me ask you something.
Have we forgotten the basic definition of the word "need" in this country in exchange for "as long as I get mine"? Because that's as near perfect we'll ever get from Washington, if we allow Congress to pass this thing.
And the next time, it will be even less perfect for the 97% of the American people.