Saturday, December 18, 2010

"Don't Ask Don't Tell" Repeal: This Day Has Finally Come

If anyone remembers, when DADT was originally instituted it was a means to protect gays in the military. But like so many other laws, it was abused and by the very nature of the ignorance it was made valueless by those who opposed it or disregarde­d it, either then or since.

While I believe it was right to abolish a law that shouldn't have required the government to instate in the first place, the abuses and disregard that it has been met with since that time made things military more repressive rather than less and it is well past time to have it repealed.

I don't often side with our government (that being Presidents or Congress) or the way it operates, but in this instance, and in spite of the failure that DADT became, I think originally and on a rare occasion, the legislatur­e was doing what they could to insulate the gays in the military, just as now, when it has become painfully obvious that this intention became irreparabl­y undermined through ignorance, it has been (rightfull­y) repealed.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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